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Everything posted by YeahScience

  1. Yeah we aren't it was a joke
  2. By: Two totally verified science experts So recently, me and another science expert were deliberating on the topic of Santa Clause. Was he real? Was he plausible? We thought not. However, the other science expert came up with a theory that sounds totally absurd at first, but if you think about it it makes a lot of sense. We then continued to add some plausible, key facts to it, and we have now formulated a theory. Ok, so here goes the explanation: So you guys know how a LOT of people think Santa is made up because he isn't 'scientifically' possible or real? Well, Santa Claus was based off of St. Nicholas of Myra, who basically lived in Constantinople in present-day Turkey from AD 270 to AD 343. He basically was the real life santa, because he gave presents to everyone and food too. We think that Santa Clause may just be the ghost and spirit of St. Nicholas of Myra! Think about it: Santa Clause can see everyone at the same time, so he has to be a spirit, right? Also, how else would be able to fly? Ghosts can transport and transform themselves into anything they want! You might be wondering, "How does he eat the milk and the cookies?". Well, everything he touches or bites into turns into a spirit too, but it leaves a physical dent on the cookie. So why don't all of his presents turn into spirits? Well, thank so the elves, the presents have a certain aura and force field that protects them, kinda like a bodyguard! Santa being a spirit also explains how is IMMORTAL, and how he can fit down chimney roofs even thought he is kinda fat (5'7, 220, he definatly has diabetes). So yeah, think about it! Thank you, 2 Science Experts
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