Mathieu Lavoie
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Mathieu Lavoie's Achievements

Lepton (1/13)
In theory, the term "pure energy" is used to depict energy without particles, oscillating based on various factors. You propose estimating the quantity of pure energy not through a fixed measure but by subatomic particles. Leveraging the formula E=mc^2 and the atomic mass of a neutron, you conceptualize the atomic mass of a neutron as a highly oscillatory frequency of energy, defined by the oscillatory wave formula λ=c*T. The zero-point theory removes the temporal variable, making λ=c/1. Applying the E=mc^2 formula on the neutron scale yields E=1.6726 x 10^-27 kg * 299,792,458 meters per second. According to the pure energy theory, C=E, enabling the quantification of pure energy on the neutron scale. I'm not a mathématician after all haha
I have created five fundamental laws of energy that I apply to each of my theories. Law #1: All energy reacts perceptually. Explanation: All types of energy react based on various values such as pressure, heat, velocity, etc., whether in chemistry, physics, or psychology; all energy will react perceptually. Law #2: Every interaction generates instability resulting in a reaction. Explanation: Any interaction with energy will create instability leading to a reaction aiming to achieve a new stability. Law #3: All energy is in perpetual interaction. Explanation: Everything from the atomic scale to the cosmic scale is in constant interaction with its surroundings. Law #4: All existing matter is fundamentally composed of pure energy. Explanation: Everything in the universe, from neutrons to cosmic stellar bodies, has pure energy at its core. Law #5: Unstable energy seeks stability. Explanation: Whether in chemical, physical, or psychological reactions, any disturbed energy will attempt to stabilize at all costs. Analysis Tools #1: The Zero Point Theory Explanation: This theory forms the basis of my observations, closely linked with yAnalysis Tool #2. It analyzes an observable phenomenon by applying two known variables, allowing us to predict the system's reaction by establishing a metric value. This tool, in conjunction with Tool #2, creates a measure fixed in spacetime, analyzing the system without including the time variable. This operates similarly to the time scale used in history to demonstrate progression in past and present events. Analysis Tools #2: The SIRS Explanation: The SIRS acronym summarizes constant interaction and reaction according to Laws #1-5 in every analyzed system. SIRS stands for Stability, Instability, Reaction, Stability. Used in real-time following Laws #2 and #3, the variable S has no value on its own but is utilized in Analysis Tool #1 by removing the time variable from the equation. This enables the analysis of a system's stability point by point, considering its initial stability, interactions (perturbations), and reactions to estimate the resulting stability. Theory#1 Pure energy According to Law #4, everything that composes matter is fundamentally made of pure energy. Questions: In what form can we say that energy is pure? What factors influence pure energy? What physical characteristics can be associated with pure energy? Reasoning: When I mention pure energy, it is to illustrate the energy at the foundation of matter, namely the energy contained in a neutron, proton, and electron. At its purest form, energy has no metric value; it is immeasurable and possesses no atomic mass. It is a form of energy with tremendous energetic force but composed of nothing else. Analysis: Following Laws #1,2,3,4,5, which govern all types of energy, considering the close symbiosis between these five fundamental laws, I can assert that pure energy is the basis of all matter and is in perpetual interaction with itself and its surroundings. Conclusion: I predict that the form of pure energy at the foundation of everything would have created matter as we conceive it today. My statements align with Laws #1,2,3,4,5, as well as the verifiable fact proven by the formula E=mc² that energy is at the core of all matter. Theory#2 The Energy Wave Theory: The energy wave, in my view, is the physical form that pure energy takes at its most basic and analyzable level. This theory, to date, is challenging to analyze due to too many variables to calculate its vivacity. However, I can justify its existence through a perceptual analysis of existing real phenomena, corroborated by modern science. Questions: How to justify the link between an energy wave and the atomic mass of a particle (neutron, proton, electron)? What is the functioning of this energy that I would qualify as undular? Reasoning: To establish my theory of the energy wave, I rely on the same fundamental laws that govern all other types of energy (Laws#1,2,3,4,5). We can explain its functioning perceptually through the mathematical formula governing the speed of undulation (Undulation = Speed/Frequency). Additionally, I use Albert