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  1. Emfo 0 Started conversation: Monday at 01:42 PM Guide for Reviewing Atom Structure Proof (GRASP) Welcome to the true Periodic Atom Crystal Table (PACT) and the Microsoft EXCEL program which can provide a one trillion to one scale model of any atom from 1 (hydrogen) to 96 (cerium). I am an 88 year old researcher who, for over 50 years, has listened to elected representatives at all levels, news reporters at all levels, environmental experts at all levels, and college professors at all levels proclaim that carbon dioxide will degrade the atmosphere to the point that civilization as we know it could even become extinct if carbon dioxide is not disposed of as toxic waste. The atmosphere is approximately 79.5 percent nitrogen and 19.5 percent oxygen. Yet, all the people above claim that we are doomed by a mere 69 thousandth of one percent carbon dioxide. In my lifetime, not one of these people have pointed out the most pertinent proven fact of all: The sole source of food for every living thing on earth is carbon dioxide! The glucose in all faunae is the same as the glucose in all florae. This glucose can only be created by combining carbon dioxide with water vapor at the atom level within a temperature range of 70 to 75 degrees. Scientists knew little of the atom structure when they discovered how photosynthesis worked. That lack of knowledge led them to erroneously conclude that only photons which deliver heat can force that chemical conversion. Our current scientists have the technical capability to convert carbon dioxide and water vapor to glucose and oxygen, via ion exchange, but they don’t seem to know it! Personally, I believe many know even less about the atom structure than their predecessors and refuse to review or investigate anything that questions their supposedly proven “chaotic electron cloud” theory with precise 3D atom structure models at a trillion to one scale. There is no reason to believe that Carbon Dioxide cannot be recycled. Just because the researchers who determined how photosynthesis works did not think so, was not a satisfactory reason to quit trying. Everything points to the fact that it can be recycled at a temperature between 70-75 degrees in an atmosphere of high Carbon Dioxide, also at a temperature of 70-75 degrees. With sonic vaporizers, we could easily produce water vapor at 70-75 degrees from 67-68 degree water. If this were done in a pure Carbon Dioxide atmosphere at 70-75 degrees, there should be a glucose precipitate and Oxygen produced. The volcano guiding the Jewish people during the Exodus produced an excess of Carbon Dioxide which settled in the low areas. The Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf provided the high humidity (water vapor). This produced a desert frost of glucose as the low desert night temperature rose through the 70-75 degree temperatures toward much higher temperatures. Science and civilization had steadily advanced for centuries when the first three layers of the atom crystal were determined. It appeared that the atom had a structure which expanded in eight element layers. Unfortunately, layer four was not an eight element layer. Thousands of scientists worldwide earnestly struggled to be the first to discover the structure. I could be wrong, but it appears to me their desire to be the first apparently overrode their interest in true fact based research. They chose brainwashing to prove that inanimate electrons “knew” what to do and inanimate neutrons could “magically” change into whatever the researcher desired. Fact based research seems to have been changed to brainwashing research where the proof was simply based upon the prestige and power of the researcher; obviously ignoring the fact that even the greatest researchers can and do also make grievous errors. I do not claim to be a “great researcher” and my research papers acknowledge my errors as new facts are discovered. Instead of trying to determine how a layered structure could change the number of elements in a layer and then return to the primary number, scientists chose to assign the electrons to imaginary two dimensional rings with no idea where the rings were. In desperation, after over a century of two dimensional magic circles, they went on to define an atom as a “no structure will-o’-the-wisp chaotic electron cloud surrounding an indescribable nucleus of neutrons and protons which are held together by tiny dabs of superglue”. They claim superglue is required because gravity cannot hold the nucleus together, even though they know gravity holds everything else in the universe together. However, I insist that a claim is not proven simply by a vote on the research stature of the person making the claim. On the other hand, I have spent 70 years data mining the measurements of our greatest physicists. After 50 years of research, I asked myself “How could tens of thousands of competent scientists fail to determine the structure of the atom?” I could understand my failure but only something so common that qualified scientists did not think it had anything to do with atom creation. It could even be something we used to amuse our kids. The answer hit me like a bolt of lightning. The electron is a moving charged particle which creates a negative electromagnetic force (EMF) and every electron added to the atom increases this EMF! I was embarrassed it took me 50 years to realize that the combining electromagnetic force fields of the individual electrons create precise atom structures! I knew within one minute of this discovery, in December 2004, that every physicist on earth would be too embarrassed to admit their failure to consider the obvious electromagnetic force fields. True enough, no one else will even consider this force has anything to do with the atom structure. However, using their measurements, I have written a Microsoft EXCEL program which can provide scale drawings at a trillion to one of any atom, showing the precise position of every electron, the exact position of every bonding point, and the type of bonding point. It also reveals the reason for so many virus modifications and birth defects. I have sent many papers to physicists and several people have passed my technical papers to physicists. As soon as scientists see the words “precise structure”, everything I send or publish is considered nonsense because Quantum Mechanics Theory supposedly accepts that “chaotic electron clouds” can combine in precise and identical ways without structure. For all 70 years I have read the claims that two electrons are “too close together” but never any measurements, making it rather difficult to program. The actual distance would have been very helpful as it would have been the diameter of the electrons orbit. Two electrons are paired into the same orbit, 180 degrees apart, by their combining electromagnetic force fields. This is the most vital part of the Atom Crystal. Our greatest physicists appear to prefer investigating inanimate “chaotic electron clouds”, which supposedly “know” something, along with neutrons, protons and superglue particles instead of identifying, accepting, or even testing for an atom structure. Remember that the rings on my models are electrons and solid color circles are the layer positions of those same electrons in the previous atoms of the same layer. You can see how the electrons move as the layer is completed. I have tried many ways to get the information highlighted above to the people mentioned above. The only time anything worked was at the start of Covid19. Some educational institution in the suburbs of Spokane, Washington, began downloading my papers in earnest – and then ceased as the entire country was shut down. When President Trump reopened the country, these users responded by downloading hundreds of copies a week. When the country turned red again with Covid19, everything stopped and has never returned. The pretense that we have a functional education system in America is just another way to complete the switching of our education system to an official politically controlled brainwashing system, science and truth be damned. My papers are published on figshare.com in England under Physics. They may be located by technical paper title or author (Richard Morefield). No one in America is willing to publish or read any of my technical papers. If you believe or suspect anything you read or see in these scale models below is true, you owe it to your country, humanity, and civilization to have it investigated further. As stated previously, all of my scale 3D structures use official atom measurements made by these same physicists who refuse to acknowledge them. They seem to think it is merely a coincidence that plotting their numbers in a precise sequence identifies the precise growing physical atom structures. I am hoping you will look at the 3D structures below to see if you believe such a coincidence is possible. I am even hoping that someone on earth might even agree with me that converting carbon dioxide to food (glucose) and oxygen could be useful to civilization! Am I the only person on earth who believes this? The entire process of photosynthesis is based upon ionic exchanges. I will identify the ions involved using models of the atoms of life (hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen). Usually, the hydrogen electron is simply taken, and the proton becomes a tagalong +1 ion which can (and will) jump to the most negative bonding point within range. It could be described as a pair of (H-)(H+) ions. Carbon is the first tetrahedron in the Atom Crystal. Its four covalent bonding positions are among the strongest. When it bonds with oxygen, the carbon base takes the two single oxygen electrons of one atom, making it as an O+2 ion and the remaining CO becomes a -2 ion so CO2 could be described as a pair of (CO-2)(O+2) ions. The (C0-2) connection to the carbon apex is permanent. Oxygen simply takes the hydrogen electrons when they bond with the two single electrons below to form a water molecule (H2O). I found in 2023 that nitrogen doubled a base electron instead of the apex as shown. The apex is not doubled until neon. The atom could be described as three (H+)(H+)(O-2) ions. These ionized molecules can unleash remarkable power. There is no way that I can trick my EXCEL bubble chart modeling program into modeling a molecule. As mentioned above, not all covalent bonds are really shared. In many cases, the stronger atom simply takes one or more electrons or the proton (hydrogen only) permanently. It is primarily and perhaps only carbon and oxygen. Let us review individual cases. We are addicted to the combination of water and carbon dioxide because of the fizz, but what happens when a leaf (or any other flora) places a single molecule of carbon dioxide next to a single molecule of water vapor at a temperature between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit? The carbon base bonding points are more negative than the water bonding points, so the hydrogen ions mentioned above jump to the more negative bonds of the carbon leaving behind an O-2 ion, and free the O+2 ion from the carbon which changes the carbon dioxide into glucose. The released O-2 ion from the carbon and the O+2 ion from the water vapor then join to form an oxygen atom. As a formula, (CO-2)(O+2) ions and (H+1)(H+)(O-2) ions equal (CO-2)(H+)(H+), which is a glucose molecule, and (O-2)(O+2), which is an oxygen molecule. Yes, food and oxygen, which apparently only nonscientists believe are important to humanity. Our scientists could do the same if they were willing to try. They refuse to even look at or investigate these scale models using their official measurements. Desert frost of glucose The following information was not included in my 2013 “Photosynthesis – Energy in a Bottle” technical paper. I only realized it in later research. I believe that carbon dioxide has been recycled in ages past and documented in the bestselling book of all times – the Bible. The primary source of carbon dioxide before the industrial revolution was from active volcanoes. The Jewish exodus was guided by the fire from an active volcano during the night and by the plume of debris during the day, so the carbon dioxide was far greater than normal. Just as today, the heavier carbon dioxide would have accumulated in the lower desert areas. The moisture content between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf would also have been extremely high because of the winds blowing from the water. No matter how hot deserts get, the temperature drops extremely low at