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Leader Bee

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Everything posted by Leader Bee

  1. Perhaps you might think of using Guar gum? It's a thickening agent/emulsifier used in oil drilling to prevent fluid loss among other industrial applications. I'm not entirely sure how this would bind with ethanol but may be something worth looking at.
  2. Well, given that I joined in July 2009 and have made only 46 posts, going by that average that would mean I would have access to the Philosophy forums next year if I don't start randomly posting spam to get my post count up.
  3. Being locked out of the Philosophy, Religion and Ethics forums by default. Do I have to prove something first or have a certain amount of posts? I'm not exactly new with 40-something posts but neither would I say i'm well established. I don't necessarily want to post in these forums all the time but occassionaly there's something I feel I want to comment on.
  4. Why would we need it to create a vacuum if it is space based - or am I missing something?
  5. I guess my top 5 of all time would be, though not necessarily in any order: Dune - Frank Herbert Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlen The Neon Genesis Evangelion series of manga - Hideki Anno (Being a highly introverted individual this book spoke to me on a level no other media ever has) The Zombie Survival guide - Max Brooks (Gotta be prepared for the impending zompocalypse - Are you?!) Homers Oddyssey - Well.. By Homer I guess
  6. Hi, I'm Sven - I wouldn't say i'm new here but i've not posted in this thread yet. I'm from the UK, not studying anything but do have an interest in the way the world works. I guess that includes Physcial Sciences, Astronomy & Cosmology, Theoretical Physics and Geology - Anything that explains how the world around me works is favourable to blind faith.
  7. How much like Fallout 3 is that game?
  8. Isn't the standard game to test your machines graphics capability at the moment going to be Crysis?
  9. #2) is this advanced tech gonna be expensive or considering we've been given the schematics to acheive it mean that we can produce them for the price of a family car?
  10. Any idea when this is to be oficially released? Blizzard have been hush on the subject for some time.
  11. I asked a similar question here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=49766 Maybe I shouldn't have put it in general discussion and it would have gotten more views.
  12. I bought an Xbox 360 over the weekend. I've been playing Final Fantasy 13 which is ok, I tend not to enjoy those sort of RPGs (compared to the likes of Fallout 3). I'm importing Mushihime-Sama Futari 1.5 and E.S.P Galuda 2 from Japan which are 2D bullet hell shooters. Can't wait.
  13. Could we not avoid the cost of leaving earths gravity well with an orbital elevator??
  14. As per this thread and the following quote it got me thinking: http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=49668 If we were to colonise another planet would it unify us as a race or would it unify us against the colonists? Consider that space colonisation is expensive and that we could initially afford to fund such a venture and send enough humans to Mars as to create a self sustaining environment. Now consider that because we're satisfied with the self sustaining environment the colonists have created for themselves on Mars we decide that we no longer wish to fund these expensive trips to provide supplies and aids to "the new world", our colonists are now free to do as they please and develop their own society, their own beliefs and govornment. Of course there will still be trips to Mars by the Earth Govornment to regulate their new colony, but they're expensive and "Earthers" won't vist Mars all too often unless it's somethign really important. Question: Will the seperation of Mars colonists & native Earthers cause unrest as Mars develops it's own culture while at the same time being "regulated" by outside influences, would such pressure from the individual source of the colonists drive them into revolution against Earth as they grow independently from us, perhaps seeing us as some kind of tyrannical ruler/dictator preventing them from growing the way they have begun to cultivate for themselves?
  15. So what is our control going to be? I weigh just under 8 stone and I assume that I wont be feeling fantastic after 8 shots of high proof alcohol. Am I supposed to just take the scientific term of "less alcohol" to compensate for my Blood Alcohol Level?
  16. Hi, I was wondering how practical EAPs would be in the field of robotics? I know these are materials that can change shape when an current is applied to them and act somewhat like muscles, it's a very basic understanding that goes little further than this however. I don't know what kind of stress they can handle and assume currently they're only used in small scale application ( so no joint muscles for moving a 50 foot death machine ) I'm pretty sure the U.S DoD or another organisation similar to this has developed a system called "Dog" to assist squads in combat, this obviously is still in R&D but I don't know if they've incorporated EAP into the system or indeed it is reliable and robust enough to even be considered. How advanced are we in the field of bipedal robotics, Asimo looks like a great development in this field and i've seen it running up and down steps on youtube, seems very well balanced for the most part. ( I'm well aware we wont see human piloted versions of these in a good several generations and hundreds of years)
  17. The blotches are where the fireball is cooling faster, similar to what sunspots are (but not quite). The band at the bottom could be a reflected shockwave but i'm not quite so certain on that, it seems to blend far too well with the spherical shape of the original fireball to be a reflection of some kind, my guess would be that this is some kind of melted ground debris. The sand around the trinity test site was turned into radioactive green glass and I assume this might be what it is. If you're interested in the history of nuclear testing a great movie to watch is "Trinity & Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie" followed by Nukes in Space, Nuclear 911 and Atomic Journeys. All great Documentaries in my opinion.
  18. Not that I ever played half life 1 to any real degree ( I was about 12 at the time and we didn't get a pc for ages ) but I felt that Half Life 2's set of weapons was vastly inferior to the selection of guns, lasers and alien bugs you could throw at your enemies in the first one. That said I never really understood why the story is so well lauded in HL1 or 2, I much preffered AVP by rebellion.
  19. Considering Harmony Gold whinge about anything that comes out related to Macross/Robotech i'd not be suprised if it's ever released. Though to be honest they did rip off mecha designs directly from Robotech which Harmony Gold hold the licencing rights to in the western world and it's not even subtle, you can tell that the Atlas and Warhammer mechs shown in that video are directly fromt he anime.
  20. Nope, never had Warcraft. I was always on the C&C Side before EA took over poor old Westwood Studios. I'll play SupCom now and again but the GPG client only ever seems to bring up a handful of games.
  21. I don't think I'll ever fly a capital ship, I have enough ISK to afford a dread but in the 9 months i've played EVE I could probably count on one hand the amount of times I have purposely ventured into lowsec - Hence the aim towards elite shield certifciates - and would more than likley lose that billion+ ISK ship in my first venture with it. Trying to work up to lvl 4 missions currently so that by the time I have elite shields and at the very least a Harpy and Small railgun specialization I can be making enough money to replace any PVP losses. @TriNitroSocks: I wasn't aware that MW4 was getting a free release but in all honesty i'm just waiting for Harmony Gold to stop crying about any legal issues with MW5 so that it can be released, the teaser trailer on youtube blew me away.
  22. SC2 is still a long way off. As I understand Blizzard hasn't relased any further info yet?
  23. Curently Playing AVP in direct X10 - ( How come 11 is out so soon after I bought my GTX280s!!!?) It looks awfully purdy but the controls show it has obviously been console ported, not the smooth controls the 1999 original had. I've recently also downloaded Resident evil 5 from steam but thats clearly also a console port too. Where will the future of PC gaming end up with all these hand me downs from the consoles Then there is the ever present EVE online, training for Elite Passive and Elite Active shield certificates right now before I skill up in Railgun Specialization and get my Harpy. >:]
  24. Thats sounds a lot more reasonable.
  25. Don't they put de-icer into moonshine sometimes? (not that it isn't harmful) Question: i've heard that drinking high percentage alcohol is a cure for accidentally drinking de-icer. Is this true and if so, why?
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