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Everything posted by exuczen

  1. @swansont you have a million of clues, but you chose the least obvious and debatable. Do your thing.
  2. Once again I agree with you - it's quite a good idea. We're both childish at the moment trying to have the last word.
  3. Agree. It's meaningless as well as your reputation ranking.
  4. What a geniuses you both are, except Mordred has actually a "genius" rank. What a joke.
  5. You would just paste the same thing all over again. We're done.
  6. The pot calling the kettle black.
  7. There is no chance for agreement, thank for the discussion. I just want to add, that you have a really bad habit of editing your answers after I've given my replies to your answers.
  8. Equations of state can't help you if there is no spacetime curvature due to expansion for the given reason and there is also the cosmological principle. You choose to ignore my basic logic as well as the plain errors and contradiction in the paper, I choose to ignore the rest of your paper. We're even.
  9. For spacetime to have curvature due to expansion, spacetime itself would have to store the past values of both the metric tensor and the energy-momentum tensor that describe it. It doesn't store them, it has only current values.
  10. Sorry, there is no spacetime curvature due to the expansion.
  11. I really don't have to. If they are wrong in two cases, I don't care about the rest.
  12. And you must understand the basics of deduction and learn to read with comprehension.
  13. I'm giving a screenshot for those who didn't click the link or didn't open pdf (logical or). If you look carefully, you may recognize Special Relativity's Doppler effect equation, that is the same for both GR and SR, because of the equivalence of the GR and SR time dilation given by this equation. You may even realise, that this equation has a velocity, that must also be identical in GR and SR, if their time dilations are identical. You may even notice the dependence between this velocity and the redshift z+1. A ton of sarcasm is dedicated just for one person, who probably forgot to paste a table to support Friedmann's equation with the values. Your beloved Davis and Lineweaver is self cotradictory, they couldn't even plot the Doppler function properly on the Velocity vs Redshift graph. There are basically wrong values on the velocity axis, that are completely unfit for the Doppler (Special Relativity line). I totally realise that there is a logarithmic scale on the redshift axis, but that doesn't change a thing regarding its invalidity. Mr. moderator, so far you have shown extraordinary decency by allowing me to defend my point of view instead of banning me and giving the last flood of words and equations to you know who. I count on you to maintain this decency.
  14. @Mordred https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0310808 Page 13, equations 7, 8, 9.
  15. @swansont counterintuitively, just the opposite.
  16. @geordief then I recommend you the video I've shared above.
  17. @geordief cosmic time dilation is inversely proportional to the CMB redshift z+1. It's much less than one, because its value is like the length of the timestep in computer simulation. The smaller it is, the more steps fit into the base timestep from the time of emission of CMB, and the faster the time goes. Also, the more energy-dense the spacetime is, the slower time goes. It's clear if you look at the 00 term of the energy-momentum tensor and its corresponding term in the metric tensor on the other side of the Einstein's equation.
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