I was once one of them that misinterpreted words like the observer effect to be just that; this showed my weak science background in QM; however, I am still puzzled by the Roger Penrose, von Neumann, Wigner, Wheeler, Stapp and Kafatos of the world who espouse such aspect of the theory. Founder of the theory (Bohr, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Plank, JOrdan, Pauli and Dirac) also seemed to edge their bets toward a role of consciousness in QM.
Also, Studiot's text provided above says: “By observing the world, we participate in making it”. I am unaware of the author's name
And, finally, Dean Rarin’s five signa experimentation, although “quirky”, seems to show a very weak effect of consciousness in the double-slit experiment. If this line of experimentation pans out and I am not sure it will, then the question remains open.