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    Astrophysics, Creation theory,

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  1. @MigL and everyone participating in this discussion I now realize that my linguistic errors in this article have caused confusion and misunderstanding. This is because the word 'real' is used in different places in different senses. There is nothing wrong with my theory. I now want to change the language of the title to: 'Time : what it actually is' Also I want to say, Time has no existence in the form of matter and energy. When a person walks from point 'A' to point 'B' at a place, that person travels a certain distance. In one (at the same time) the person spends some Time more or less based on his/her walking speed. Our concept of 'time' arises from the regular and continuous rotation of the earth or from the regular and continuous rotation of the clock. We measure Time by the distance traveled round by the hands of the clock when the aforementioned person reaches from point A to point B. Our perception of time is also shaped by the changes we observe in weather and nature as a result of the Earth's regular rotation relative to the Sun. 'Time' is actually the straight line distance between any two actions or events. Time has no existence in the form of matter and energy. We measure Time by the distance traveled round by the hands of the clock when the aforementioned person reaches from point A to point B. Our perception of time is also shaped by the changes we observe in weather and nature as a result of the Earth's regular rotation relative to the Sun. Here I am not referring to 'Time' as spatial distance. I mean, Time is an invisible distance between one action or event and another action or event. We can understand what it is by looking at the hands of a traveling clock that has reached a certain distance. Here is my equation: T = ΔE × (τ × Δψ) Where: - T = Time (invisible distance between events) - ΔE = Event distance (the "gap" between two events) - τ = Temporal resolution (related to the clock's ticking rate) - Δψ = Change in clock state (hands moving between positions) This equation aims to capture the theory that 'Time' is an invisible distance between events, measured by the clock's progression (Δψ) and our perception of that progression (τ). Hopefully it won't be difficult to understand now. thank you
  2. @MigL Please read my research paper on Destiny before you comment. thank you
  3. Time and Destiny, these two cosmic systems were born simultaneously through the Big Bang at the moment of creation of the universe! What exactly Destiny is: an exploration from a scientific viewpoint https://www.isroset.org/journal/IJSRPAS/full_paper_view.php?paper_id=2397#parentHorizontalTab2
  4. My sincere thanks to all of you for participating in the discussion about 'Time'. As I said about Time, 'Time' is actually the straight line distance between any two actions or events. Time has no real or physical or earthly existence. The equation is given in the copy which I have downloaded from research gate and given here. I request everyone to kindly download my research article PDF and after that give your thoughtful opinion. thank you
  5. Time : what it really is All scientific theories and doctrines based on the imaginary existence of 'Time' are baseless! Abstract: Time has no real existence. Time is actually the distance between two or more events or actions, and a perceptible conceptual measurement scale useful for measuring that distance. 'Time' is nothing but a virtual scale as a measurer of the distance or space or length between successive actions or events. 'Time' comes into existence from any motion or action. Where there is no action or motion, there is no such thing as 'Time'. The existence of Time is almost inextricably linked with speed or action. Cosmic Time and space were born with the creation (Big Bang) of the universe. Whenever these successive cosmic events cease, so does the existence of Time. In this gigantic cosmic film consisting of one frame after another, we are nothing but short-lived characters. As a character in a mega serial drama in this predetermined worldly movie, it is not at all possible for you to go to the past or the future of this movie. Introduction: On the basis of which big theories and doctrines are formed, if the foundation does not exist, then think where those theories will stand! This is exactly what happened with time-based theories. In this article of mine I have shown what time really is. You too will realize the truth of what I am saying if you develop a proper understanding of time. Many doctrines of different scientists, including Einstein, about Time (Such as Time is a fourth dimension, Spacetime, etc.) as a science, are in fact theories and hypotheses. The existence of many of them depends only on mathematics. In reality, they not exist. Possibilities and realities are not one thing. There is a possibility of revealing the truth with the help of Math, but there is no guarantee of reaching the truth in all cases. The Time has not yet come to say the last word about 'Light', but the last word can be said about 'Time'. Because 'Time' is not complicated at all. We have complicated it. To introduce its own simple form, today I have started this writing. TIME ResearchGet.pdfTIME ResearchGet.pdf TIME: what it really is All scientific theories and doctrines based on the imaginary existence of 'Time' are baseless! http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.34840.16640/2 Time research paper.pdf
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