New theory
The Project Carmen Experimental Reactor is a fusion reactor that combines muon and neutron-catalyzed plasma jet driven electro-magneto-inertial[1] confinement fusion. It generates extremely hot plasma by shooting a solidified fuel cell solution with fast-moving radioactive particles flowing in the plasma jets[2]. These reactions heat coils in the reactor, which are connected to a water tank, where the resulting energy is harnessed through turbines and generators. The system features efficient water usage as the water is recycled after condensing. The reactor also utilizes liquid helium and supercooled water in three separate cooling loops[3]. Fourteen small muon-neutron bombardment units are used to sustain and enhance the reactions. The entire setup is held in midair within a large room.
Cooling & Steam Loops
In energy generation, there are three main loops. The first loop moves water through pipes around the combustion chamber, creating steam to power turbines for electricity. The second loop uses pumps to circulate pressurized liquid helium, liquid nitrogen, and supercooled water outside the system, cooling it to -75°C with a heat sink. The third loop operates similarly to the second but is located inside the system.
Twenty-six plasma gun devices are strategically positioned in three sectors around the reactor chamber. These devices are ultra capacitors, electromagnets, e-n-p-μ generators, and laser magnifiers in the setup of a HIPGD. They provide radioactive particles and plasma for the PCR. The particles and plasma are shot into aiming scopes and calibration coils, forming a beam that fires into the PCR combustion chamber at pulsed times.
Each fuel cell weighs roughly 15 grams. It has 3g each of deuterium, tritium, lithium 6, boron 11, and helium 3. Whenever the fuel cell is shot with plasma and the radioactive particles it gets very hot and radioactive and fuses all 5 fuel components releasing over 10 MeV and releasing some more radioactive particles which deflect off a deflector and into the reaction again.
rreea] Magneto-inertial fusion with added electric pulse to confine plasma further
[2] Plasma guns filled with an e-n-p-μ (electron, proton, neutron, muon) generator
[3] 2 Coolant pumps filled with liquid He4, LN2, and supercooled water, third is steamline