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Leader Bee

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Everything posted by Leader Bee

  1. I am aware you can purchase glycerin easily but for the purpose of curiosity I was wondering if it is at all possible to refine what is already in a multitude of everyday products into a usable volume, in this case from cough mixture. There is no application I have in mind for it, just merely asking to see if it is possible??
  2. By the time we need to escape the expansion of the sun do you not think we would have already colonised other bodies in the solar system? It seems far more likely than actually moving an entire planet from it's regular orbit.
  3. Because I hypothesised that time only exists in the current reference frame (it is a one dimensional point). There is no past other than what man has recorded of it, there is no future because it has not yet happened and could happen in a great many ways hence there is no direction with which to travel, only the current point in time in which you exist. I think people need to untangle the concept of past and future as "places" that can be visited and look at them as concepts man has constructed to make recording events easier to explain.
  4. I think time is indeed a manmade concept and there are two seperate definitions (That i've come up with myself admittedly) 1) Actual/Fundemental Time - which is the here and now, the present in which all things happen and that time does not exist outside of the present. 2) Perceived time, which is our measurement of 1 second per second. Clocks are a device that measure time but they do not require a force called time to function; They are pre-set to record what we think the passage of time should be and not outputting what time really is. Time does not push us along, it does not move, it is only a medium which allows us to interact with the universe. Without time interaction is not possible. Our concept of percieved time is only an idea and not a force that affects the world, it is our concept thought up to make the recording of events in Fundemental time easy, a reference frame that we can all relate to, a co-ordinate of an event for example.
  5. Didn't we conclude in this thread that photons always travel at C? http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=51142 How is it possible to slow down? Edit: sorry, just sat and re read your last post and realise it is due to photons taking a longer path.
  6. Leader Bee


