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Imagine Everything

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Everything posted by Imagine Everything

  1. Clever, very clever. +1 That is how I see science, just when I think I understand something,it changes or progresses into more..
  2. A very clever person once posted this link to me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Berkeley You might find it interesting. I'm not a believer of nothing though.
  3. Interesting, science might finally have found dark matter or how it was created, did I interpret that right? Also what is Memory Burden please. Not quite sure I could understand the little I found about it. Thx
  4. If it is just the images as you say at the moment then yes. The arrows both have a direction. The second arrow has a (possible) velocity? (at some point it will be moving if let go)
  5. Today I learned that you can wear a canoe on your head. If you turn them over, they are cap sized.
  6. According to cpu68 they did. Not me.
  7. If I may, your god of nothingness created our universe, that implies your god was outside of our universe, even if it's a universe of nothing, meaning there is another universe (of nothing) and wouldn't it follow that your god would also believe in a god that created their universe and therefore couldn't be a god if only one god exists because your gods god would really be your god who created the nothingness universe? ...nth?
  8. Hello world, Hope you're all well. So for the last week or so I have had a possible candidate for my NNP. It fits well within the boundaries of my idea. I suppose I should say that it is probably just one of perhaps (without knowing more) many candidates. Time always tells I suppose. I won't mention it in this post but I am rewriting chapter 1 again and will post in more detail, hopefully with a tiny bit of backing from Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the Pauli exclusion and at least one other if I understand them correctly or as far I can anyway. Might be more, I don't know. I also have a more fitting name for it too now, though I won't divulge it yet. I also don't know how long it will take to write. I will though and if anyone is still interested then it might at the very least, be an interesting story to help bore you to sleep one night in the future 😴😴😴 And @studiot I think I might actually be able to draw it and possibly able to describe it in a nth vector. I think I have learnt enough to give you at least a very basic vector anyway. It needs a lot of work though so I'm off to do precisely that. Stay safe
  9. My girlfriend told me I was average. She is so mean!
  10. Hope you don't end up shutting this down. It's been really interesting, mind boggling but interesting, fascinating in fact being here. I know a lot more now than I ever would have perhaps, if one of you hadn't said yes to me posting here initially. If I may, from a non scientists/mathematicians point of view, for me even knowing the little I do, seeing an equation, all the different symbols or the way you all speak about things can be quite daunting at times. I have no idea how you might combat this other than being as helpful as you have been. Thank you anyway, just thought I should say something, I appreciate your help.
  11. Should Ax be where Ay is and vice versa? Is this wrong because it's positioning seems to be indicating the vector A and the sub vector x hmm My other thought is perhaps the Ay vector/sub vector should be above the x axis label. I wonder this because the y sub vector appears to represent the left of the right angle. adjacent is that right? I'm not up to speed on sohcahtoa yet. Bit tired now, maths is draining lol, I'm erring more toward the second answer.
  12. My mind won't stop whirring as it were and I think consciousness was perhaps the wrong word to use in this respect, I'm still learning all the time and though I can't perhaps see or say the right words, I can see what I mean and will hopefully explain it better with more knowledge. Trying to say this is a short way is tremendously difficult for me, hence all my weird and wonderful questions. However, I think I have gained enough insight to perhaps offer an explanation of what I think this 'Nameless Non Particle' might be. I asked about how how data is stored by the brain because this 'NNP' is (within) this idea, something that exists as a part of or created by us and everything else in the universe. Yeah I know, big statement, I apologise for it sounding that way and I don't blame anyone who might be reading this for thinking I might be too creative in thinking like this, to put it mildly. Here goes nothing lol, I speak English and when I think of a sheep for example, I see a sheep. If I spoke Turkish, the word would be different but still present itself as a sheep image, if I spoke German, again the word might be different but the image would still be of a sheep. So on and so forth with all languages spoken now or since sheep were known to humankind. I could have used anything for an example, sheep themselves are not particularly important. Unless you're a sheep lol. Delving deeper then, so I'm trying to understand how this image is stored, or more to the point, what is it stored as? I asked if it was binary because from what I know, binary is the fundamental breakdown of things? Please tell me if that's wrong. I know that I don't know enough about certain things to make a complete and definitive explanation. Even if this image is stored within neurons, doesn't it mean that this image is stored as 'something' inside the neuron? Like (if I may) data within files in a hard drive). I use that terminology loosely). So, at some point is an idea/image/information really just 'something' in it's own right? Being stored somehow inside something? Waiting to be used or created? Humans have been, seem to and perhaps always will follow the predetermined probability of randomness? We (and I don't know everyone, so this is an assumption to some extent) seem to behave randomly, randomly but through the whole spectrum of randomness. From the very evil all the way through to the very kind. From the very un-knowledgeable to the very knowledgeable? So on and so forth. And as we are all made from the fabric of energy and fields/particles seem to behave is an