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Everything posted by Frank1985

  1. The cells in your soul, that make up your soul, deterioates over time. Stress, manual labour etc. makes them age faster, if it goes beyond normal use. And, if you change them all, it wouldn`t be you anymore ether. You`re kinda stuck with the same cells all life. The more complex you are in intelligence and makeup, the longer you live. So, if you born with 70 IQ for example, you usually live to around 60, while 120 and above, maybe 110 years old. This is because the higher intelligence, the more cells in the soul. So where is the soul? It`s not actually in the brain, it`s below it, in the brain-stem. It`s more like a muscle, while the brain is more like an organ of soft tissue. The brain-stem, extends all the way down the spine, so you`re able to move your body like you want to. Some have pointed out that the brain have motor-functions, but what really happens if you operate away one of the half of the brain, is that the shock from the loss of a body-part itself, makes you go into a shock a little. Hence lose motor-controls for a while, until you recuperate. The brain, also makes hormones, and the product of these hormones, are stored in the pinael-gland. For a lack of a better term, it slowly dips into blood-stream to the brain-stem, making you feel good and nourished. Hormones does more than just nourish, it also makes you feel good. If the soul, was in the brain, you wouldn`t be able to move around because you need muscles for it. It just sits on top, so it wouldn`t have the strength to make the body move around. The brain is more higher thinking basically, but you`re not entirely dependent on it, as the soul makes the decicions in the brain-stem. The eyes, are connected directly to the brain-stem also, and the eyes are the window of the soul. Even without a brain, the muscles controlling the eyes, are still there, and connected to the brain-stem. Basically, there`ll never be a way to live forever. Nature would have done it already also, if it were possible. The planet would fill up also, making no room for new life. Thanks for being here, from Norway, looking forward to post
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