Einstein's formula E=mc2 to justify the relationship between the energy of matter and the speed of light squared. If we want to analyze the frequency of an energy wave, we must isolate the variable of the oscillation wave by applying the value of the speed, that of the speed of light squared. Thus, by applying the fixed value of the frequency of a wave, we can mathematically calculate the oscillation speed of pure undular energy. Analysis: To date, science has been unable to determine the frequency or oscillation of a pure energy wave. However, with these two formulas, knowing that frequency is an unknown fixed variable, we can mathematically find the oscillation of the wave of pure energy. Unfortunately, the answer to this calculation will be a value with a variable included in the response. Why can an energy wave, which inherently has no mass, create matter with atomic mass? We must analyze the oscillatory movement of the energy wave to answer this phenomenon. The smaller the oscillation, the more the wave results in a vibration of matter. The pure energy wave, during the creation of neutron, proton, electron particles, stabilizes into small stable subsystems just slightly larger than a nanometer, oscillating at an astronomical speed, giving the appearance of measurable mass according to science as the atomic mass of particles. Imagine a line of water filled that is stirred so forcefully that the movement caused by the stirring results in it no longer being visible. The vibration of the pure energy wave is similar: at low wave speeds, it has no inherent mass, but at high oscillatory intensity, it creates an energetic mass in the particles. Summary: I can presume that the pure energy wave is at the base of all matter in the universe and is governed by the same laws that influence the energetic perception of any other type of energy. It could be measurable according to the formula (Oscillation = Speed/Frequency), knowing that the speed in relation to matter is the speed of light squared. Also, understanding that all waves operate in the same way, with a variation between 1 and -1 determined by the oscillating wavelength based on a fixed energy frequency. The pure energy wave is governed by the same analysis system simultaneously and must respect the five laws of energy. I can estimate that (Oscillation = C2/xFrequency) for all the energy created by the energy wave, following the same method of stabilization into small stable subsystems just slightly larger than a nanometer, oscillating at an extremely high speed, providing the particle with a measurable and quantifiable physical appearance when, at its core, it is only a wave of pure energy. Theory#3 The Creation of Matter According to the fundamental laws of energy #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, all energy is in perpetual interaction with its environment. The intensity of the explosion liberating energy would affect nearly half of the atoms in the periodic table that could never have formed due to the remaining energy equal to the energy deployed by the explosion, preventing the formation of atoms with low ionic capacity, which would automatically result in their destruction, a result of laws #2 and #3, taking into account law #4. The energy released during the Big Bang, as modern science could not have created the cosmos as we conceive it. Analysis: With the zero-point theory, I can estimate two states of the cosmos with certainty. Zero point 0 = pure undulian energy is the only existing energy in the entire cosmos. Modern era zero point = everything we conceive in our era as celestial bodies as well as all our knowledge of matter as modern science can analyze it. Calculation of energy: ***E=mc2 is the formula for the energy of matter. Knowing that E=wave energy and that mass=ultra-rapid oscillation of the energy wave and that C2=the speed of light squared, I can conclude that the total energy at the base of the pure energy wave creating the oscillation interaction of matter to obtain the atomic mass of the particles is directly linked to the speed of light squared. So, E=wave energy m=oscillatory mass c2=speed of light squared. According to laws #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, with my theories #1 and #2 on pure energy and the energy wave. I manage to predict a certain pattern that pure undulian energy could have used at the base of matter creation. I predict that: 1-The initial energy was a wave of pure energy condensing at the speed of light squared with a very high wave oscillation. 2-At some point in the history of the cosmos, the oscillation of pure energy wave became so intense that it disturbed its own stability by condensing. 3-The pure energy, thus in total instability in connection with law #5, began to expand at the speed of light squared in order to restabilize. I affirm that according to the E=mc2 formula, the speed of light is directly linked to the creation of matter, based on Albert Einstein's formula. I can therefore estimate the dissipation speed of the wave as being the speed of light squared. 