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Everything posted by mar_mar

  1. My God? It's sounds unusual for me. Though people say "Oh my God". But ok, these are my eyes I see the world through. I read in one book, that there's no evil on the Earth. Things are happening in there turn, and they are neutral in the core. And these are men, who give moral judgments, that something is good, or bad. The only true evil is a sin, which men commit in there own free will. And me either. We can't live in the world without judgements. Ultimately they form system of values. The thing is that i attach or detach from the judgements iand receive. I try to avoid judgements, and labels. But when I being judged I try to learn a lesson. Though it said "don't judge and you won't be judged". That's why you don't believe in God. Because you are confident that you and only you control your life. And the faith suppose you to surrender to the God's will. And this is surrender for our Ego. And this surrender looks like hierarchy for you. And about comprehension. I think that intelligence is the greatest gift, and I bow my head in front of knowledge. And yet Paul the Apostle says "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight."
  2. human mind is not capable of absorbing the fullness of existence
  3. It's not about imagination. But I'll leave it. So you don't believe that you have a soul. I believe that you have one. So if i offered you a contract for you to sell me your soul for 10 dollars, would you agree? This is from imaginative movie also. And if you don't believe that you have a soul, it turns like you are a bag with bones. Have you ever asked yourself "who am I?" It's interesting what labels you associate yourself with? I apologize. i didn't mean to be rough.
  4. I'll tell you again , God is more than our narrow minds can comprehend. Why do you think that everything must be such and this, that everything must fit to phisical laws? Eventually it depends on the vision. There are different laws of the nature and they also work. But science doesn't want to accept them. Though it couldn't, because of it's methods. I also think that we don't die, but go beyond the visual spectrum of the light.
  5. Thanks to some guest who were watching this topic Who is our true God and what is our true religion? Here is a quote. On 3/30/2012 at 9:36 PM, immortal said: The God of this ancient monistic system exists in the external physical world and the doctrine is that multiplicity of the world is false which implies God is all that is there and hence the word 'monism'. Therefore a human using a pc in a reality which exists only in the mind cannot be the true God. Reality do exist only in a mind. And you won't hide from this, because argument is simple, we learnt it at school. I understand that system, like system of the society, doesn't want to be shaking, but it's been shaked. And all these movies The Truman Show, The Matrix give evidence that people understand that something's missing here. The world, or mind, is changing. We can't hold for these medieval concepts. And The Bible says that Kingdom of Heaven is inside you". So, the world is inside, not outside. And i think, that God is the state of consciousness. Though God is beyond of all the concepts and expectations. And i can see how hard it is to abandone concepts.
  6. i feel like a sinner, who crept to a cradle of The Holy Science. Let's wait for the answer of my interlocutor. And i asked not to rush.
  7. Wikipedia In many religious and philosophical traditions, the soul is the spiritual essence of a person, which includes one's identity, personality, and memories, an immaterial aspect or essence of a living being that is believed to be able to survive physical death.
  8. May I ask you not a scientific question? For testing your belief system. Do you believe that you have a soul? And don't rush, think wisely.
  9. This is you who said this. For some men yes, who wait for miracles.
  10. I think people lose faith, when they suppose God to to be Wizard, who performs wishes. It's a bit infant attitude. Also in the soviet union they removed God from the society, priests were persecuted, and there was a propaganda of atheism. And this is the shortest way to impose the necessary ideology on people, or some belief. Belief in who/what ever. And sometimes it looks like atheists want to be convinced. It looks like give me some proof for me to believe. Well, if you don't believe, nobody calls you to believe. Ultimately we recognize true freedom via faith: you believe or you don't believe. It's only your choice. And there can be no proof of God, because it contradicts to faith: you can come to God in a free will only.
