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Everything posted by chrisa

  1. Thanks for the reply Sensei I do not have a TV. The sim card is out of my mobile. I have no wifi and it is disabled on my router. My PC is not the issue, i can aim the acoustimeter at the PC and it shows no readings. The readings follow me if i move to a different position. Over the last few days i have picked readings up at over 1000 uw/m2. The readings i get now are not just a spike every 10 minutes, its constant. If i am away from the house i dont get the symptoms of shaking, eyes hurting, body heating, headaches, difficulty sleeping. Its only when i am in my house. I know its coming from a house near me. Again i ask nicely, if anyone can suggest something i can do to prove what is going on, if you believe what is happening or not, i would very much appreciate it. This is a science forum, so i ask is there anything scientific i can do to prove what is going on
  2. Again thanks for the replies. I can confirm that this has nothing to do with my PC. The targeting by electromagnetic radiation is a real thing if people want to believe this or not, but i understand if some do not believe it, i wouldn't of believed it before this happened to me. From what i can make out, the idea is to make some look like they have a mental issue along with the health effects. That is one reason why they get away with it. If i move my position in my house, the readings on the acoustimeter move to that new position. So if anyone can give me some advice or something i can do to provide evidence for what is going on, i would very much appreciate it. Even if some don't believe something like this could happen, i ask nicely for help.
  3. Thanks for all the replies and i am in contact with my doctor. To expand a little more on my first post. The "attacks" change depending on where in my house i am. For example if i set my PC up in one room, the readings come from that room. If i move my PC to another room, the readings then come from that room. (and its not my PC causing it) There are also random spikes (not every 10 minutes) that go well above 100 microWatts per square meter (max i have recorded was in the 1,000s) I was confused at first about it in terms of the direction it was coming from. The reason being it reflecting off anything metal. (but always aimed where i am sat). I managed to work out the direction with the help of the acoustimeter and a faraday sheet. MigL mentioned a maser and i am coming to that conclusion or as he mentioned people would be effected in other houses. The person doing this is i believe is ex military or some connection. Are masers easy to make? Or could this be something this person has acquired from military work. I hope this isn't going off the science topic. If a maser is being used, is there anything i can do to prove it? Is there any evidence i can get to show someone? Any help appreciated, thank you.
  4. HI, I wondered if anyone could help me please. I am being hit in my home by some kind of radio frequency/microwave radiation. Its been going on for over a year and i believe is the cause for various health issues i now have. I purchased a Acoustimeter AM-11 RF Meter and its picks up a reading of anything from 30 to over 100 microWatts per square meter every 10 minutes. (sometimes it can go even higher) The reading lasts for about 2 seconds but its happens every 10 minutes at the exact same time. Due to health issues i am unable to leave my house much so am under constant "attack" Can anyone tell me if this would be dangerous to my health and if it could be related to health issues i now have. Issues with lungs, liver, alopecia and depression as well as sleep problems. I was perfectly healthy and kept fit before these attacks started. I appreciate any help from anyone who can give me more information. Thank you.
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