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Everything posted by Scientific_potato

  1. The motor is connected to the rear wheel Just to be clear, do you know those flashlights you can charge by cranking? the thing inside of that will be connected to the pedals.
  2. You're right, my apologies i'd just like to mention that i have not gone to college or anything like that, its really just my hobby to learn things from discussions online.
  3. I honestly thought that if you had a computer specialized to do that you could just do it, or just connect it to a relay?
  4. The computer is there to regulate/direct the electricity
  5. Well yea, but it should be obvious that its part of it right?
  6. This is probably nothing more than a cool science fair experiment/project but i had an idea: Motor | Pedals/Alternator -> Computer <-> Battery <-Regen brakes I searched it up and even the best alternators are only about 80% efficient. Any ideas on how i might improve on this design?
  7. Dont worry, i dont have any youtube channel of my own. unless you're talking about something else?
  8. How do i close a thread
  9. Here are a few youtube channels i recommend: Rational Animations SciShow Techlinked NotJustBikes CGP Grey Kurzgesagt All Vsauce channels Veritasium 3B1B Primer I have more but it would be too much
  10. its kinda supposed to be broad? unless you're not okay with that, i can see if i can narrow it more if you'd like.
  11. What i mean are things like behavior, biases, corruption, Government, cities, etc For the better ofc.
  12. Is Wikipedia reliable? i keep hearing that since everyone can edit it, its not a good place to get information. You see, if anyone can edit a page/article at any time then if anything changes then it can be fixed. While a normal britannica article for example cant be changed (at least not easily) after it has been made. And yes, i am aware that companies can edit wikipedia too- but so what? You can always edit it back. I really dont see companies changing an article about abraham lincoln or anything like that. what are your thoughts, am i forgetting something?
  13. Thanks, i wasnt quite sure where to put it. what i mean is if you were to choose any 5 countries today to rule the world (what i mean by that is to suddenly own/govern 1/5 of the entire worlds land) what would they be
  14. To Quote Micheal Stevens: "How do you rethink- Everything? Who gets to direct the costs and tradeoffs. How do you get collaboration between every local and national government, when what works in one place wont work everywhere. When decisions affect jobs in one place and food in another. When not just things have to be rethought but habits, and traditions, and values. How do you achieve consensus when the solution isn't obvious to the senses, is far away in space and time, requires solutions that affect people in different ways, and as a product of science always carries some uncertainty " - The Future Of Reasoning This is a thread for the discussion of such ideas/solutions
  15. The best song ever (Please if you know of some songs like this please let me know)
  16. i wouldnt say this is a brain teaser or puzzle but just something to think about and discuss If you were to pick any 5 Countries to rule the entire world what would they be (feel free to include maps of what the boundaries would look like) Mine are the nordic countries like Sweden, Finland, Norway, Netherlands, etc
  17. Oh my mistake, i didnt think about that. i guess i did feel embarrassed by some things. but for things like when i say something that would get the response "dude, this is a wendy's" i mostly dont feel embarrassed- usually because i dont understand whats so embarrassing or i just dont care.
  18. Sometimes not thinking for yourself and keeping an open mind is good too, though im not sure if i understood what you said. I used to go on the rational animations discord because of the same reasons. (Oh and could you please show me the other forums?)
  19. you've got a really good point here, maybe its not embarrassment in general which i think is silly but the thought of people judging other people because of things they wear, certain aspects of who they are, what they do for fun, etc? Sortarelatedsidenote: i wear all black polyester clothes with a leather jacket and my parents think its strange and say i look stupid because of it. "thats the strangest biker i've seen" suggesting that i should wear jeans and a cotton shirt. really makes me annoyed.
  20. I think that (specific to BLM) people are afraid they'll be thought of less because of the other party might be seen as more than them like as if you could overdo the movements and reverse the roles instead of make them equal (making us equal is the entire point of the organization) Now as to ANTIFA, i have no idea... maybe they like the idea of them being the only people allowed to live in the country? idk, i'd have to do more "research" (watch a simplified youtube video of both opinions) on it. or just read wikipedia
  21. Recently i found out that i have ASD (highly functioning) For most of my life i haven't been able to experience embarrassment and thought that if i was able to live and survive without embarrassment for so long then why does it exist at all? Is it a bug? is it a feature? Maybe its beneficial to some and not others? or maybe it was beneficial back when we were drawing paintings on the inside of caves. Personally i think its a pretty much useless feeling, i like being able to use pure logic to make decisions than feel like i shouldnt because "Nooo you cant wear that, everyone will make fun of you!" or "No, not that color; thats for girls!" or "Nooo, you've gotta use the boy deodorant because you're a BOyie". i feel that people shouldnt feel embarrassed for things like this. Idk, any input would be greatly appreciated!
  22. When i get recommended something online i usually tend to find an opposing view maybe a month-year later. Maybe its not the technology thats the problem but just how humans are? we are more likely to read something that aligns with our point of view than something that doesn't. its not exclusive to youtube videos. although i do acknowledge how the algorithm likes to get you to click stuff and showing things you already believe helps with that. im hoping that by me showing the algorithm that i like to see both sides (by clicking on opposing videos every once in a while) that it shows me more of the story. (my thoughts might not be fully formed because i usually have trouble displaying my thoughts in anything other than my own head) *eating popcorn while watching a video that says hexagons are not the bestagons* "mmm, the action" (this is a reference to cgp grey's video and the video that debunks it) notice how i shared with you an opposing viewpoint to cgp grey's video, you can learn opposing viewpoints from your friends (though we arent friends and you havent seen cgp grey's video, im using it as an example) making friends with people that have opposing views to you while learning how to live with them is important if you favor seeing other peoples opinions. (sorry if my arguments seem weak, im new here and all i know comes from youtube videos. take what i have to say with a grain of salt or two)
  23. how about we start thinking about what type of government/economy/geography it should have im going to spend some more time to figure out what i want for these (im not looking to replicate successful countries but to improve on them)
  24. im not saying i would want full control of companies, i mean i would want to pay companies that are developing money to further develop and then after go and take some of their money? idk, maybe it would be a good idea to control companies- not in the way that china does (they use their control to spy on people from other countries)
  25. Im not particularly looking to make money via natural resources like ore, lumber, or anything like that. im wanting to make money by taxing things like businesses and stuff, idk. it really depends on if i get land that does have resources i guess. i just had an idea- can the government invest in businesses? DISCLAIMER: most of what i know about science was self taught via youtube and google, take my opinions/ideas with a grain of salt
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