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Leader Bee

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    United Kingdom
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  • Baryon

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Atom (5/13)



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  1. What're Apple gonna use when we run out of Indium Tin Oxide?

    1. Incendia


      A team at Princeton is working with conducting polymers, which are nowhere near as brittle as ITO. But they suffer from degradation due to UV light and oxygen. Carbon nanomaterials look promising-- graphene is a great conductor, and carbon nanotubes demonstrate remarkable durability and conductivity.

    2. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      I can see how UV ligfht migth be a problem for something like an ITouch or Iphone. Wont Carbon Nanomaterials be expensive? plus the material would need to be translucent to work in this application.

    3. dragonstar57


      why can't they just recycle it?


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