4-The energy wave having an oscillatory value of an extreme magnitude took some time before having an adequate oscillation allowing the creation of matter at its base (neutron, proton, electron) because the more the oscillation of the wave, the stronger and more unstable the energy force is according to laws #2,3,4. The Golden Age of Matter: Over the centuries or even millennia, the pure energy wave expanded in a way that made the creation of the main atoms that can be analyzed throughout the cosmos possible - the creation of phenomenal quantities of hydrogen. This is the creation of the hydrogen atom, known as the weakest atom in the periodic table but the most widespread throughout the cosmos as we know it today. A reaction chain occurred, the more stars there were, the more atoms of the periodic table were formed. Helium, nitrogen, etc., were permitted, the first atoms created in the universe, in what I would call the GOLDEN AGE OF CREATION, using this term as the first step in the creation of matter. During this period, I can affirm with certainty an important reaction that took place at the center of the cosmos itself. It was the birth of the largest stellar body ever created in the cosmos, a gigantic star composed of different atoms contained in the cosmos during the golden age of creation. Over millennia, smaller stars were born, and others died in the same way we can perceive the life of a star in the modern era, causing the creation of more significant cosmic bodies such as pulsars, black holes, and several nebulae across the entire cosmos. The Age of Cosmic Cataclysm: This period of the cosmos is what can be likened to a justification of plausible events existing in the Big Bang theory, i.e., it resulted in the expansion of the cosmos and the creation of atoms that require a very large amount of energy to be formed. The age of cosmic cataclysm was the period when the central star in the center of the cosmos would have reached the end of its life and would have generated a reaction of extreme magnitude that disturbed the entire cosmos. According to my theory, this star underwent a colossal implosion that propelled matter throughout the entire cosmos, creating the known atoms of the periodic table and creating a wave of energy so powerful that it would have acted on existing galaxies, even causing the curvature of spacetime. (This remains to be verified, but I state this to demonstrate the power of this event) thus causing the expansion of everything that exists in the universe. In the cosmos, it is absolute emptiness, so the force of the energy of the event that caused the expansion of the universe can be theoretically perceived and analyzed by modern science since there is no theory that states that matter with kinetic capacity slows down in the cosmos. I can therefore theorize a theory about the power of this event as being (explosionE=Vd/c2), i.e., the force of the explosion is equal to the speed of the cosmos expansion divided by the speed of light squared. resulting globally in the theory that could possibly calculate the force of the main event in the age of cosmic cataclysm. What resulted was the creation of the rest of the periodic table and the dilation of the entire cosmos. It also justifies the presence of an ultra-massive black hole at the very center of the cosmos. Conclusion: 1-The basis for the creation of matter was a wave of pure energy that condensed, increasing its oscillation. 2-The first instability interaction caused the reverse movement of this wave, i.e., its expansion, thereby reducing its oscillation. 3-When the pure energy wave reaches an adequate oscillation, i.e., a sustainable energy force, the creation of the first atomic particles (proton, neutron, electron) was born. 4-What resulted was the golden age of creation, i.e., a massive amount of hydrogen1,2,3, as well as the creation of atoms with low energy cost and low ionizing capacity. 5-A massive star was born in the center of the cosmos as well as stars throughout the entire cosmos. 6-Over millennia, stars scattered throughout the cosmos were created, and others died, leaving room for various cosmic bodies such as black holes, pulsars, nebulae, etc. 7-The age of cosmic cataclysm arrived; the star in the middle of the cosmos exploded in a cataclysmic supernova, causing the expansion of the cosmos and the creation of the rest of the known atoms of the periodic table. 8-An ultra-massive black hole formed at the very center of the cosmos, thereby causing its deformation as we conceive it with modern science. 9-The modern era has arrived, and all matter has been created throughout the known universe to this day. Conclusion: My theory, which I could call the Theory of Creation, respects in every way the fundamental laws of energy that I have created. It respects in every way laws #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, as well as the