expanentially random way. Nature following nature if you will. How many time shave I heard people saying, we are what we are made of. Maybe this is more true/deeper than I have envisioned before. Maybe this is why people on a whole behave the way we all can and do with all the contradictions that come with it. Good can be bad, bad can be good....evolution seems to perhaps be the answer rather than randomness. Maybe I'm way off, maybe my thinking will change as I learn more. I don't know tbh. So finally lol, if this 'sheep' memory is stored as a' something' in our brains that isn't physical, I see the space in our universe and everywhere if I'm honest as following this route. Nature following nature. Maybe I could zoom out and ask you folks the question regarding planets, nebluae, BH?, stars, galaxies? is this also analogous to the way QM happens, as humans behave? Predetermined Probability of Randomness. Chaotic order? Ordered chaos? Everything has to start from the very small to become as big as it might get? And regarding DM, I see it in this idea as the same as stored memory. In fact I see it as stored memory if nothing can't truly be 'nothing' If things destroyed by a BH leave behind the information of their existence in someway shape or form, Quantum Hair?. This is what I see as a Nameless Non Particle in this idea. A memory of what was once whatever it was. A sheep doesn't reside in our brain, it is an image. Could DM or however it might actually be called, merely be a memory or a blank memory waiting to be created by whatever requires it to form that creation. I'm going to say what has probably been looked at by all you clever folks before (and from I've seen/read, you folks seem to have literally been everywhere which I'm still amazed at) just because I don't have a better way of explaining it right now, the dark sub atomic tree?. So for every possible particle that exists, can they create a shadow of themselves through their creation and or decay. Dark bosuns, protons, quarks etc though I don't envision them as particles, more like shadows/echoes/memories of what they once were or a part of.Perhaps memory might be the best term. I don't know. Perhaps not electrons as I read they live for 15 quintillion years x 14b years. But hmm what do I know. My thoughts may still change as my knowledge grows, even if this is true, I might be wrong about the way they're created, I just don't know tbh. As always I appreciate any feedback one way or the other.
  13. I gave you a +1 because it made me groan and slap my head.
  14. I have, what might seem like a weird question, I do have my own explanation for thinking this which is also related to this thread but I need to ask please. Has science ever considered or tried to mathematically understand consciousness as or similar to 'dark matter'/space? And perhaps a less strange question if I may, what exactly is memory stored as? As in, after we have created synaptic pathways and stored it etc, what is it stored as fundamentally? Binary code?
  15. Few jokes for the weekend Why can’t you trust an atom? Because they make up everything! Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field! Did you know that Diarrhea is hereditary? It runs in the jeans (genes)
  16. Thank you Studiot. I look forward to your next post and appreciate your belief in me. +good karma to you.
  17. Over the course of a year I entered a realm of space, our Universe and more? I started to think, how does it work, what is it that makes it all and what is it for, And during this time, ideas took shape before becoming an idea that astounded, It astounded me as it was simple indeed but the impact many times made me go wooaah, Right or wrong I wrote it down and searched for a good place to see, Would it work or not, am I just mad?, so I found this forum to be, A place with experts in many different fields, with patience, guidance and help, Each time I learned more, the deeper this went, it sometimes made me whelp, Whelp with excitement, whelp with despair, but mostly I whelped with joy, For when I came here to SFN, I truly thought the idea would annoy, But low and behold my thoughts weren't far off in some ways, This made me happy, more than you might know, and even more in the coming days, The days became weeks, the weeks became months and still I am trying to see, Will this idea work? will it fail hard? I don't know, I guess it will be what it will be, Superpositioned, relatively wild or sane, I am grateful to you all for your time, I wrote this today, without notes or ideas or how this poem might rythme, I'm pretty sure I know what my idea was about, though I have no real grip on maths, It hasn't changed much except that I now know more, and hope it doesn't incur any wraths, I'm close to writing a better and more understandable rendition of this item I posted in my first article, I don't have a name so perhaps for now I'll leave it as being referred to as the Nameless non particle, Time always tells the story of things, the one thing we can't ever escape from, I want to say thanks to you folks that have helped me on this very encouraging forum. I don't know why I felt like writing this but it seemed almost as though I was compelled to. Just like I was when I search out forums to try and present this idea as raw? as it was. Whatever I have learnt since I joined here, I still find myself looking at the very very perhaps fundamental thing that exists everywhere, all the times, always connected. I saw quantum hairs being explained and it was and still is truly fascinating to me and I my idea incorporates that thought/theory? so I won't ever say or believe that belongs to me. However, my imagination takes it further and in the coming days or maybe weeks, after I try and learn more about particle decay, I am hoping to give a far better explanation of it though probably not in maths terms. Sorry @studiot, I don't think I will understand your previous post because I can't 'see' what you were telling me. My brain seems to have to see an image as well as explanation to then evolve it. I know you posted an image but you then changed the details to little a's and then x's. and also numbers, this then confused me. It's not your fault, it's my lack of maths. I appreciate as always your time, @Mordred's time, @swansont's time and others. Have a nice weekend.
