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Everything posted by mar_mar

  1. I'm glad to see you are pro-abortion. I assume, you mean some connection there, but, definitely, it is well hidden. And what are you glad for? I can ask you questions on pure phisics, not religious, but you won't like that. And I was told not to bring this up. So, let The Bible for those, who want to read it.
  2. Merry Christmas! Well, yes, of course. If it feels more appropriate, then..) So it is capacity..is it energy's entity? Seems like this definition answers the question "what's energy for?".
  3. I think that it's not right to give definition to a soul. Feels like I dissect mine with this scientific method. You are free to choose your beliefs. It's your world and your choice. But I think it is good to integrate your beliefs into life. Because someone may ask you "where does your soul come from?". According to The Bible every alive creature has a soul. Even plants feel when you speak to them. They grow better.
  4. But not in a literal way! If I said that that I put in all my heart in some work, it would mean that I put all my strength and energy. Soul is the source of life and heart is the source of life. In connection to religion i mean that one can understand about God not with the mind, but with the soul. It's a matter of feeling. Though I don't want to sound like preaching. I think that heart moves our body in whole sense, life begins with the first heartbeat and the first breath. I don't mean that soul is heart literally. Anyway, nepeš and psychē are translated like you, heart,living being, etc. Science doesn't have a definition for "energy" but operates with this concept.
  5. OK. The soul is our heart, because it (a heart) moves our body.
  6. I didn't want to write this, because freedom to choose, anything, is the highest virtue for me. And freedom to choose what to believe in as well. I believe your belief system is experienced. So, what is hope? I think, hope is expectation, that things will be placed according one's mind. This is not even expectation, but longing. Like somewhere inside you, you know, that things can be placed according your desire. Someway and somehow. How?? By some supernatural power?? What are the rational reasons to suppose things will go your wish? Hope leads to disappointment. That's why, I think, it is forbidden thing. But it is impossible to live without hope either. So we hope. But have different sources. I explained mine. * By the way. What evidence of existence of a soul would be appropriate for science? Like, it must be measured or filmed, or what? The evidence that you breathe, think, walk are not enough? I even don't ask about the evidence of existence of God.
  7. I'm not saying that hope is bad thing without faith.
  8. I'd like to answer to myself, if it's not against rules. I think that there's place for need, yes. But not in sense of lack of something. It's a need for hope. I've reread mith about Pandora's box recently. And decided that one shouldn't hope, that hope is forbidden thing. It withdraws attention and strength from what is happening now. One should face reality. But no, there's hope for God's mercy.
  9. Perhaps. Maybe I've hasted with conclusions. Do you think, those, who believe need God? If yes, what does this mean? What sence do you put in the word to need? Needing of what?
  10. Well, well, well, I'm fascinated with this comment. I'm also curious what was the world like before Evolution has happened. I adore these questions about the existence. I think China exists because there's evidence and empirical experience of others of China. But in one's world China exist as an information, and not the experience. Though information can't be touched. These are only our concepts "passage" and "time". Judgements of changes.
  11. It's the second time you mentioned the "need of God". This is so incorrectly, that I even don't know what to say. Looks like people "need God, that's why they created Him". God is not about the "need". For me God Is. That's all, without context. "Need" is wrong word.The words "to seek, to come" could describe the attitude. And I absolutely agree with honesty with oneself. The thing is: what is it the self? And brutally seems a bit superficial word. What is the brutal honesty? Is it about realizing every of your faults? Have you ever done something that you are ashamed of and for which you cannot forgive yourself? Forgiving is very important thing. If you can't forgive yourself, you can't forgive another person. Once I asked a friend of mine, who learnt theology, is there forgiveness for murders, for serial killers? And he answered yes, Christ Has forgiveness for everyone, who sincerely repented. ...Yes, brutal honesty. One comes to God, when life happens, when you helpless, and when you have something, that is impossible to tell anybody, except God. No, God enlights your soul, for you to see who you are.
  12. Saying God is the name is restriction. What if science to one's question "who am I", asked : you are John, David, Alison, Sarah, Robert, that your entity is your name. I hope, that somewhere in a mind there's a glimpse that you are not your name, not your gender, not your profession, not your knowledge, achievements, expectations and desires. And not all that complicated thinking constructions. And I don't depreciate the thought. (Though what is thought and where it comes from) I think simplicity is far more hard obtained state of mind, or consciousness, which heads towards understanding one's core. Ones I looked in the eyes of a child. The baby didn't cry, or smile, just sat in a stroller. But I thought at that moment, that the universe looked at me. And such a sight have only babies. And when you know your core, you know everything.
  13. When it's convenient you follow the rules, and when inconvenient - you don't. It's not honest. Face it. There are various names of God, many of which enumerate the various qualities of a Supreme Being. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Names_of_God
  14. And God is not a proper name! Tetragrammaton the Hebrew name of God transliterated in four letters as YHWH or JHVH and articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah.
  15. I found such opinion As atheists, we can remove all capitalization or the common noun usage since that is only being done out of reverence. We should still capitalize proper noun usage. “The Christian god” is common noun usage. Other example: * Jesus spoke to God. * Jesus spoke to his god. * I do not believe in any gods. * I do not believe in a god. * I do no... I thought atheists don't believe in any god. If I'm confident that there's no place for God in my life, no grammar would stop me from writing in my own manner. If disrespect someone's name i write it with a small letter.
  16. No, it's not a grammar. Once i read that this is the only word you are free to write according to your belief system
  17. Sincerity toward another person in expressing your belief system. Would it be convenient to you if wrote god with a small letter? Would you be so kind to point out that comment?
  18. Could you, please, explain how you understand the term? Even if you asked me how do i feel the presence of God in my life, I wouldn't still answer, because it's a private matter.
  19. It's not sincere. If you don't believe and write God with a small letter, it won't "hurt my feelings", because i respect you free choice and mine. My vocabulary tells me to write "i" with a capital letter, and i correct it every time. Because don't like to emphasize myself among others. Though this is a ruler in English.
  20. Why do you write God with a capital letter, if you don't believe? Be honest. Why do you need a soul without God? This is the most private relationship between me and myself. And "need" is wrong word.
  21. When i say religion, i mean religion. For me religion is manifested connection between a man and God. Or spiritual world. Buddhism is atheistic doctrine, there's no God in this teaching. That's why there's no concept of a soul. Some Buddhist traditions have concept of atman, self. Though i think it was derived from Hinduism.
  22. I think, according to religion (any) i'm a soul.
  23. And science doesn't give an answer to a simple, but fundamental question, such as "who you are".
  24. Science hasn't proved or disproved the existence of God.
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