shirts with armpit smell that does not want to leave even after several wash.
I experience a weird thing . some of my shirts even after they are washed quickly smell bad even after 1 hour as soon as there is heat i guess. I read a lot about it and figured out this text below that seems to identify the cause .
So yes good hygiene, yes keep hair shorts ok but what to do with those shirts.
I read on reddit a lot of produc suggested but it is hard to pick the right one since they contain different product i m not familiar with.
i want a non toxic product that is not putting my skin in geopardy and that does not contain nanotechnologies.
i tried vinegar , worked a bit but i feel something else might work best.
please if you can tell what you tried and did not have succes with and what you did have succes with it would help. i m open and i am not related to any brand.
i read stuff like baking soda, borax , ,oxy clean , Lysol Laundry Sanitizer combined with Downy , Enzymes (yes but wich) . stuff containning its own bactérias like ez clean. Laundry Sanitizer Sport, Tide Sport detergent , Zero Odor – Laundry Odor Eliminator.
Very hard for me to know what product to look for that adresses the problem adequatly .
what should i be looking for?