night. As the temperature of the desert and this high carbon dioxide and high humidity air mixture rose in the early morning hours to 70-75 degrees, there would have been a desert “frost” of pure glucose or “manna from heaven”. Warmer areas around the people would not have frost just as the areas close to a home do not frost. This was reported in the Bible. To religious people, the sky is heaven, so it was reported in the Bible as “manna from heaven”. As the temperature continued to rise, the glucose would have become acidic, just like acid rain, from the air and inedible at about 90 degrees unless kept in an urn away from air. Stored in urns, it would only have been edible for about one more day and even then, the degradation was probably noticeable. This was also reported in the Bible. It was only kept for the next day in preparing for the Sabbath. There is no reason to believe that carbon dioxide cannot be recycled. Just because the men who determined how photosynthesis works did not think so was not a satisfactory reason to quit trying. Everything points to the fact that it can be recycled at a temperature between 70-75 degrees in an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, also at a temperature of 70-75 degrees. With sonic vaporizers, we could easily produce water vapor at 70-75 degrees from 67-68 degree water. If this were done in a pure carbon dioxide atmosphere at 70-75 degrees, there should be a glucose precipitate and oxygen produced. Remember that rings on my models are electrons and solid colors are the layer positions of those same electrons in previous atoms. Carbon Dioxide is not toxic waste Every living thing on earth, both fauna and flora, are dependent upon carbon dioxide for food. We are taught simple facts instead of principles. Trees take in carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen. We take in oxygen and convert it to carbon dioxide. Our blood stream carries glucose which is required for life. The sap stream of the tree carries the same glucose which is required for life. Not even 1 in 100 people on earth seem to realize that their food comes from carbon dioxide. The United States has spent millions to have universities research capturing carbon dioxide and disposing of it as toxic waste. Environmental engineers claim we must do this to save humanity. The earth would be as dead as the moon if it were not for this glucose which can only be produced by recycling carbon dioxide. Advanced countries and their scientists insist remaining jungles must be preserved to provide oxygen for humanity. They are not concerned with the fate of the people living in those jungle countries. All because scientists refuse to acknowledge that the atom has a specific precise structure which could be utilized to advance civilization. As stated before, carbon (6) forms the first tetrahedron in layer 2. A tetrahedron will be the final shape of each layer of every atom. Normally, The nitrogen (7) electron would double up with an even layer 2 base electron on the right and does 99 percent of the time. However, the combined electromagnetic force field of all the electrons also attracts electrons to this future apex. There is a negative electron on the even apex center axis to the left of the nucleus but none to theright. The combined EMF of 6 electrons overrides the positive negative attraction approximately 1 percent of the time, attaching the nitrogen electron to the atom at this empty but erroneous odd apex position on the central axis, identified by the thin dark pink apex circle on the right. Normally the nitrogen doubles up with one of the single electrons. This was not determined until 2022. The extra negativity of this misplaced apex electron definitely weakens the three base bonds. Any atom created above a nitrogen error in the same layer will bond as the previous element because of the nitrogen error. The error electron cannot do a covalent bond in the same layer. Buried within the surrounding base electrons, the position prevents a covalent bond, and all four carbon covalent bond points remain active. True scientists have identified atoms by the number of electron and proton pairs for decades, so the atom remains a nitrogen atom. Misguided scientists refuse to believe their “chaotic” atom can have a creation defect and claim that a nonexistent imaginary neutron in a carbon atom split into a proton and an electron. This is to justify claiming the atom is a modified (upward radiation or beta decay) carbon atom, whereas it is simply a nitrogen atom with a creation displacement error from beginning to end. For decades, this misunderstanding was called “upward radiation”. Recently thousands of documents proclaiming this scientific discovery, with appropriate honors, were removed from the internet and replaced with thousands of new documents and new “scientific lingo” terms on “beta decay” research and additional honors. I felt like laughing when I realized (2022) this new brainwashing acknowledged that the number of electron/proton pairs, not the bonding points, always determined the element. The first admission I have seen since their “radioactive carbon 14” confusion. In my opinion, the nonexistent imaginary neutron misunderstanding has now been turned into yet another major physics field of brainwashing research. These misunderstandings, with appropriate honors, will continue, while fact based education and research declines and disappears. Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are the atoms of life because of their power. The power is due to their proximity to the nucleus. Every living thing has to have a shell in which to live whether it be a human body, a whale body, a turtle shell, or a tree. These shells are made of protein. Every life, basically DNA strands and RNA strands, is made of protein. Protein molecules are composed of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms in numerous precise and meaningful arrangements. Their power provides the strong and enduring bonds needed for life. The nitrogen error means approximately one percent of the time, a nitrogen error atom could bond as a carbon atom, an oxygen error atom could bond as a nitrogen atom, or a fluoride error atom could bond as an oxygen atom. Unfortunately, these weakened bonds can and will release prematurely, randomly, and unexpectedly over time. Molecules in a DNA or RNA strand coming apart prematurely can cause endless birth defects, including mutilation, permanent disability, and death of both the life and the shell. The countless virus mutations are due to this. The mutation may cause it to die, it may weaken the virus so it will disappear, it may allow the virus to transfer to another organism, or it may strengthen the virus so it will take over. If America wants to eliminate some toxic waste, this would be a good place to start. Unfortunately, I do not think anyone knows of an economical way to identify and remove nitrogen, oxygen, fluoride, or any other atoms having a creation error. The creation errors and mutations will continue until scientists get their heads out of the “chaotic electron clouds” and return to performing actual inclusive research instead of selective brainwashing research to prove their personal guesses. Obviously, I do not believe that neutrons can change into anything desired but I could be wrong. I probably have a history of more mistakes than the scientists. However, scientists should be willing to consider the fact that someone else could be correct. The major delay in documenting my theory was the time verifying that most of their previous guesses were not actually proven. It would be great if scientists could discover an economical way to identify and eliminate the layer two nitrogen, oxygen, fluoride, and other creation error atoms illustrated above. Unfortunately, this discovery is only the tip of the iceberg which temporarily destroys the Atom Crystal at layer 8. Layers 8 and 9 include the Lanthanides Series. Initially, I mistakenly believed that positive negative attraction was the primary force building the atom structure. I thought the misplaced electrons such as the nitrogen electron were balancing the atom structure. I even referred to them as balancing electrons. I finally realized that my models proved the added electrons were actually unbalancing the positive negative field. Only then did I realize the combined electromagnetic force field of the electrons was the controlling force field of the Atom Crystal. At layer 8, start of the Lanthanides Series, the central axis is so far out of balance that no extra electrons can be added. The electromagnetic force field (EMF) and the positive negative unbalance continue to build through layer 9. At ytterbium 70, the positive negative unbalance is greater than the EMF which forces the helium electrons out of orbit and into the central axis opposite the previous EMF added electrons. This restores the Atom Crystal balance as my models clearly illustrate. As stated above, layer pairs 8 and 9 include the misidentified, misunderstood, and misplaced lanthanides Series. Our scientists gave up looking for a structure and officially declared that their inability to discover a structure was absolute proof of no structure! Really? Their definition of an atom now appears to be “A chaotic electron cloud surrounding an indescribable nucleus of neutrons and protons held together by tiny dabs of superglue.” They claim the following scale models, USING THEIR MEASUREMENTS, are a figment of my imagination and a coincidence. Perhaps I am only plotting their mistakes, but I believe these Atom Crystals exist everywhere, as their own measurements indicate. Judge for yourself as we follow the iceberg. This model clearly shows a completed 10 element blue layer 4. The 2 additional electrons were added above the previous orange layer 3 odd apex for a new odd apex, so the crystal structure was not destroyed. There are still only 8 bonding points for the last two layers. The crystal structure then reverts to the original 8 element structures. This also applies to layers 6 (light pink) and 12 (grey). Physicists refuse to accept that the 8 bonding points of each atom are the last 2 layers! From Lanthanides Science Fiction to Facts My true periodic table based on physicist measurements identifies several things. I do not believe anyone can seriously question that the atom crystal physical structure is based upon eight element layers. But they will violently question it because they were not the ones to determine why it also includes some 10 element layers and how it can change to and from 10 element layers without destroying the crystal. They chose to label the atom as “chaotic” to cover up their inability to measure the atom properly and to understand the results of their own measurements made everything even worse. However, it is obvious that these researchers, using various old theories and guesses, did successfully and correctly detect the general locations where the Atom Crystal structure comes under stress from imbalance! They seem to think that calling everything chaotic eliminates such silly things as imbalance. Natural forces must eliminate this imbalance to remove the stress. Otherwise, the crystal structure would be lost. It is also obvious that these old theories and guesses, with no knowledge of the Atom Crystal structure, did not and could not specifically identify either the source of the stress, the adjustments needed, or the adjustment made. They simply could not identify which specific elements or layers were involved, so they appear to have just grabbed a handful of similar atoms and named it a proven series. Naturally, they had to take the last totally unknown “magic 15” and make another proven series with them. I suspect it will probably take another century to get out of what I personally consider “irresponsible science fiction brainwashing”. Everything is simply documented as just another proven natural “chaotic” phenomenon of our universe for which no one could be expected to provide a precise description or explanation. Our world is not that “chaotic”, we simply cannot identify and/or understand the forces involved. I had determined the combined electromagnetic force (EMF) power of all the electrons was the major controlling force for the Atom Crystal. Unfortunately, I still thought the extra electrons were balancing the crystal, but I was incorrect (2022). The steadily increasing EMF power creates a proton particle accelerator in every atom. The odd layer apex is the output of this accelerator. The output of an accelerator created by negative forces attracts