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Everything posted by mar_mar

  1. mar_mar


    humans know that colour is a colour. We know the concept - color. Today I had a dream of an animal. It was like zebra but with one leg, even not a leg, but holder. Like chess knight. And she was alive, and was jumping. So do I have a concept of that "animal"? Was it animal at all? I didn't analyse this "animal" I just saw it in my dream. Is there difference between animal's mind and human's mind? Or I'll go to Wikipedia. Because of the memory. And concepts, again.
  2. mar_mar


    we do receive a shape of an item thanks to a colour, but smell, touch, taste is more like phisical process. And yes, these processes are possible when mind is present. Ok, does animal's mind differ from human's?
  3. mar_mar


    Ok, I want to change my thought: human's mind and animal's mind receive different TYPE of an information of a colour and use it for different purposes. I insist that animals don't know that colour is a colour, and the names of colours. All animals. Because they literally can't read and speak. They just see a colour without knowing of the features. It is more like feeling. That's why I think that colour is a paradox. Because colour do exist. My cup is red. And i don't know what is "there" without my mind.
  4. mar_mar


    No, I'm definitely interested in a colour. And now you see how much scientific knowledge color combines in itself. Ok, colour isn't a paradox. Ok. I have a question for you: does colour exist? Or, if the question is not accurate, here's another one: does colour exist in the nature? Well, I think that light IS more mystical than many people make it seem.
  5. mar_mar


    I'm very greatfull for your answer. You are right on my reaction, I always feel that I'm right and and the other opinion doesn't exist. That's how colour teches me to volume down myself a bit. I look at the blue sky, and the other person looks at the blue sky, but our blue skies are different. Different, not better not worse, but different. There's different ability to see the world. And colour is a tricky topic for the scientific world because of it's subjectivity. Colour is a paradox, and paradoxes rules the world I think. Colour is a paradox for it's simultaneous objectivity and subjectivity. Just like the light is a wave and a particle at the same time. And yes, sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker. You answer a question with a question. What I mean is that human's mind and animal's mind receive different information of a colour and use it for different purposes.
  6. mar_mar


    This is the point. If there's no colours viz. no humans, the wavelength doesn't matter. Who will measure the length? Who will witness the world? Animals also distinguish colours, but do they know that blue is "blue" and red is "red". For them it doesn't matter.
  7. mar_mar


    I mean not this. Here, Wiki Subjectivity of color perception Color is a feature of visual perception by an observer. There is a complex relationship between the wavelengths of light in the visual spectrum and human experiences of color. When you say frequency 555nm you get "green", but when you say green, you get 8 billions of "greens" and lengths. Except it or not colour IS subjective. That's why I repeat my question: what is a colour? And when you give the colour of the night sky you impose me this colour, because my vision of the night sky would be different. Ok, what is the colour of clouds? Again: I don't mean timing. Not before human or after. I mean the observation, awareness of the world. No, the cup of coffee doesn't vanish, because I know that this thing is a "cup" with "coffee". Everything we "know", we know because of concepts. When you see colour you automatically recall it's name in your mind. But if you DIDN'T know the names of colours would you understand what you see? It's important for me because I came here with an idea that the world is CREATED. That the world is not the result of The Big Bang, but it is created. Why didn't you quote "the gift of speech"? Do animals have ability to describe the world? *** I have two thoughts. 1. The world is not like we see it, because colour exists only in the human mind. 2. We see the world as we do, with colours. Does it make sense for now? I'm "she" if you don't mind. And I don't play games ever.
  8. mar_mar


    Do animals have consciousness, the gift of speech to describe the world? Do they observe the world?
  9. mar_mar


    What exactly is wrong?
  10. mar_mar


    I think that when there were no humans, there were no observation, or I'd say awareness of the world. Do plants know that they reflect '555 nanometer wavelength light'? And in the experiment with two slits we saw that observation makes electrons behave like particle. If I understood this experiment correctly.
  11. mar_mar


