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Everything posted by LuckyR

  1. A better question would be, if there actually are gods, are they among the 10,000 gods invented by humans, or some as yet to be thought of gods? And if they are among the 10,000, does it even matter which they happen to be?
  2. Musk vs Bezos illustrates the point, it isn't itself the point. Musk, Bezos and their ilk are invoked when statistics such as: "the top 0.001% owns more wealth than the bottom blah, blah percent ". It's a great headline but when talking about those few individuals, most of their wealth includes huge numbers of dollars that I referred to (and that you apparently agreed with) that aren't as valuable as the dollars Joe Schmo uses to fill his car with gas (since those dollars will never be spent by their owners in their lifetime). As to your comparo between eras, homeless people in the US have access to goods and services that Alexander the Great couldn't acquire with all of his accumulated wealth.
  3. Uummm... I'm not invoking government conspiracy for $7.
  4. Well, the average monthly payout is $1975, the average bank interest rate is 0.42%, so we're talking about 69¢ a month. That's why I said: "no".
  5. Sure, it's obvious if you're working on their home, but who gets to see the inside of someone's home (who isn't in the building profession)? No, I meant when you meet folks in real life, out and about. Well wealth inequity definitely huge in the US today BUT in my opinion, it is an error to treat every dollar of "wealth" equally. For example, if Musk has $429 billion and Bezos only has $241 billion, is Musk twice as wealthy? A statistician would say yes. To me they're equally wealthy because the amount of money they can spend in their lifetimes is essentially equal. In prior eras, with huge peasant classes and small merchant classes, wealth inequity was much greater, even if a statistician tells you that the sums involved were smaller, thus the difference between "rich" and "poor" weren't in the same realm as a Musk situation.
  6. No. As you pointed out, benefit payouts are mandated by statute. The bigger question is: is it in your best interest to start taking benefits at this point or at a later time.
  7. If that's the question, my answer is not only "no one", but a percentage of those who want to have children are unsuited to parenting (and thus "shouldn't" have children). If the world population decreases, great, there's way too many humans as it is.
  8. Very reasonable. Similarly, free range chickens experience less suffering than factory farmed chickens etc.
  9. Since the quality of being "justified" is a subjective one, everyone will answer this question (at least) slightly differently, depending on their personal perspective.
  10. I get it. Of course when that was written, wealth inequity was much greater than today. That is, it was more obvious who the "rich" were.
  11. Yeah, it's Psychology. Cancer tugs at heartstrings because people we know commonly die either from or with it. But since it's generally a disease of the elderly, solving it doesn't actually contribute much to human longevity. Diseases of the young are much more tragic when viewed through the lens of cutting life short, but accidents, murder and suicide are too politically charged (and mundane) to inspire much energy.
  12. My understanding is that the fruit you bring in the house already has fruit fly eggs on it so rather than washing the fruit right before consumption (thereby allowing the eggs to hatch on the counter), rinse off the fruit right after bringing them into the house.
  13. Well, a 74 year old who was active has weathered countless episodes of "high blood pressure" brief spikes, so popping a brain aneurism and dying of a massive stroke was likely caused by the cold immersion, however if he had not done so, likely would have died similarly from a different, yet similar brief blood pressure spike, say a near miss on the highway while driving etc. In other words the risk was his brain vascular vulnerability, not the unheated pool.
  14. Interesting. I provided an identical amount of "evidence" (that is, a logical hypothesis consistent with known observation) as the quote I commented upon, yet no warning to TheVat. Hhmmm...
  15. Oh, you are accurately describing a portion of the recent increase in numbers, of course. But there are cultures where gender mismatch isn't considered negative (such as Samoan) and their historical observation of prevalence is well below that currently among young Western girls. So there's more to it than your comment. Even a simpleton understands that adolescent musings on this topic don't start with pondering surgery.
  16. The answer is "some are". There has been a consistent low number of gender dysphoric folks long before the term, treatments etc existed. Thus social media etc cannot be the cause of such cases historically. Of course currently, the percentage of the gender dysphoric has recently jumped, this additional number is almost certainly due to the trendiness of the concept within the culture, specifically on social media.
  17. From a practical standpoint, the term "side effect" is somewhat arbitrary and depends in great measure on perspective. For example minoxidil was invented as a blood pressure medication, but later the "side effect" of increasing hair growth became the intended effect when the drug got FDA approval to treat baldness (at that point it's effect on blood pressure was a "side effect").
  18. You seem quite knowledgeable, let me add what I (think I) know. Grass clippings are high in nitrogen and won't compost well on their own (instead leading to a smelly mess), however leaves, being higher in carbon, can be mixed in with grass clippings to balance the compost pile such that it works correctly. The compost is a soil amendment, whereas leaves can be used as a mulch (on top), as you described.
  19. Uummm... because I was answering someone else's post covering other issues. Well the US has three times the rape rate as Germany (which commonly doesn't involve gun use) thus seems to be an inherently more violent society on average, separate from gun culture. In addition, since guns, being by definition highly lethal, has the tendancy to turn assaults into murders, the murder rate of the US being only 5 times that of Germany, seems low considering that the US has 3 times the gun ownership per 100 citizens.
  20. I agree, though I'm not aware of anyone who disagrees. Anything else, perhaps of interest? So you find a direct result comparison between countries of very different populations, social structures, crime rates and gun ownership stats compelling? Okay.
  21. So your observation is the number of US school shooting deaths is similar to the total firearm deaths in Germany? What does this statistical juxtaposition mean to you?
  22. Thanks for that, Captain Obvious. If it isn't inherently obvious that individuals who do a search for "how to replace a dislocated shoulder" are not a random distribution of folks on YouTube, I can't help you.
  23. The cohort seeking out such a video will not be a cross section of the General Public.
  24. There are plenty of mammalian species where only one male per herd will pass on it's genetic material. Therefore having the remainder of the males (the majority of total males) having something to occupy their time, would contribute to herd cohesion.
  25. That was the intent of the producer, but anyone can watch and learn.
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