additional electrons. Conversely, it tries to eject protons. Each additional electron attracted to a growing atom increases the power of the accelerator and any electron added to the odd apex further unbalances the positive negative balance between the even and odd layer apexes. This particle accelerator consisting of only 6 electrons has the capability of pulling the nitrogen (7) atom into the accelerator one percent of the time in layer 2. It now appears (2024) that the accelerator may also pull the oxygen (8) electron 11 percent of the time. There are obviously many other similar single electron displacement creation errors. The scientific community is running out of imaginary decay and radioactive terms to describe these simple displacements caused by the electron generated EMF field. By layer 4, with the combined EMF field of 22 electrons, it has the power to pull in 2 additional electrons which creates a formidable imbalance in the positive negative balance between the even and odd layers. Every additional electron adds to this positive negative imbalance as the iceberg grows. Nature will eventually force a balance. This model clearly shows a completed 10 element light pink layer 6. The 2 additional electrons were added above the previous yellow layer 5 odd apex for a new odd apex, so the crystal structure was not destroyed. Still only 8 bonding points and the crystal structure then reverts to 8 elements. Layers 5,7,10 models following extra addition and movement of electrons are under “Electricity”. Layer 6, adding yet another 2 electrons with an EMF of 40 electrons, moves the atom crystal structure to a very serious imbalance. Sure enough, the atom crystal EMF field of layer 8, with an EMF strength of 58 electrons, implodes as the positive negative imbalance moves from serious to critical. To summarize, my research papers and scale models clearly show that each atom from carbon on consists of two layers with four bonding points on each layer for a total of eight bonding points per atom. Both my 3D scale models and my Periodic Atom Crystal Table (PACT) show that even layers follow the definite pattern of the combined EMF field unbalancing the crystal by pulling in additional electrons. The odd layers try to correct this imbalance by drawing the electrons in closer, which creates our best electrical conductors because the first electrons in these following odd layers are too close to the nucleus to enter covalent bonds. The atom crystal structure is temporarily destroyed in the next even layer 8 as the positive negative imbalance prevents the addition of 2 electrons to the odd layer apex by even layer 8. Layer pair 8 and 9, except for the starting layer 8 elements, cesium (55) and barium (56), are nothing more than 15 measurement of the same barium (56) electron stack even though each atom has 8 electron stacks. The even layer 8 apex electron stack radius is larger than any other atom through ytterbium (70) layer 9. The radius decrease is simply atom shrinkage due to the additional protons in the nucleus. The extended even apex was far too large to begin with and remained as large as Tm (69) odd layer 9 apex. This destruction does not become evident until ytterbium (70) layer 9. Ytterbium (70), Layer 9 restores the atom crystal. First, this “collision” between opposing forces occurs when the positive negative imbalance finally became strong enough to overcome the EMF attraction strength on the odd layer apex of the central axis electron stack. Second, the positive negative imbalance forces the helium electron pair orbiting the nucleus into the bottom of the even layer 8 apex central axis electron stack restoring the positive negative balance. This obviously increases the radius of this previous even layer 8 apex electron (cesium 55) stack by approximately 18 picometers as my models have shown for over a decade. Scientists refuse to listen and are still trying to determine why and how the magical element ytterbium expanded. Third, removing the helium (2) electrons from orbit allowed all the electron stacks to move closer to the nucleus. Fourth, at layer 10, elements lutetium (71) through mercury (80), are reduced to practically the same size as the 10 preceding elements at layer 6, yttrium (39) through cadmium (48), even though they are separated by 31 larger elements. Fifth, layer pair 10 and 11 complete normally with 2 electrons added in 10, a good conductor gold (79) beginning 11 and ending with the inert gas radon (86). Sixth, I expected estimated layers pair 12 and 13 to complete normally by adding 2 electron in layer 12, a good conductor beginning layer 11, and an inert gas ending layer 13. Berkelium is a good conductor but there is no natural rutherfordium and the chemically created substitutes are seldom stable or inert. No atom above rutherfordium (104) exists long enough to concern me. Layers 9-10 looked OK at thulium. The atom crystal structure continues to grow in the precise manner illustrated until it becomes atom 69 (thulium) below. The actual yellow odd apex measurements of layer 9 are almost equal to the misassigned green even apex. The odd axis has 11 electrons, and the even axis has only 7. The odd side is becoming too negative, and nature will balance it eventually. The last yellow ytterbium (70) electron appeared to force the electrons back out because the actual covalent radius for the yellow odd apex is greater than the erroneously assigned green barium (56) value. I had not yet discovered that the helium electron pair had been forced out of orbit and into the bottom of the green even layer apex stack as shown in the next updated model. My original modeling program shows there was some problem in layer pair 8 and 9 above. I had not yet discovered the movement of the helium electron pair. I discovered the cause some time ago (2022) but have only recently been able to modify the program for the correct graphical view below. Ytterbium (70), Layer 9 restored the atom crystal. First, the positive negative imbalance finally became strong enough to overcome the EMF attraction strength on the odd layer apex of the central axis electron stack. Second, the positive negative imbalance forced the helium electron pair orbiting the nucleus into the bottom of the even apex central axis electron stack restoring the