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Leader Bee

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Everything posted by Leader Bee

  1. Come on, I know this is the lounge but really? There are more specialised places to ask this kind of thing than a science forum. http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps3/956436-singularity/faqs/60384 Anyway, you should be playing Demon's Souls.
  2. Man fears the darkness and so scrapes away at its edges with fire.

  3. Leader Bee

    God Game

    So in the scientific world what officially makes something a law?
  4. Leader Bee

    God Game

    I I took a hit for the question on evolution too. I think the way it's worded is misdirectional in the way that it asks you whether you agree that evolution THEORY is true or false. I said false, as while I belive Evolution theory over some all magical glowing rainbow pixie it's still a theory ( How things happen, not that they do or not) If it was true wouldnt Evolution theory be a law?
  5. So reading this you want to dig some kind of fallout shelter or liveable underground space; As mentioned above you're going to have several issues: ground water, bedrock, regolith, clay etc basically not just one type of soil and the environment will change as you progress through them. When I saw the topic title I instantly thought of the Kola Superdeep Borehole in the former USSR which was a scientific endeavour begun in the '70's. It's maximum depth reached 40,230 feet. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kola_Superdeep_Borehole
  6. Too bad for him if it's a pulsejet. But yeah, my guess would be that if it's a turbojet that your blades are clogging things up. Perhaps you want to amend the angle of incidence or remove a few blades to create better airflow?
  7. Getting Demons Souls for christmas. What else?

    1. Incendia


      The moon on a stick and some unicorn blood.

    2. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      No, but Disgaea 3 is on the cards now as well.

  8. Snow, snow everywheer and not a drop to drink.

  9. I'm sorry I don't see any of your research by following any of those links. None of the information seems to be verified by an external source and "client Testimonials" are hardly evidence, especially when they are regular people with no scientific background. It's like me setting up a website saying that rubbing fish guts in your belly button is a great cure for headaches, then asking my friend to go on camera to verfify it. Without peer review I dont see this as credible.
  10. What're Apple gonna use when we run out of Indium Tin Oxide?

    1. Incendia


      A team at Princeton is working with conducting polymers, which are nowhere near as brittle as ITO. But they suffer from degradation due to UV light and oxygen. Carbon nanomaterials look promising-- graphene is a great conductor, and carbon nanotubes demonstrate remarkable durability and conductivity.

    2. Leader Bee

      Leader Bee

      I can see how UV ligfht migth be a problem for something like an ITouch or Iphone. Wont Carbon Nanomaterials be expensive? plus the material would need to be translucent to work in this application.

    3. dragonstar57


      why can't they just recycle it?


  11. Interesting how most of the developed world has the better tolerances. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lactose_Intolerance http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Laktoseintoleranz-1.svg
  12. thanks very much for your encouraging input
  13. If I didn't still live at home and I was allowed a huge whiteboard to just stuff in the corner of my living room believe me I would have one. I find context certainly helps me understand things much mroe. Unlike you I couldnt just accept that "thats the way it's done" i'd have to ask why it has to be done that particular way to fully understand. Perhaps that was one of my failings having to ask question after question to understand something rather than just accept what i'm told. (usually the accepting things at face value way doesnt help me learn)
  14. I knew my maths was terrible but browsing through the open university website for courses it offers a simple "are you ready to study yadda yadda yadda course...?" type quiz, with questions on enviornment and ecology, which I did quite well with but there were also simple questions about adding fractions together and working out percentages which I had to look up how to do! I understand the concepts of physics; Applying any useful equations to it is another story. Maybe maths isn't so bad when you've got a guide how to handle the equations, number crunching is surely easy (Though time consuming) as long as you've got the mechanisim to handle them correctly. It's just really off putting when you enjoy somethign and then those nasty numbers crop up and drop your confidence.
  15. Double post - my bad.
  16. Thanks very much. It's been some time since I was in education (2002, and that was an I.T course and not particularly relevent) so I was somewhat concerned about the requirements and brushing up on my maths which was never something I felt very confident with anyway. When I left school I planned to go into the 6th form to study Geography & Phys, unfortunately there were never enough students from my school interested enough for them to run it; The local college had nothing appropriate either. I'll have a look into this. I reckon i'd need the foundation or refresher courses for sure. Thanks muchly!
  17. So here I am at 24 years old stuck in a dead end job which I completely abhor. Back in my school days I was a pretty bright lad let down by the motivation to do the work. I didn't get out with great grades despite the fact I knew what I was talking about in Geography & Physics; I just didnt put in the effort to the coursework. Im sick and tired of this crummy admin job and want to look into something i'd find more enjoyable. (something involving the above two subjects i'd hope). I'm guessing that attending university is out of the question. I looked at some of the entry requirements for Leeds uni in the UK as this would be my local Uni and they're far above what I attained. Open University now then seems the best choice for me, but i've really not got any further ideas than that. Anything you helpful folks here at SFN could reccommend? (I'm looking at you Rhiaden as this seems to be a similar situation you were in?) Cheers guys!
  18. Yeah the maths is probably the one thing that puts me of persuing this any further. It always frustrated me because I consider myself a very logical person when it comes to analysing things and you really cant get any more logical than maths but i just don't get it! The concepts of physics I can handle just fine but explaining them with numbers is nigh on impossible for me.
  19. Holy cow, you sound like my ideal woman! I was really very interested in Physics and Geography in school (and probably got my very best grades in these too) but now i'm stuck in a boring dead end admin job. What exactly can you do with a bachelors in those areas? I'm assuming weatherman and some other cool stuff? I guess i've not put my name on this list either. I'm a lurker though and not particularly new. Hi guys!
  20. Thanks very much
  21. Now... When i first heard about this I thought it was a joke but i've seen references to it in several places now. Is it real and can anyone explain what it is intended to do? ( if it does indeed exist?) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cox-Zucker_machine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki?title=Talk:Cox-Zucker_machine http://improbable.com/2008/08/12/the-cox-zucker-machine/
  22. What are YOU lookin' at smoothskin?

  23. Leader Bee


    I would argue that "Pseudo Science" isn't really teaching at all but rather giving misleading information.
  24. Are you using DOSbox? Dungeon Keeper is a pretty old game and even if your netbook doesnt have dedicated graphics you should be able to handle this EASILY. Maybe it's just your settings but unfortunately i'm not familiar with DOSbox.
  25. I guess that post finally derails the fun of this thread. Sorry boys "Pools closed"
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