  11. Although the Sun appears to "rise" from the horizon, it is actually the Earth's motion that causes the Sun to appear. The illusion of a moving Sun results from Earth observers being in a rotating reference frame Astronomically, sunrise occurs for only an instant: the moment at which the upper limb of the Sun appears tangent to the horizon.[1]
  12. The relevance is in the way of thinking and acting. Yes we don't know what somebody thinks or feel. But humans also have instincts. And i agree with that not because of evolution. And this is one of the basic needs -to be safe. I still stay on this, that measurements give some sense of security. That's why science exists. I depends of what knowledge is. I rather experience and believe. And I don't claim anything! I try to think logically. And logic brought me here, that we don't know how animal interpret or perceive colors. They have their own animal meaning Brilliant!!! No, I remember. And this study limps a little because of it's methods and attempt to measure immeasurable. When you don't know foreign language you can still distinguish letters. That one is round and this one is square. Native speakers have their own meaning and you have your own meaning. And yes animals have their own language. But language of animals is definitely not the topic for a scientific forum. I thought that if there were no human mind, there would be no world, no "reality". Human reality to be more precise. Because humans describe the world, give concepts.
  13. Animal's brain differs from human's. They don't know that something is "red" or "green". It's like different language. You see foreign letters, but you don't know what they mean. Like hieroglyph. For Chinese they have meaning, and you don't know one, for example. I have come to another terrifying idea: animals also reflect waves. A fox is not red, and kangaroo is not brown. Their colors are only in our head. It's better not to think of this, I won't hold it. I would like to decide what is a human nature. Wikipedia says Human nature comprises the fundamental dispositions and characteristics—including ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—that humans are said to have naturally. The term is often used to denote the essence of humankind, or what it 'means' to be human. This usage has proven to be controversial in that there is dispute as to whether or not such an essence actually exists. Do you agree with the first part? Since humans have human consciousness they or we want to come to some certainty. It gives the sense of security. So measurements give some sense of security, that everything is under control. if I understood your question correctly. How do you feel, knowing that everything you see is only in your head? That the fox is not red, tiger is not orange. Your skin, your hair. I feel a little terrified, honestly. Where's reality?
  14. everything. We experience the world through our human nature. We see animals through our human nature. And we can't measure emotions. Neither ours, nor animal's.
  15. I stay on what I think, but I won't bring this topic up again.
  16. One can do quantitative measurements, like how far a kangaroo can jump, but one can't do measurements of an emotion.
  17. Thank you for the possibility to answer. You know, I understand everything, and I'm not ashamed. I'm interested in The Truth only. There is a good comment to that article. And it made me to change my mind. "We can't even read the mental states, ie thoughts, feelings, and experiences of colour and sound (qualia) of humans with any accuracy by any device, let alone animals, so there is no way to know with any certainty what anybody or anything is experiencing and feeling, especially when you cannot communicate with the human or animal. The idea that you can was debunked when Identity Theory failed, and that after the completley discredited Phrenology. All we have is folk psychology, a system we have developed through evolution that guesses how humans and animals might think and feel in every moment as a survival mechanism. Unfortunately many people think folk psychology gives them an accurate account of how someone else's or some animal's mind is working, but it is often a false reading, and it has lead to reams of gossip for humans and many misunderstandings on an animal's intent. We saw that recently on anti-cannabis advertisments that used a sloth as an example of laziness and being out of touch, when it is really the digestive system of the animal that can adaptively absorb low nutrient food, that makes its movements and metabolism slow. We used to say 'personification' more often than anthropomorphism when it came to literature. Anthropomorphism having a connetion with human form and structure.". This sentence "let alone animals". So my theory that everything is for humans and through the humans falls apart. Instead I found out something bigger. That kingdom of animals is a really sacred place and we can't comprehend it. Why? The name of article answered "What you see in this picture says more about you than the kangaroo". Despite that we can "find the same rods and cones and then test to see if that animal can distinguish the same colors we do. " And also there's another one comment: "this photo shows love. I anthropomorphise animals because I believe they have feelings and can love. I don't need an 'expert' to tell me whether they do or don't. I believe from my own experience." And somebody answered "So you're a kangaroo?" I didn't want to bring that, but funny enough that scientists also. There's a video of Debates of scientists whether Univers could be programmed. They talked about humans, consciousness, and never mentioned animals.