positive negative balance. This obviously increases the radius of this previous even layer 8 apex electron stack by approximately 18 picometers as my models have shown for over a decade. The new model clearly shows how the green layer 8 apex was moved outward by the helium electron pair as it was moved into the bottom of the stack. Scientists refuse to listen and are still trying to determine why and how the layer 9 magical ytterbium apex expanded. Third, removing the helium (2) electrons from orbit allowed all the electron stacks to move closer to the nucleus. Fourth, at layer 10, elements lutetium (71) through mercury (80), are reduced to practically the same size as the 10 preceding elements beginning at layer 6, yttrium (39) through cadmium (48), even though they are separated by 31 larger elements. Fifth, layer pair 10 and 11 complete normally with 2 electrons added in 10, a good conductor gold (79) beginning 11 and ending with the inert gas radon (86). Sixth, I expected estimated layers pair 12 and 13 to complete normally by adding 2 electron in layer 12, a good conductor beginning layer 11, and an inert gas ending layer 13. Berkelium is a good conductor but there is no natural rutherfordium and the chemically created substitutes are seldom stable or inert. No atom above rutherfordium (104) exists long enough to concern me. Another very important thing to consider is the huge distance between the layer 8 and 9 bonding points. The bonding points of other atoms cannot reach that far. Therefore, most bonding has the smaller atoms simply connecting the three base bonding points of the layer 8 and 9 atoms to a similar base from layers 8 and 9. That is the source of the common +3 bonding and the common 3 ion bonding to complete a single element base. All of this is the result of a finite atom crystal structure and I feel the models prove such. The balance, location, and structure are obvious as the 2 helium electrons that were around the nucleus are forced into the bottom of the even apex axis stack (green). This removal makes it possible for the axis proton particle accelerator to begin remove protons from the nucleus when enough electrons have been acquired, currently believed to be polonium (84). The Atom Crystal is balanced, and the central axis becomes a linear proton particle accelerator which will continue to increase in power until it can overcome the gravity of the neutrons and protons, apparently beginning at polonium (84). It will then expel helium nuclei from the nucleus which will grab electrons from the outer layer to form a new helium atom as it exits this odd layer apex atom crystal tunnel proton particle accelerator on the right. The answer is not a “chaotic electron cloud”. The answer is the white ring which represents the helium electrons that orbit the nucleus through atom 70. Each electron increases the electromagnetic force field of the atom flowing through this central axis. The overall negative field of the surrounding electrons is also increased with each electron captured. Ytterbium 70 just happens to be the point at which these two fields first have the power to force the helium pair out of orbit and into the bottom of the even apex electron stack. You can also see that atom 70 had four electron pairs on the even apex stack and 6 electron pairs on the odd apex stack. After the switch, the even apex side of the central axis has 5 electron pairs plus a single electron and the odd apex side still has 6 pair of electrons. This process adds balance to the crystal just as the 10 element layers do. Without the blocking interference of the helium electron pair orbiting the nucleus, all of the electron stacks move closer to the nucleus which reduces the physical size, while the electron stack structure is unchanged. The electromagnetic force field going through the central axis will continue to grow with every electron added. The central axis will become a linear particle accelerator for the protons in the nucleus when the power of the electromagnetic force field exceeds the power of gravity required to retain the protons. This apparently occurs with atom polonium (84). At that point, two protons held together by two neutrons will eventually be shot out of this electronic cannon. As the two protons pass through the last pair of electrons, the positive attraction of the emitted protons is greater than the positive attraction of the nucleus eight layers away, so the pair of electrons go with the emitted protons to form a new helium atom. The emitting atom will decrease by two elements. Radiation will increase as the number of electrons in this linear particle accelerator increase. This is the actual cause of radiation! This could also mean that it is theoretically possible to control radioactivity with a positive electrical field or an electromagnetic force field or a combination of both. 43 (technetium) and 61 (promethium) are radioactive but are unstable chemically created elements – not natural. More Coincidences? While reviewing the possibility of successfully interpolating the correct radii for the layer pair 8-9 from the obviously meaningful PACT radii patterns, I noticed an unusual occurrence. I expected layer pair 10-11 to have an obvious pattern following layer pairs 4-5 and 6-7. The first electron in a layer usually has the longest radii. Thereafter, the Base electrons are the longest because the crystal was started with a shortened Apex. Layer pair 10-11 also returned to the shortened Apex so they do match the layer pairs 4-5 and 6-7. However, the match is still practically unbelievable. A close look at my PACT will confirm that all radii of the 8 elements in layer 10 are practically a carbon copy of the last 8 elements of the 10 element layer 6. Further, the radii of the first 2 elements in layer 11 are practically a carbon copy of the first 2 elements of layer 7. The radii of the remaining elements in layer 11 increase gradually as could be expected. Layer 11 completes normally with a Noble Gas as expected. I consider it astounding that these two sequences are separated by 22 other sequential elements including layer pair 8-9. These are marked on the true Periodic Atom Crystal Table. Observe how the dark numbers match between the 2 rows. The measurements are in pico meters. Layer pair 6 > < 7 •39 Y