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John John

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Everything posted by John John

  1. If the universe itself was thinking what would it think, would it say look people over there and stars over there, Look that's where the Big Bang started, look over there I think it is my brother Mr bill Universe, and look my sister over there Miss Sharon universe. No, the universe would think I am the universe, all things. If the water in the bucket could think what would it think, I am the water, what if only one part of the water in the bucket could think, what would it think, the same I am the water in the bucket? This is the meaning of all is one and the same, just because you can think independently doesn't change reality in any way at all. You need to be more specific in asking me a question I am getting confused by so many replies. So if you can just state the question relating directly to what you would like to know I will be happy to reply. Every time someone asks me a question like that I need to go back and find the original post and I find that difficult and slow. I am sorry if I have left your question hanging like that.
  2. That is because you don't think like the universe would think if it could. We are a mind in a non mind. If one part of the water in the bucket could think it is still only water in the bucket with the non thinking water. All is one and the same, just because you can think doesn't separate you from all other things. If you wish to ask me a question you can but all you do is say I am wrong. Yes, I do know how a forum works so ask me a question relating to the topic, not a question like you just did. If you can't join in and only make silly demeaning comments I can't answer that, sorry.
  3. That's just it the ballon is 2D, not 3D we must imagine the stars coming from the center of the balloon along with the surface.
  4. The atoms that make up a thought are the same as all the atoms in the universe, We are the thinking atoms that reside in and among all matter. It is the mind that segregates giving things names and numbers but the universe does not work like that just a group of atoms in our heads that likes to think in this way. I wasn't talking to you, was I?
  5. I can't see how an explosion wouldn't have a center unless the universe was ejected from a single point like a shotgun blast opposed to a hand grenade.
  6. If I am not explaining this well enough then you could ask a question so I can pull it together for you.
  7. As I stated before all things are vibrating particles, so all things are one and the same at the smallest level. We are in the universe and all things are a part of us as we are a part of them. It is like water in a bucket each part of the water is the water, We are a part of the universe so we are the universe, and the universe is us and all things. The universe contains itself as one unit.
  8. We will always be in the center of what we can see but we know the true center is somewhere and we don't know where the center or the edge is. I have a feeling the universe itself follows the same spiral pattern as many of nature's creations do, such as galaxies and many other things within the galaxy. This would mean the universe is far larger than we think if we could see all of it we would see other galaxies moving in the opposite direction.
  9. It was just an example of energy, velocity over mass. I was making a point regarding the way Theia would behave in different situations. Having all of the Moon data isn't going to help.
  10. I'm glad then. The gravity, the electrons, and the matter are everywhere, that is the force I am referring to. Everything in the universe is vibrating particles the universe contains us and we contain the universe. Everything is one and the same it just looks different and acts different.
  11. Could you correct me then so I can learn from the master?
  12. The theory of everything must contain all matter and energy The universe is connected by force and it is contained in all things. Any theory can be proven wrong at any time when an undeniable fact moves in and destroys it.
  13. I really don't understand your point but if I haven't explained it to your liking I must apologise.
  14. A theory is a proscribed possibility but that doesn't mean it's true and never will. If we have 10 theories on a subject and one turns out to be correct then the other 9 may as well be on toilet paper.
  15. Let's say the Moon is 200 billion tonnes, If Theia was 300 billion tonnes with a velocity of 10,000 km/h it would have the same force as Theia being 600 billion tonnes with a velocity of 7,500 km/h. The difference would be the amount of splash and the depth of penetration. The fact is that whatever the size and weight was it was a glancing blow, not a direct impact. A direct impact would not form the Moon as all of the momentum of Theia would be canceled and the debris would be going in all directions. If Theia is what happened then it was just chance it ended as it has. There is no suggestion of Theia orbiting the Sun after impacting the Earth only orbiting the Earth. Theia may have been orbiting the Sun in a radical elliptical orbit before hitting the Earth, or it may have been a visitor from outside our solar system.
  16. It drives me crazy not knowing for certain but science does all it can to work it out. The Earth and the Moon are very unique and we need to know more about our closest neighbour.
  17. Recessive is relating to each other but not to the mass. We can know the speeds of the cars on the road and we can know the speed of the road by the latitude and center of the Earth, we don't know the center of the universe so we don't know the speed of what we see this is the reason we can't know the size of the universe without knowing its center.
  18. I think the problem is Theia could have entered Earth's orbit in many configurations, the velocity, the mass, and the angle of impact are the keys to knowing. Faster and smaller, or bigger and slower a steep impact versus a shallow glance, all this is unknown and anything is possible. One thing is for sure if Theia is real then it is outside our window every day with the scars to prove it.
  19. The simulation is a calculation based on many factors but it can't deal with the velocity and angle that occurred on impact. We could make many simulations but without knowledge of what really took place any simulation is just guesswork at best.
  20. Yes, parallax is very accurate to a small distance and that may be out to only 50% of the Milky Way, but redshift is a good measure of the difference in velocity of one galaxy to another but it doesn't take into account for the overall velocity of the galaxies, It's like two cars going down the road and we know that one is going 20 kilometers faster than the other but we don't know the speed of both cars as they travel. There is the relevant speed but what is the overall speed in a vast universe? We see the velocity spreading out but we can't determine the center to calculate the true speed without a starting point is very unlikely.
  21. You make some good points, the density situation is a good one for earl formation but I have difficulty with the candle principle, it assumes a size and a formation type to calculate the distance by brightness. It is the size of a galaxy and the volume of stars that are always an assumption and never a certainty.
  22. 1. If there weren't many near collisions then that would make the appearance of our Moon even more unlikely to have occurred. 2. I do mean to say that, after all, it did hit the Earth if the theory is correct. 3. Well if the Moon entered a permanent orbit with the Earth then most of the debris would follow along as well, and much of that debris would return to the Moon leaving all the craters that we see today. 4. The debris orbited the Earth with the newly forming Moon so it would be more likely to hit the Moon over time than return to the Earth. Most of the debris would have a similar velocity as the Moon so it would orbit the Earth at a corresponding distance.
  23. Thanks, I shall restrain my negative side and move forward receiving any criticism with a humble and noble attitude.
  24. The new telescope is stirring up a lot of controversy, we are seeing objects at distances that defy logic. The truth of the beginning will never be known unless we can detect the very last and most distant galaxies out there. Will we ever have an instrument that can detect the true edge of the universe? More and more theories are coming to light regarding the time of the beginning and the course. We live in a new age but we always have and if we always do we may never find the answers we are searching for.
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