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John John

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About John John

  • Birthday 03/26/1965

Profile Information

  • Location
    NSW Australia
  • Interests
    Optical equipment, Optical instrument collecting, Optical instrument servicing, Family and love, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Photography, Model railways, Music, Motor mechanics, Not last and most certainly not least, GOD and His Son.
  • College Major/Degree
    Year 9
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    My Wife and Son are my life and I am self taught.
  • Occupation
    Semi retiared mechanic and optical serviceman.

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Baryon (4/13)



  1. Yes, that is why I need someone like you to help me, guide me, and hold my hand.
  2. I know I'm doing well, I'm curious to see what the red line is. Anyway, be patient and we will see what happens.
  3. I must say you are a sharp pencil, I was thinking of Richard Feynman he died more recently. Feynman was a tinkerer on the blackboard as well.
  4. The US is very loud in many areas of politics, religion, and the general public in general. The military isn't backward in going fords as well. So called supper powers tend to be very vocal. I live in Australia and we tend to say who gives a shit.
  5. You keep an eye on that blood pressure you know what happened last time.
  6. Then it isn't the prob I was thinking of. I would think any new science coming from the Plank is limited or is the study completed.
  7. Yes, you are correct I may have overstepped the line again so you have my sincere apologies. You still haven't answered my question as to saying I am biased. Why. You must read what I said and keep it in context. You read like an 11 year old. Do you speak from a scientist's perspective if so you must be biased as well. Goes both ways. Being a Christian is an extra quality, not less quality.
  8. The God particle, a strange name for a scientific discovery. I hope it was named by a belever.
  9. I don't know what bias you refer to, and I never said science can find God.
  10. Did the plank probe only focus on the CMB or did it receive other signals as well? I seem to remember a mission that made more discoveries than expected but I can't remember the name. You mentioned before that the horn telescope picked up the CMB by chance I had forgotten about that but you have joged my memory that they thought it was bird droppings in the collector. I guess it was so sensitive it wasn't expected. I have used some simple programs to look at the local stars changing position over time it comes in handy for astronomy and planetary positions.
  11. Thanks for the information and the offer to teach me, but it is far beyond my ability to learn the equations you show. I have taken notice of Friedmanns work over the years he is very interesting and fun making science enjoyable to learn. I understand the principles regarding the curvature of space and time but I have no understanding of the numbers.
  12. Learning any field of science is work and it helps if it is a passion and a job. I think astronomy and biology are the two biggest areas of science that attract Christians. Christian scientists are far more common than many people believe as most stay quiet about their faith. I believe a true Christian is blessed with insights and knowledge as a gift.
  13. I had a word with a real scientist once or so he said, the Big Bang never happened.
  14. I never thought of that, thanks it a big load off my shoulders. I will let the tax man know the universe has taken care of my tax.
  15. Sounds like inflation if we need an accountant. What I owe the tax man goes deeper than the universe.
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