  18. Few years ago I read "Brave new world" by O.Huxley. And since then I have always been recalling it, especially when it comes to science or religion. It tells about happy and stable world in which people are cloned instead of birth. There is no God in that world and the science is controlled by the government. This is dystopian novel and this makes me sad, because I think it is a prophetic book. I have some quote from it. "-But I like the inconveniences. -We don't, said the Controller. We prefer to do things comfortably. -But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin. -In fact,said Mustapha Mond, you're claiming the right to be unhappy. -All right then, said the Savage defiantly, I'm claiming the right to be unhappy. -Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen to-morrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind. There was a long silence. -I claim them all, said the Savage at last. Mustapha Mond shrugged his shoulders.-You're welcome, he said." Sometimes I feel like that Savage.
  19. This article says that humans decide for animals what they(animals) feel. Everything we know about animals is from the observation of their behavior. And this observation is based on a human nature. We are restricted with our human nature, if it is correct to say this. For me kingdom of animals is some sacred place where we humans are not allowed to step in without correct instruments, such as going through the process, and not observing it. The same thing with religion. Scientific method doesn't work in these areas. And also I'm saying about subjectivity. Humans observe animals being humans, and not animals. To understand animals you have to BE an animal. And you don't know what is color for animals, not for you, but for animals, is there time for animals. And isn't it arrogance to say that there's no sunrise, while there's astronomical definition of the sunrise.
  20. Persistently obtuse? Well, thank you. But I didn't do anything bad for this. Not couldn't. I didn't want to. I found an article. You criticize everyone, but you don't want to accept critics, very reasonable. Not you personally. You can ban me forever, I don't care. if you are so ARROGANT. here it is https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jan/14/picture-kangaroo-empathy-sexual-exploitation-human-anthropomorphise "Both of these interpretations reveal far more about us than about the kangaroos. The extensive press coverage, and the accompanying comments criticising scientists for explaining what was really going on, are classic examples of the way we want wild creatures to be like us – a fallacy known as anthropomorphism. It is, of course, perfectly natural to expect the rest of the animal kingdom to share the same ways of thinking and feeling about the world as we do. Since human beings first observed their fellow creatures we have endowed them with our own emotions – and we continue to do so today." So NO, animals don't distinguish "colours". And the don't know what is time.
  21. With the similar success you can say that there's no day and night, and there's no summer and winter. "Astronomically, sunrise occurs for only an instant: the moment at which the upper limb of the Sun appears tangent to the horizon.[1] However, the term sunrise commonly refers to periods of time both before and after this point." So you accept the event that the Earth could stop rotation? On what reason you accept this event?
  22. Could I ask to open my topic colour so that I could protect my thoughts? Ultimately it is not deleted. Or I could start a new one but I don't want to multiply entities. Or I can answer in this topic because everything concerns the observation. And it's very important thing.
  23. You are talking about the sun in Space. And I'm talking about the observation from the Earth. Since you quoted me I don't what to do. I am not allowed to talk on this topic. But I have found one article which can support my thoughts.
  24. On what reason? And I apologize in advance for my question and for being foolish but I want to ask. And ask for permission. If i am not right I'll accept it and leave it. You told that birds prepare for winter because of survival and time. That they know about the future. In one topic, don't remember the name, the moderator said "don't anthropomorphize particles". Don't people anthropomorphize animals? This is YOU, who knows about the the time. And you endow that birds with concept of time. While they obey cause and effect. This is my speculation and I don't insist.
  25. I have a mind-blowing question. Read it carefully: will the sun rise tomorrow? There's sunrise problem. Why is that you think? It seems like so obvious event. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunrise_problem Do you know that the sun will rise tomorrow or do you believe that the sun will rise tomorrow? If you KNOW that, where does that knowledge come from?
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