    I don't mean timing, before/after. I'm talking about the principle. This question of existence has been discussing over the centuries. But I thought that colour can answer this question. If I don't know the names of colours, what can I see? I confirm everything I said. Frequency IS the color, because it doesn't matter without the color. But color is subjective. Everybody see there own colors. And colors for your computer EXIST only because people AGREED on palettes and pixel dimensions. It's the product of a human mind. Also people agreed on time measurement, time zones, borders, etc. I'll think about your question. But I also have a question for you: what color have the night sky? And what are the measurements for this color?
  12. mar_mar


    All animals which have ever existed. And I'm not talking about emotions and feelings, but concepts.
  13. mar_mar


    Do animals know that the sky is blue and the grass is green? They also observe these things.
  14. mar_mar


    Something exists because it was observed and realized. And this is ability of a human only.
  15. mar_mar


    Does something exist before receiving the name?
  16. mar_mar


    But in experiment with two slits observation makes electrons to behave like particles. I read the material. But how can you measure the colour if it doesn't exist nowhere except your head! There is no true green, no true blue. Colour is subjective, everyone sees their own colors. I'm talking about the color, not about the light. I mentioned religious statements to explain my thought: there is nothing without human brain.
  17. mar_mar


    I feel the irony, but I look at a little different angle, beyond dinosaurs. I want to use the state from The Bible not for preaching but to explain my thought:'And God created man in His image'. A man does creat the world. The first task to Adam was to name animals. And colour is clear evidence. We don't see molecules and atoms , but we see blue sky: we CREAT blue sky. And this is a man who observes the world makes concepts and gives names. Man called the sun -sun, a tree - tree, dinosaur - dinosaur. No human - no dinosaurs. Does something exit before receiving the name?
  18. mar_mar


    When you see green grass , you don't say that the grass reflects the wave of frequency 5.45 Hz, you say green grass. And this is precisely what i ask:what is a colour There's note that "The visible spectrum perceived from 390 to 710 nm wavelength", where is psychology? I mean that the observation of light "convert" light to a particle. In one's head it is not the wave of particular frequency and length, it is a colour. Mind doesn't calculate the length and frequency of colour! Colour doesn't have measurements, only wave does. The wave of particular length becomes a red pencil. Red pencil is a particle. Human observation gives sense to the red pencil and makes it particle. It interprets the wave "red" and name the thing-"pencil". What i want to say, is that the world is not as we observe it. The world is amount of something, and human mind literally creates the world. If there's no human mind, there is nothing. No colours, no time, no items, no things - nothing. Yes, animals also distinguish colours, but only human being has consciousness, words, describes the world, gives names and concepts. So, if the world is not like we see it, but we see it as it is, what does it mean? it means that the world is created. No more, no less. And it has been observed with human eyes. And the human being is created, who in turn creates the world. And I have one fundamental question: why the grass is green? And i don't mean biological processes. Why do we observe green grass and blue sky? Why does grass reflect green? And why does the light have different waves and frequencies? I hope it was not very complicated.
  19. mar_mar


    Could you please explain me what is a colour? And ok, if it is needed I will change the place of topic, but I don't know how, I'm new. But color is not that simple as we think of it. And this concept contains far much more in itself and explains everything.
  20. mar_mar


    You said that I conflate frequency and colour. But frequency IS the colour. Because we observe it. We can't detach these concepts. Physical properties The visible spectrum perceived from 390 to 710 nm wavelength Electromagnetic radiation is characterized by its wavelength (or frequency) and its intensity. When the wavelength is within the visible spectrum (the range of wavelengths humans can perceive, approximately from 390 nm to 700 nm), it is known as "visible light".
  21. mar_mar


    This is exactly what I said. But what is a colour in phisics? Phisics is not psychology. It's conflated by default. And this is what I'm talking about.
  22. mar_mar


    Greetings. I think it's definitely not about psychology. Colour is not psychological concept.
  23. mar_mar


    The light is the wave and the particle at the same time because of the colour. There is no colour in the nature, it's a product of a human conscience. The light becomes particle when colour is created in the brain.
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