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Everything posted by matt832

  1. Just recently, I became very interested in the SSC. After looking at some of the plans and details, I couldn't help but wonder why the project has not been reopened... I was thinking of possibly either: 1) Getting a nation wide petition signed to reopen construction of the SSC, or 2) Work as hard as possible in possibly finding quite a number of investors, so I could privately reopen the construction and then staff the place once it is built. I figure that the plans would have to be redrawn, however, because times have changed, and the SSC could use quite a number of improvements... Anyway, i wanted to know what you had to say about the idea. Maybe I overlooked a reason why it wasn't built, other than money. The way I see it, the most valuable thing the US could have is its science. Anyway, I want your feedback, concerns, ideas... PS: I'm having trouble finding a amount to shoot for, money wise, as well as how long it would take to finish. There is very little data out there on the SSC's old project specs, so if anyone has any ideas on those as well, I would love to hear them! PPS: I am aware of the CERN LHC, and i am also aware that the SSC was supposed to be nearly 4 times as large.
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