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Everything posted by LuckyR

  1. My understanding is that the fruit you bring in the house already has fruit fly eggs on it so rather than washing the fruit right before consumption (thereby allowing the eggs to hatch on the counter), rinse off the fruit right after bringing them into the house.
  2. Well, a 74 year old who was active has weathered countless episodes of "high blood pressure" brief spikes, so popping a brain aneurism and dying of a massive stroke was likely caused by the cold immersion, however if he had not done so, likely would have died similarly from a different, yet similar brief blood pressure spike, say a near miss on the highway while driving etc. In other words the risk was his brain vascular vulnerability, not the unheated pool.
  3. Interesting. I provided an identical amount of "evidence" (that is, a logical hypothesis consistent with known observation) as the quote I commented upon, yet no warning to TheVat. Hhmmm...
  4. Oh, you are accurately describing a portion of the recent increase in numbers, of course. But there are cultures where gender mismatch isn't considered negative (such as Samoan) and their historical observation of prevalence is well below that currently among young Western girls. So there's more to it than your comment. Even a simpleton understands that adolescent musings on this topic don't start with pondering surgery.
  5. The answer is "some are". There has been a consistent low number of gender dysphoric folks long before the term, treatments etc existed. Thus social media etc cannot be the cause of such cases historically. Of course currently, the percentage of the gender dysphoric has recently jumped, this additional number is almost certainly due to the trendiness of the concept within the culture, specifically on social media.
  6. From a practical standpoint, the term "side effect" is somewhat arbitrary and depends in great measure on perspective. For example minoxidil was invented as a blood pressure medication, but later the "side effect" of increasing hair growth became the intended effect when the drug got FDA approval to treat baldness (at that point it's effect on blood pressure was a "side effect").
  7. You seem quite knowledgeable, let me add what I (think I) know. Grass clippings are high in nitrogen and won't compost well on their own (instead leading to a smelly mess), however leaves, being higher in carbon, can be mixed in with grass clippings to balance the compost pile such that it works correctly. The compost is a soil amendment, whereas leaves can be used as a mulch (on top), as you described.
  8. Uummm... because I was answering someone else's post covering other issues. Well the US has three times the rape rate as Germany (which commonly doesn't involve gun use) thus seems to be an inherently more violent society on average, separate from gun culture. In addition, since guns, being by definition highly lethal, has the tendancy to turn assaults into murders, the murder rate of the US being only 5 times that of Germany, seems low considering that the US has 3 times the gun ownership per 100 citizens.
  9. I agree, though I'm not aware of anyone who disagrees. Anything else, perhaps of interest? So you find a direct result comparison between countries of very different populations, social structures, crime rates and gun ownership stats compelling? Okay.
  10. So your observation is the number of US school shooting deaths is similar to the total firearm deaths in Germany? What does this statistical juxtaposition mean to you?
  11. Thanks for that, Captain Obvious. If it isn't inherently obvious that individuals who do a search for "how to replace a dislocated shoulder" are not a random distribution of folks on YouTube, I can't help you.
  12. The cohort seeking out such a video will not be a cross section of the General Public.
  13. There are plenty of mammalian species where only one male per herd will pass on it's genetic material. Therefore having the remainder of the males (the majority of total males) having something to occupy their time, would contribute to herd cohesion.
  14. That was the intent of the producer, but anyone can watch and learn.
  15. Exactly. I was referring to this example, which, BTW most are not suited to or find unpalatable.
  16. Nope, it was produced by an ER doc for use by other ER docs.
  17. Nope, not always a weakness. Hate is an efficient motivator when taking on a task that one is not suited to or is not palatable.
  18. Huh? The highest number of school shootings and deaths from same was 2022 with 100 shootings leading to 40 deaths. The "total annual firearm-related deaths" is 43,000.
  19. Very true. Everyone disagrees with people and concepts, the act of taking disagreement to the level of contempt, however is toxic to the individual who makes that choice and secondarily to those around him. A lose/lose situation. The only scenario whereby contempt is beneficial is to psych oneself into a hyper frenzy state, you cited sports (which is a reasonable example) or a fighting situation, say a fistfight or a military scenario.
  20. So did you give anesthesia to do the exam (and would it be available for any repair)? Sounds like these are abdominal wounds. With the peritoneum intact, I'd lean towards closing the fascia with interrupted sutures, but I agree with keeping the skin open for now. I'd try for delayed primary closure over closure by secondary intention. Good luck.
  21. I don't disagree with your commentary, but I was addressing prioritizing getting the native to want to speak to you (which is when higher quality conversations occur).
  22. If you're interested in maximizing your chance of having a helpful conversation (which, after all is the central point of learning a language), then learning to ask in the person's native tongue will accomplish this. Asking in English will not.
  23. LuckyR

    Video games

    I have Death Stranding on my wishlist, since I'm so behind in games I generally wait for them to be under $10, or maybe $19 if it's an AAA title
  24. Not a crystal, not candida. I'm voting piece of hair as it clearly has a shaft center.
  25. Hey don't dis YouTube, I "learned" how to replce a dislocated shoulder from YouTube.
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