b 162 65227 •40Zy b 145 71 216 •41Nb c 134 74208 •42Mo a 130 71 201 •43Tc b 127 68 195 44 Ru b 125 64 189 •45 Rh b 125 58 83 •46 Pd c 128 51 179 •47 Ag bd 134 41 175 •48 Cd bd 148 23 171 •71 Lu a 156 69 225 •72 Hf b 144 72 216 •73 Ta b 134 75 209 •74 W b 130 72 202 •75 Re a 128 69 197 •76 Os b 126 66 192 •77 Ir b 127 60 187 •78 Pt b 130 53 183 •79 Au bd 134 45 179 •80 Hg b 149 27 176 Layer pair 10 > < 1 Electricity The scale models below also identify a few things about electricity. The electron (element) beginning a new layer should be furthest from the nucleus. Each additional electron brings all the electrons closer. This is true for all but 3 of the documented 12 layers. However, when the two extra electrons are added in even 4, 6, and 10 layers, the two additional protons in the nucleus pull the first electron (element) of the following odd 5, 7, and 11 layer closer than normal to the nucleus. Copper, silver, and gold are so close that the electron cannot make a covalent bond with another atom. Only week dative bonds are possible. When negative charges (electrons) are applied, these applied electrons can be pushed from one weak atom bond to another weak atom bond through the metal, making it a good electrical conductor. You can see this on the following models of zinc (30), cadmium (48), and mercury (80). The solid color shown under these electrons indicate where the copper, silver, and gold electrons were placed. Obviously, these electrons are closer to the nucleus. The result is high thermal and electrical conductivity. They are the top 3 conductors. Since even layer 12 is a 10 element layer adding 2 protons, estimated odd layer 13 should begin with a good thermal and electrical conductor berkelium (97) while endings with an inert element rutherfordium (104). The measurements are incomplete, but they have determined that berkelium is a good thermal and electrical conductor similar to copper, silver, and gold. The last element rutherfordium is a synthetic chemical atom that is slightly radioactive. I seriously doubt that a synthetic atom has the same electron structure as a natural atom, so it is unlikely to be inert. The natural structure is what makes an atom inert. Only 3 of 12 programmed layers have the second electron of a layer further away from the nucleus than the first which indicates the first element will have difficulty performing a covalent bond. Copper (29) is the first. It is an 8 element layer and ends with a Noble gas. Estimated layer 13 would be a 4th. The difference is greater for silver (47), and it is the best conductor. It is an 8 element layer and ends with a Noble gas. Gold (79) shows the most, but it is second behind silver. Copper is third. Note that all 3 layers are 8 elements and end with a Noble gas. Estimated layer 13 would be expected to do the same thing except rutherfordium is a chemically created element (not natural) which is unlikely to have the same electron or neutron structure. Atom Crystal Tunnel and Particle Accelerator Description After looking at the above simulations I did think of a way to better illustrate the eight electron stacks shown on the atom models shown above. This simulation follows on the next page. I chose the central Apex axis to provide the detailed enlarged view since it also illustrates the Atom Tunnel through the crystal. The colors for each layer are the same as those in the previous view. The length of the axis is roughly half scale, but the orbits of the electron pair are probably less than a third scale. I have not yet determined anyway to provide atomic structure simulation having the accuracy I would like with Microsoft Excel financial spreadsheet Bubble Charts. But I think the simulations illustrate my views satisfactorily. To clarify one point, the adjustment electrons are added in the even layers but are placed on top of the previous odd layer Apex to maintain the atom structure. Therefore, I chose to show them with the upper odd layers. First, I maintain that the Apex and adjustment electron pairs orbit the common axis even though the tetrahedron structure does reverse direction with each layer. Obviously radiating electronic fields are not limited to triangles. The lines connecting the points can form a triangle, however. It might possibly be more accurate to say that the Atom Crystal is the circumscribing sphere containing the electrons which orbit the tetrahedron vertices. Each vertex, using the covalent radius, is the center point of the orbit of the paired electrons. The two ends of a diameter inscribe a circle on the circumscribing sphere. The atomic radius of the sphere appears to be the radius to the end point of this diameter. I have yet to determine whether the size of this orbit varies significantly with the distance from the nucleus. Second, you can see that the top end of the axis is further from the nucleus which is in the center of the Layer 1 Helium electron pair. As has been emphasized previously, after the first negative adjustment pair was placed in Layer 4, Layer 5 completed normally. When another negative adjustment pair was required in Layer 6, both electron pairs had been added to the same side of the atom. Therefore, the odd number layer side of the atom has two additional electron pairs and is longer. I strongly suspect that another negative adjustment pair is added in layer 12. Unfortunately, our scientists appear to be incapable of measuring anything from layer 12 on. Third, this represents only the two Apex stacks of the eight stacks. The other six stacks go from the nucleus out but do not go completely through the atom. They all connect to the nucleus at different angles. Neither do they have any negative adjustment electron pairs. The nucleus and the outer electron will be as simulated but the spacing within will be slightly different due to the absence of the extra electron pairs. There are three even layer stacks identical to the bottom of the following simulation. There are three odd layer stacks identical to the top of the following simulation with the negative adjustment electron pairs removed. The previous atom simulations illustrate this. This tunnel becomes the world’s smallest linear particle accelerator at polonium (84). The electromagnetic force field is not strong enough to overcome the gravity attraction of