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John John

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Everything posted by John John

  1. True we can have a theory even if it is still developing but the theory will always be a theory if the outcome is never realized and we will never understand all things so the theory will always remain unknown to be true.
  2. Yes, the Earth was impacted far more than the Moon ever was but the Earth was molten for much longer than the Moon so all of the craters on the Earth melted flat the Moon received rapid impacts after it cooled the Earth received very little after it cooled. It is true the Earth can hide most of its little craters due to erosion and plate movement but it was the heat that did most of the work making the Earth smooth. If large 1000-kilometer craters slipped under the crust we would see the depressions from that on the new plate.
  3. There is no theory of everything because everything is the course and the course is still creating. We will never know until the end product is complete. Eg. I need a theory of how a person got from A to B, the theory will never be correct if the person never arrived at B.
  4. The Theory of Everything in my mind is the formation of all matter and all energy whenever that took place.
  5. Well said, I agree with much of your conclusions but the penetration of 3 kilometers is a bit short. A large impact that makes an 800-kilometer crater will penetrate almost to the center of the Moon even with a slow impact. Yes, I have returned from the past. Thank you for being hopeful of my return. I have been studying the Moon for some 48 years so I am more than happy to elaborate and debate the topic in a civil manner. Over time many celestial bodies would have come close to the Earth, The Moon is just the one that came too close and hit. I believe the Earth never had the vast number of craters like the Moon, it was too big and hot so all the impacts were leveled by the heat. The craters on the Moon are from its own debris field that orbited the Earth most of which returned to the Moon very little to the Earth.
  6. Thank you, a gentleman at last. I was told my post was worthless and I was accused of saying things in my post that were never said that's why I started to bite back. I was called a troll before I got offenseive as well. Thank you for your honest support. I will try to keep my hat on from now on and turn the other cheek. Have you ever heard, don't throw stones if you live in a glass house? Yes indeed, I have calmed down now but I was provoked by others, Told my post was worthless, and accused of saying things in my post that were never said. Anyway, all is well My problem is that I am accustomed to Nuckels, not the white glove. Some people sing, and I tap dance.
  7. If you plan on reading the book you first must open the cover, Don't judge a book by its cover. browny point mean nothing, just like the price tag on the cover of a book. You are superficial by nature and get hung up over nothing.
  8. Some people think a conversation is a one way street, they get a big shock when they have a head on collision.
  9. Thanks for saying thanks. Thanks for the advice, in hindsight, I should have just said nothing and just let the dogs bark.
  10. English teacher and a doctor, very impressive. I might add that spelling mistakes are common and I just overlook them rather than letting the person know, it comes across as petty.
  11. No, not in the room just sending silly messages like this one. I think you may be a psychologist who drives people crazy. Where you a problem child or is this a result of hitting your little head on the corner of an anvil.
  12. That's worthless information and has nothing in common with my post. I hope you don't mind me asking but do you think you can change your thumbnail it is making me feel sick.
  13. No, it's far from a coincidence, it's a planned and well orchestrated mob attack. Just like hungry dogs. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to point that out. I should mention not everyone has called me a troll yet, a bit melodramatic of you don't you think?
  14. You are of the planet, What the hell has any of that rubbish got to do with it?
  15. A camera sees nothing it produces photons from its screen and we see it from there. If we assume I am correct there are photons I never said that photons don't exist. You're not very smart Mr Clint. You need a brain to feel the photons hitting your skin just like you need a brain to see the light that photons stimulate in our eyes.
  16. Are you an English teacher or just Petty? My response was due to pettiness and you contributed that to me how childish you are. You put much effort into writing this to me now make a post of your own with as much effort. You call me a troll and it is you chasing me.
  17. I am new to the forum and have received a - score from someone. I find that very Pettie and I look forward to receiving more of the same as it is like a badge of honor. Give me more thumbs down and show me just how pettie you really can get. John John is the name and getting my message across is the game.
  18. You are overlooking my post, making up silly stories. My post explains how we live in a dark universe and all that we see is reproduced and eliminated by the brain. Why do you and others bring no value to my point by rubbishing it with outside experiments and other fundamentals regarding radiation? You are just throwing rubbish bon fragments into my good meat. I have just made another post regarding the Moon, see if you can rip that apart. I hope my lack of value hasn't hurt your feelings Jesus.
  19. You may have heard that the origin of the Moon was due to a small planetary body colliding with the Earth. I believe that this theory is correct and the biggest evidence of this is on the surface of the Moon. We all can see the large dark areas covering the near side of the Moon called Maria, these are very large lava beds that fill very large craters. The Maria filled these craters due to the very deep and intense impacts that created them. The Maria craters are the largest and newest of all the big impacts to occur on the surface of the Moon. Over 90% of the Marias are on the Earth facing side of the Moon, and it is this fact that brings my attention to the Moon's origin. As the Moon entered a stable orbit of the Earth it started to collect much of the debris that ejected from the collision as it trailed behind it. The Earth would have had several smaller Moons forming at the same time as the main body. As the large ring of billions of dust and rock particles began to clear up collecting on the larger bodies the smaller Moons came home. A group of small Moons collided while traveling in the same plane as the main body sinking slowly into the Moon's crust. This very large but slow impact accumulated a very big imbalance in the Moon's side. The heavier Maria filled side swung in to face the Earth creating the tidally locked situation we have today. The small embedded Moons that are still embedded within the Moon's near side mantel are attracted to the Earth's gravitation keeping our Moon stable and locked. Can you see what I see? Thanks for reading and please tell me what you think.
  20. But that doesn't mean I was wrong. My post is quite persific in relating to the brain and not other fundamental aspects of photons or radiation in any respect. I was told over and over that I was wrong, To cover all the ground I would be making a post about some other aspect of radiation and particle physics. Well, I think I have made a point that can help some people understand the difference between the real world and the perception we have of it. You may have all the knowledge and understanding of all things but not everyone does. If I remain in this forum you will find that I describe many things in simple fashon so simple people can relate.
  21. Well, you have now just stated that my post was correct to begin with. So why was I corrected and told I was wrong? My post pointed out that light is illumination and that is a product of the brain. That means light is not photons. Thank you for validating my post as being correct. When we turn the light on it is not to illuminate the room but illuminate our brain that is light. What we call a light bulb is really a photon transmitter that our brain converts to light.
  22. I have at no time stated that science says photons reach the brain, so why do you state that to me, it sounds like you are trying to divert from my post and make me look like a fool.
  23. That's correct photons do not reach the brain. So my post is correct the light we see is not photons. Thank you for validating my post in such an elegant way. I have a feeling that some of you are beginning to understand light is not photons just a manifestation of the brain.
  24. That's correct, only electrical signals are reaching the brain not photons. You surprised me, you have started to learn something. So let us recap, The electrical signals are converted to what we see, and what we see are not photons.
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