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Same as Bill Gates
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Quantum computing, genetic engineering
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Meson (3/13)
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
I can and will provide a photo of an atom https://media.indiatimes.in/media/facebook/2018/Dec/single_trapped_atom_photo_of_2018_1545711205_800x420.jpg All you have is your faith in science which changes its collective mind faster than the phases of the moon- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
What is the source of Hawking radiation? Black holes get the energy to radiate Hawking radiation from their rest mass energy. So if a black hole is not accreting mass from outside, it will lose mass by Hawking radiation, and will eventually evaporate. You do I presume know that although tailpipes emit exhaust, that the source of the exhaust is the engine? Likewise the event horizon is the exhaust pipe of the black hole if the theory is correct. LOL Einstein had a degree in physics too, and he knew that the universe was not moving but static. Can you understand that I have some very fine engineers working hard for me as you read this? Market Summary > Apple Inc 185.92 USD+185.79 (142,915.38%)all time So many words to argue with me, yet you provided no photo of entanglement. What the lab that you work at has no high speed entanglement cameras? Just provide some real evidence other than your faith- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
So, if you do not accept Hawking radiation and the information paradox, then you are a science denier. However your odds of being correct are still 50/50 Is Hawking radiation confirmed? By using a chain of atoms to simulate a black hole's event horizon, researchers have shown that Hawking radiation may exist just as the late physicist described. Scientists have created a lab-grown black hole analog to test one of Stephen Hawking's most famous theories — and it behaves just how he predicted.Nov 30, 2022 Source Space.com You misinterpreted the data, 58% of all the fatalities were fully vaccinated. In the same time frame there were no polio fatalities to vaccinated individuals. So get over it already, the government no longer mandates the FAILED vaccine, but you are free to wear that mask out of fear. You may even get used to the people that laugh at you -
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
So you accept science without evidence, just like you accepted that nothing could escape a black hole, until this was declared wrong. So which is it, can nothing escape or does everything escapes via radiation. Then science said that the universe was static, until more science said that it was all in motion. So, it seems that reality in science, as you call it is more determined upon the time frame in which we live than in science itself. LOL, eyewitness testimony is actually evidence, unless you are claiming that you measured a thing that happens faster than light. LOL again, how many eyewitnesses did the church provide proving that the Earth was the center of everything? Those who disagreed were banned, canceled and hanged, the only reason that Galileo was spared is because the Pope liked the telescope, probably for peeping. PS. You still have provided zero% of the evidence that you claim exist, which means that your belief is based in faith not photos or other real evidence. Do tell us, what powers entanglement? Have you ever ask yourself that?- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
One gets a clue about someone's mental age when they say " In science" Did you replicate this experiment or do you just believe as you are told, like Hawking told you that nothing can escape a black hole, then a few years later he told you something totally different. Which leaves you a 50/50 chance of choosing the right theory, and this will always be true unless you can enter a black hole and return with the real answer. However I will accept your photo of 2 entangled particles miles away, and let you explain how the entanglement happens faster than light as claimed. Just let me get some popcorn first. PS. My net worth is in no way influenced by your approval of my portfolio. So whether you believe and accept this, has no meaning. The real difference between you and I is that you need the approval of others, and I say and do as I please which is the meaning of freedom- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
The polio vaccine made 2 strains of polio extinct and another so rare that hospitals no longer have the iron lungs used to treat the disease because no one gets it. This is how a vaccine works. Your vaccine results in a higher death toll on the vaccinated than the non-vaccinated like me. However you were an obedient child and did what your uncle sam demanded of you. Note uncle sam gave up rather than come for me and my pals. LOL the military said get vaccinated or you are out and a bunch of Navy seals went to the office and said give me my discharge papers because you are firing me. The military shuddered at the prospect of needing to make cooks seals. Then they saw it our way, as said already. But the evidence always vanishes. With that a prosecutor can never get a conviction. The problem that I have is that I was not there, never reviewed the findings that are not made available and there is no evidence that an experiment ever happened. If you say you recorded this post a photo now Why would anyone get a vaccine which increases one's chance of death from the disease? Furthermore, the government gave up requiring this vaccine because it literally increases mortality TS-SCI has nothing to do with the flooded British aircraft carrier, flying American jets. It stands for, Top Secret, Secure Compartmented Information. Nice job pretending to be a Britt, Fred- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
So if you say there are two entangled photons, but the Nobel committee wants to confirm this, they can't because the evidence all vanished. So how is peer review acted upon with vanished evidence? Do you see an issue here?- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
Really, you described how to recheck the spin of a no longer existing photon? LOL, see even if Trump dies of natural causes on the golf course, the thumb drives with the JFK files hit the net. Isn't that great? and the swamp gets drained and everyone named Bush will move to Moscow for their own safety Yes, all Navy radio operators are trusted, trained and fully vetted by the FBI, and have at least a TS-SCI clearance, this takes time. So if a Navy radio operator is not trusted, they are not a radio operator in the Navy.- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
LOL if you open up a thread on Trump having the JFK files and that the FBI didn't find them, let me know. -
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
Actually, I taught myself to invest, and literally ended up with nothing but a bunch of apples, that keep splitting. LOL how sad is that? -
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
In other words you do not know either. LOL they also invented a vaccine for covid that everyone was required to get, or you would not be able to shop for food, or work. I actually retired rather than get a phony vaccine like you chose to get. All lies as the CDC now claims that 58% of covid deaths come to fully vaxxed fools, which is why the mandate was lifted. https://www.businesstoday.in/coronavirus/story/58-of-americans-dying-due-to-covid-19-were-either-vaccinated-or-boosted-report-354161-2022-11-25 But you keep right on believing everything that you are told- 107 replies
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
So you can't answer the question. At least you are honest -
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
Sure but what is not obvious is how a detection can be confirmed when the evidence is always destroyed? Light is of fundamental importance. It allows us to see the world around us and record pictures of our environment. It enables communication over long distances through optical fibers. All current methods of detecting light share a common property: absorption and thus destruction of a photon. That is from the Max Planck Institute for quantum optics. https://www.mpq.mpg.de/4861203/13-11-15-seeing-a-photon-without-absorbing-it#:~:text=All current methods of detecting,thus destruction of a photon. So if detecting the photon destroys it, how is the state or spin confirmed of a no longer existing photon? Answer, it can't be confirmed, and science requires confirmation, not faith Not everyone can get the TS-SCI level clearance to be in the radio room, or to be captain just as not everyone can do what my son does for Lockheed Martin. My son went thru rigorous testing and passed, did you? -
Entanglement can be demonstrated by measuring the spin of a photon
Paulsrocket replied to Paulsrocket's topic in Speculations
So how is a destroyed photon measured