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  1. Unfortunately I have to work currently to support my mom and siblings so I plan to go back one day but I don’t want to give up my dream of getting a phd in physics. Stupid dream but still a dream. Thank you and I appreciate the continued support I promise not to abuse it
  2. Thank you so much. Hopefully one day I can be a quarter smart as you guys!
  3. You guys are amazing thank you. I really appreciate your time For QFT mathematics I am not familiar I apologize on that end of it. The highest I have math wise is algebraic geometry. Thank you for your patience
  4. i am sorry for not responding sooner. life gets in the way sometimes. please forgive another question but I would like to be able to learn more about this. pseudoscience can become so commonplace when you start getting at this level and you both have done an excellent job at cutting through nonsense. I was curious if you had any reading material you can suggest to help improve my knowledge on that transition from microscale to macroscale cpt knowledge. I would like to know more about the significance of using a cp violation vs ct or pt. thank you for your time
  5. OP i know this can be frustrating, but unfortunately our language is limited, so you cannot assume the word temperature=heat. while they are proportional, that does not mean they are the same thing. I would recommend going to libgenrus and getting a heat transfer book. this will teach you about the transfer of energy and how entropy plays a role in this process. dont feel like your stupid, this is not an intuitive thing
  6. im very curious about how time symmetry plays a role in gravity since mass bends light........
  7. Please I’m confused on what you really are trying to get at op, I would like to try and understand but this is pretty jambled
  8. I have to say the university of Hamburg is a wonderful university for people who need distance education and provides top notch education. It really depends what you’re looking for, at the end of the day though I feel nothing is stopping someone from getting a textbook on a subject, you don’t need a degree to be educated in a subject.
  9. Hi, I am a long time lurker and I first want to thank this community for how much i have learned. One thing that has truly fascinated me in modern physics is the work with cpt symmetry. mind you i am an engineer that does this as a hobby so please forgive me if i make any mistakes. I would like to be able to design a macroscale experiment to test these applications, more specifically i would like to test macroscale quantum effects. I would first just like your opinions on how best you think I should go down this road to test this experiment. another test I would like to incorporate is soliton waves in water. from what I have read it appears that this soliton waveform in water follows the same waveform of a photon, but I am unsure how to test whether or not all soliton waveforms are the same regardless of field. thank you for your time
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