    I believe there is a thread somewhere on the board where somone has electronic copies of hundreds of textbooks. Other than that I guess I can't help, sorry.
  7. I'd go with the Tungsten mesh please, not only does it remove makeup, grease and stubborn stains it will also remove the top layer of your face. "Tungsten mesh, have you tried it wet yet?"
  8. Without a multispectral education system though it would probably limit the amount of industries a country could produce employees for. Say out of 100% of a population 70% want to go into animal care, another 20% wants to go into scientific research/engineering applications and the last 10% wants to do something like financial services then the economy for the country is going to be severely compromised when they don't have the individuals to competently work in those fields. It might mean contracting those jobs out to foreign workers but you can see that people will want to learn all the "nice" subjects like arts, film & television, music etc ( some will have an inherant interest in other subjects) but as a child you don't realise how that could be detrimental and an education system that focuses on the wants of a nation might be setting future generations up for a messed up economy - if nobody wanted to get into the health system then we'd be desperately messed up for example.
  9. After a certain level of education -possibly a year or two into secondary school, when more advanced subjects have been taught and the student has had time to get a feel or not for whether it will interest them, then the student should be given the chance to either drop or continue in a subject. Until that point, all subjects should be compulsary. once the above is met I believe the student should be given the opportunity to focus on the subjects which they enjoy and excel at. Learning maths when you have proved for years that you are no good at it and certainly don't enjoy it certainly seems like a waste of time when say the student enjoys and actually does well in areas like geography or science, dropping other subjects will give more time and focus to the subjects someone might actually be good at. Certainly there will be individuals who will take advantage of this system only to get "a free period" and this should be monitored carefully. A system like that would benefit some more than others, while for the ones who take advantage it would only be detrimental. The ones who actually want to learn it would allow them to excel in their chosen subject instead of wasting time with whatever their brain just doesn't comprehend.
  10. I really wish this thing had been built because it seems so "alternate dimension Command & Conquer Red alert" cool. It just seems incredibly impractical at the same time - Considering plans were drawn up to build one, would it have actually been possible to make it move if it ever had seen the light of day? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landkreuzer_P._1000_Ratte
  11. EVE Online by any chance?
  12. I'd go with something relatively boring and common, you would certainly have a lot less problems during your school years. Maybe Dave, John, Joe or somethign like that. I guess Sven isn't as much of a problem now i'm in the working world but every now and then you get some idiot who has to make a remark about it or just plain gets it wrong no-matter how many times you repeat it. I'm so used to being called it now that I couldn't imagine it changing.
  13. Natural Selection doesn't select the most beneficial mutations for an organism it just appears so because that RANDOM mutation happens to be beneficial and hence more of the organisms that develop this trait survive, due to it being beneficial. Evolution does not discriminate between good or bad, it is indifferent and an equal amount of mutations that are detrimental can occur - you just don't see many antelope with 3 inch legs because it makes it difficult to run away from the lions.
  14. Because according to everyone else i'm anything but... I get Stephen, Spen, Ben, Spence, Spencer "Suh-ven" and even Seven. On occassion I do get "Oh as in Goran Erricson?!" which at least means they know how to pronounce it. I don't even bother correcting anyone on the phone at work anymore as I usually have to repeat my name 3 or 4 times and the whole office turns to watch me. On the bright side it means I don't have people calling the office for me and I can quietly get on with my work without those interuptions. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged I have not registered, no. As much as i'm not keen on my first name I don't think I would change it or go by a psudonym, it would feel weird and unnatural after going by Sven for so long. I've always been partial to Greek mythological names so maybe my offspring can bear a name like Achilles or Heaphestus. I 'unno ?
  15. I'm Sven Wooo for stupid names, I think i'll call my children something equally stupid so that I feel I have a connection to them.
  16. So you're proposing we fire hypersonic chunks of rock at the earth? I hope the containers have some sort of air brake because I wouldn't want to be near where they land otherwise.
  17. The vatican city in Rome. It's the smallest country in the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_city
  18. Tsar Bomba, a nuclear device originally planned to be 100 Megatons but downscaled to 50, incidentally also the biggest nuke to ever be atmosphericlaly tested, weighed close to 29 tons. With todays boosting technology I reckon you might be able to get it closer to 16. If you look up the nuclear test series of Starfish Prime you'll see this deals with testing nukes in space and EMP managed to knock out all of Hawaii and several other places.
  19. It would be significantly more expensive. It costs~ $10,000 per kilogram to reach LEO and i'm sure robotic peopel weigh more than normal people despite the lack of food, water and oxygen they need to take with them.
  20. The problem with torture is that it can coerce people into confessing to something they have never done in the first place, just so that it will end. While used in moderation I agree torture is useful for extracting information excessive use is counter productive and can produce false positives for information therfore being misleading. If the withdrawl symptoms are that severe from lack of this "pleasure stimulus" then I would guess the prisoner would lie just to get his fix therefore rendering this procedure just as useless as regular torture. As for if it is more moral or not then that depends on what side you are with. What if the prisoner holds information that could save millions of people is it moral to torture this information out of him and save millions or not tortue him and preserve his human rights, though that million people could possibly die a grisly death as a result?
  21. I'm guessing number 3 would take the longest to induce rust but would seperate into two layers anyway. So why mix to begin with?
  22. Now that we're moving away from the original topic and speaking about how this new form of life would like to create its own culture, do you not think that it is dehumanising to instantly think of ushering them into solitude - basically a barren wasteland where no other humans live? Space, the moon, deserts? After all, the conciousness that is implanted into their artificial brains still contains what was their human conciousness, they still think like a human and we're basically "Sending them to Coventry" A "we don't want you around here" attitude "go live somewhere you can do your own thing and leave us alone" thought pattern. I would assume that a human conciousness would still require the mental stimulation and social interaction that a regular human would need and by deporting them we are taking away what is esentially a human right. The question remains then, do human rights still apply? We have established they are no longer part of the human race from the physical augmentations they have undergone but can we just change how they are treated? Are human rights revoked if you decide to leave the human race; If for all intents and purposes your thought processes are still human but everything physically about you is not?
  23. In that case there is plenty of desert for them to inhabit. Nice and dry and i'm assuming if they're enveloped in some kind of synthetic skin they'd be failry well protected from sandstorms inteferring with their systems. Much cheaper than packing them off to space and they might actually be able to turn that land arable in time.
  24. Dolphins have mastered time travel and fight space aliens you know... http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EccoTheDolphin
  25. So are you suggesting that we deport androids to distant planets?
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