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ritik bhardwaj

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  1. I mean reviewers of "Jounral of modern physics" 🥺
  2. The beginning of jounrals of modern physics was not good. People posted unrelated and less valuable Theseus and reviewers has approved that papers. But now this journal is improved alot and if we ignore the past. Now the journal is accepting only valuable paper with multiple checking stages from reviewers. I agree that the beginning was not on the mark but now it is improved a lot. Anyways I will come back with the prediction of this paper. I will try to explain in simple way.
  3. I was not supposed to say read the paper but I felt people commented only by reading description. I will short out your all queries and doubts soon....
  4. You said about observational experiment, Yes there are few prediction which are accepted by Reviewers theoretically. It's a beginning so I believe that this model can be experiment proven. However, You read description I recommend one time, just one time read the paper I believe you will get the complete model. Actually there are lot of things which are covered in entire paper so I recommend to read full paper one time. Just a request because I believe theoretically true.
  5. This is a newly research from John A. Macken, Published in Journal of Modern Physics. A new insightful work which gives a very new wave perspective of the Universe. About the theory: In this article, spacetime is modeled as a quantum mechanical sonic medium consisting of Planck length oscillations at Planck frequency. Planck length-time oscillations give spacetime its physical constants of c, G and ħ. Oscillating spacetime is proposed to be the single universal field that generates and unifies everything in the universe. The 17 fields of quantum field theory are modeled as lower frequency resonances of oscillating spacetime. A model of an electron is proposed to be a rotating soliton wave in this medium. An electron appears to have wave-particle duality even though it is fundamentally a quantized wave. This soliton wave can momentarily be smaller than a proton in a high energy collision or can have a relatively large volume of an atom’s orbital wave function. Finding an electron causes it to undergo a superluminal collapse to a smaller wave size. This gives an electron its particle-like properties when detected. The proposed wave-based electron model is tested and shown to have an electron’s approximate energy, de Broglie wave properties and undetectable volume. Most important, this electron model is shown to also generate an electron’s electrostatic and gravitational forces. The gravitational properties are derived from the nonlinearity of this medium. When an electron’s gravitational and electrostatic forces are modeled as distortions of soliton waves, the equations become very simple, and a clear connection emerges between these forces. For example, the gravitational force between two Planck masses equals the electrostatic force between two Planck charges. Both force magnitudes equal ħc/r2. jmp2024158_27505279 (2) (1) (1).pdf
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