the nucleus until polonium (84)! From then on, it has the power to extract 2 proton and 2 attached neutrons at a time. This is the true source of radiation. Atom Crystal Tunnel and Particle Accelerator Nature Requires Balance My true periodic table based on physicist measurements identifies several things. I do not believe anyone can seriously question that the atom crystal physical structure is based upon eight element layers. But they will violently question it because they were not the ones to identify it. Typical human nature. However, it is obvious that researchers, using various old theories and guesses, have successfully and correctly detected the general locations where the Atom Crystal structure comes under stress from imbalance! Natural forces must eliminate this imbalance to remove the stress. Otherwise, the crystal structure would be lost. It also obvious that these old theories and guesses, with no knowledge of the Atom Crystal structure, did not and could not specifically identify either the source of the stress, the adjustments needed, or the adjustment made. They simply could not identify which specific elements or layers were involved, so they just grabbed a handful and named it a “proven?” series. Naturally, they had to take the last totally unknown “magic 15” and make another “proven?” series with them. It will probably take another century to get out of this irresponsible mess. Everything is simply documented as just another proven natural “chaotic” phenomenon of our universe for which no one could be expected to provide a precise description or explanation. Scientists seem to insist this “selective research” is still professional research. Personally, I believe placing all of these weird number sequences with the appropriate layer number research should clarify a few things. The true PACT shows that the unbalancing problems all occur in the even layers of 2,4, 6, 8,10, and 12. Only the first 8 element layer (2) has no previously identified balancing problem but the nitrogen creation error I describe above is an unbalancing problem of moving one electron. Except for layer 9, following the start of the Lanthanides Series, the following odd number layers 3, 5, 7, and 11 and estimated 13 are perfectly normal ending with a Noble gas. I estimated 13 would be until I found the last element was a synthesized chemical element. I doubt that any synthesized element will have the same electron and neutron arrangement as a natural one. The critical imbalance of layer 9 resulted in natural forces rebalancing the crystal by moving the blocking helium electrons to the even apex stack of layer 10. Even layers 4, 6, and 12 have added 2 elements (electrons) to make a 10 element layer. No correction was made in layer 8 because of the overextended odd axis problem. Count the light pink electrons in the atom 70 and atom 71 scale models above. A close look at these same models will show that an electron pair was also added in layer 9 instead of layer 8, even though not in the same way. In the other cases, external electrons were captured at the top of the right apex axis and show on the true PACT. In the “Lanthanides Series”, actually ending layer 9, the electrons were moved from orbit internally and pushed to the bottom of the left even layer 8 apex axis. Even the true PACT cannot display internal electron moves but I have added comments to the PACT. To summarize, all even layers have an unbalancing problem, and all but layer 2 add two elements to the apex axis to balance the crystal. Even layer 2 occasionally erroneously unbalances the crystal with a nitrogen creation error by placing the electron to begin an apex axis. Mathematicians need to calculate the exact location of each specific electron. I am not a mathematician. The primary problem in America appears to be that many people who have the scientific knowledge to laboriously advance civilization have little interest in humanity or civilization, they prefer the easier science fiction brainwashing path to self-proclaimed personal achievement! Seriously, if anyone important has the courage to research my work, they will be remembered in history as the person or group who initiated a revolution in atomic physics as facts will replace the current “chaotic electron cloud” science fiction. Does anyone dare to question the current “chaotic electron cloud” science fiction brainwashing? Creation Bonding Note The moving electrons automatically create a magnetic field just like the earth. The even layer Apex becomes the north pole and the odd layer Apex becomes the south pole. Every electron capturedby the nucleus contributes to this field just as every electron on earth contributes to the earth’s magnetic field. EMF double bonding occurs when a single outer crystal layer valence electron has a second valence electron forced into the same bonding point by the combined EMF of all the previously captured electrons. Sharing the orbit is estimated to release half of the energy required by the rotating electrons and is released as heat during atom creation. After creation, only catastrophic events such atom splitting or nuclear explosions are capable of creating enough heat to break such a bond. That is why the atoms are permanent. I’m sure serious mathematicians and physicists could provide detailed field strength but scientists refuse to accept anything but chaotic descriptions which cannot be proven or measured. I wrote my simulation program thinking that the positive negative attraction was the controlling force which would make the even apex fill first. When I realized in 2022 that the EMF was the dominate control, that meant the even apex would fill last. The even apex filling last also changes a couple of things I have referenced in the past. I have stated that the nitrogen electron would normally double up with the layer 2 apex but it will normally bond with a base electron. For a CO2 molecule, one oxygen base electron bonds with the carbon apex electron and one oxygen base electron of the same atom bonds with a carbon base electron. The apex bond allows for carbon and oxygen conversion to glucose and oxygen between 70 to 75 degrees. A little above 75 degrees, degrees, the base bond will give away to other atmosphere bonds. Quote
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