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  • Location
    The Great NW
  • College Major/Degree
    UCI Chemistry
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Philosophy Medicine
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  1. Best post in the thread. While there are many factors in why school shootings occur, none of them (except getting rid of all guns) will make much of a difference if implemented and a "gun ban" will never occur in the US. So you have the status quo. Holding parents responsible will reduce a minority of the events and has broad support. That's the only positive I can detect.
  2. What makes for automotive excellence goes far beyond the carbon footprint of it's fuel.
  3. And even the genetic component of psychopathy is likely mostly spontaneous mutations (as opposed to being inherited). Thus cannot be selected out of existence.
  4. Well the first question is: did people before the 1960s look similar to the way they posed for pictures? Also were the youth in prior eras trying to look older, whereas now everyone wants to look young?
  5. Exactly, but more importantly, the targets of the A 10 don't generally warrant AA batteries let alone expensive, high tech autonomous systems.
  6. Big bullets exist, but you've got to be able to hit the (moving) target first. Good luck with that.
  7. I completely agree, neither of our (CharonY's and mine) opinions are worth much. And since neither of us made the decisions at the executive level at large pharmaceutical corporations, there are no "facts" available here. You're free to discard your meds on their expiration date and rebuy new, I'll keep being invested in the Healthcare sector. Let's see who ends up ahead.
  8. That's one opinion. I and the Department of Defense disagree. The Pharma industry's interest in profit maximization, needs no citation, commonly performed through even shadier techniques.
  9. Have you seen a ghillie suit in Real Life? Amazing.
  10. The A-10 is/was essentially functionally bulletproof. It first flew in 1972.
  11. We're both right. Yes, the FDA "requires" the manufacturer to provide data to support their experation date, but those chosen dates are up to over 20 years too early, likely to boost profits by encouraging repurchasing over reusing. "The best evidence of acceptable potency of the medications beyond their expiration date is provided by the Shelf Life Extension Program (SLEP) undertaken by the FDA for the Department of Defense. The aim of the SLEP program was to reduce medication costs for the military. SLEP has found that 88% of 122 different drugs stored under ideal conditions should have their expiration dates extended more than 1 year, with an average extension of 66 months, and a maximum extension of 278 months.3"
  12. More importantly was the laptop factory reset?
  13. Well it underscores the fact that we see with our brain, not our eyes. My left eye's natural preferred focal length happens to be at infinity whereas my right was about 3 feet so I needed reading glasses, but when I was fitted with regular glasses, the left lens was a blank (since I had perfect distance vision there). The glasses gave me a literal headache. My ophthalmologist explained to me that since the left image was larger than the right one, since corrected images are smaller than uncorrected) my brain was having to reconcile the two, but if I continued to wear them my brain would "learn" to do it and the headaches would go away. I never wore them again.
  14. In my experience not many have the personality to thrive in academia. But if you do, great. Try to attend the most prestigious university in your chosen field because I agree with the previous advice that paid positions are very few and thus any advantage in your application will be important. Good luck.
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