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  1. I mean... she IS a child, afterall. I'm just following her lead.
  2. Im so glad there is nothing here. I was starting to fear we cracked something we shouldnt have cracked. PHEW!!! thanks guys
  3. Premise I have this kid, ok? A girl, at that, so, like, the least suitable canditate you'd imagine for a theorethical physics conversation. I'm just a parent. Parents might have deep conversations. But I'm no prof scientist. I work summer jobs to survive, I started coding a videgame on my spare time. I only just learned a bit about javascript. I try reading the posts in this forum and it's all mandarin, alien language. But, I fed Einstein famous E = MC² to my kid, and she broke. Like... brain fried. Then, after we panicked and stuff for 2 days, almost about to call the ambulance, she comes back to reality and starts drawing stuff. Now, that I started understanding javascript, i kinda see a code in her scribbles... there's a logic? she's drawing code??? Could it be??????? So, let's pretend she's secretly a javascript master and capable of drawing code with crayons and watercolours (freaky right?) So, here's my translation of her response drawing to my feeding her Einstein famous thingie: input: E=MC² output: scribble of a central point of yellow crayon, and a mess of blue, red, black crayon all over the place my translation: if energy = mass times (speed of light times speed of light) then energy = energy times (energy times energy) and my brain breaks. I try to resist fainting, and write: 1 = 1 x (1 x 1) 1 = 1 she nods super excited. Dafuq? She draws a point on a new page. A yellow point. Okay. 2 = 2 x (2 x 2) 2 = 2 x 4 2 = 8 She nods again. Grabs a new page. Draws our buddy the yellow point, then, grabs black crayon, scriblles some unintelligeble black noise around the point. THen back the yellow crayon, starts at buddy the point, and starts going off on a tanget, until she stops. Drawing complete. Daactualfuq? She nods. Pointing at point to point. Wait. A yellow line? Did you just create a yellow line? OF course, how silly of me. 2 = 8 she drew 2 = 8 coz she thinks that 2 = 8 means 2 becomes 8. A line, starting from 2, ending at 8. Duh, silly daddy. So, the universe is a point, and buddy the point makes things go boom? And Einstein described the how? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT? tell me we're both insane and silly, please. Confute this hypothesis
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