  18. Yes, Thank you, you're right. Perhaps I should have phrased it differently as there seems to be a pattern of chaos that we follow. As in whatever can be, will be. Contradiction, pureness, total belief, rejection and also anything else inbetween that may change our views and possibly even change them again. I actually knew someone who was raised as strict catholic and rejected it completely and became a goth. I think I was trying to point out that the things we are taught are not necessarily how things are. The bit I emboldened is actually how I see everything that could possibly be, has been, will be or might be.
  19. Of the posts I managed to read, this hit a chord with me. I believe that people think and believe in whatever it is their community? allows or insists they believe in, call that culture or whatever you want. One of my many thoughts... If you had a child and raised it in a shed, the child would believe that was what life was, living in a shed. If the child was beaten/abused, regardless of pain, it would believe that this is how life is. (I know this personally) If that child was taught that god exists , then that child will believe that's how life is. If a child is taught there is no god then that is what they will think. Basically, I guess I'm saying that whatever we are taught to believe, unless it is given as a choice, we seem to believe it or are forced to believe it. And it is entirely down to the teaching to the child as to however that child depicts life, the universe or whatever. Religion just seems to be a way of control, suppression and an excuse for violence. Atheist..hmm...a word made up by religious people to suppress others that don't believe? Is there a word for people that don't believe in science? Though from what I have read and seen, science doesn't seem to brainwash people into a certain way of thinking. I have an idea about how everything came to be but that's another story which I won't bring up here and I have also yet to prove it. But I know I have to prove it where as religion... Evolution exists everywhere, whether you are religious or not. Everything evolves or surely the BB would still be the BB and nothing else would have happened one way or the other.
  20. I've tried redrawing this to include what you said: But I'm getting very lost. I can't see axi for instance. Are you referring to Ayxi ? Is the capital black A, the x axis and the i the axi you're referring to?
  21. Yes you are right. I'm sure I'll be ok with it eventually, it's just difficult for me right now because I don't understand enough. Your explanation of the sigma helped immensely, I even shared that with @CosmicDreamer earlier at work. He was fascinated and also learnt something too. So hopefully going along, more will stick in y#my brain. Yes, well 2d anyway. All the lectures I watched on Khan or somewhere else were 2d and all labelled as x being horizontal and y being vertical. Though if I remember from a previous post, you or Mordred said it didn't really matter which way x and y were, so long as they were there. Are these unit vectors the ones where the head and tail meet to create the actual vector? So axi ayj and azk have now become a1i a2j & a3k still with magnitude of 1? Why have you said say a1, a2 and a3? Is that just to show them as different to each other Or has their magnitude changed now? Is this telling me that an has become xn , does it matter that you used a capital x? Could you remind please what a co efficient is? I'm not sure if I'm ready for the Einstein ref yet, I can sort of see what you're saying but I think I need to learn this without it first as I am already finding it a bit tricky. How also, would you know what the sigma represents? Would it be by looking at the IR3 image? (Real 3 Dimension space? was that right?) I managed to follow Khan up to when they started talking about sets, I got very lost at that point, I think because I'm not familiar with all the symbols. And he spoke very fast lol.
  22. Yes you did, whilst the format seems familiar, I didn't realise I was talking about the maths sorry, I think I need to go back and look at some more vector lectures and get to understand components better. 2d seems to be so much easier than 3d. I'm sure I could look it up but I trust your word more than google, could please explain cosine and sine please?
  23. I'm afraid if you're referring to the cosine part, I still don't know much at all about sine cosine. I did look the other day but didn't understand it much. I think my takeaway was that both might relate also to infinite somethings? Looking more at that website now. I noticed also that the sigmas they use don't have integer above or value below. But is that because they initially wrote Fr before the sigma? And I dont actually see an F vector for them to have obtained it in the image for them to have referred to if as they say Addition of vectors: The resultant vector FR obtained from the addition of vectors F1, F2, …, Fn is given by To be honest, I only vaguely recognise a few things. I clearly need to learn more to understand it. I don't think I could tell you, aside from what I've said, what could be wrong or right.
  24. I had to quickly remind myself of the i and j, sorry I guess I slightly cheated on my answer rather than getting it from my head. I can see that the y in this image should be x and the z should be y. Is that right? I'm not sure about where the z should be. Should z be where x is? Is that how 3d vectors are drawn? Another way to put it, j should be where k is and i should be where j is and k should be where i is. So, forgive the simplified way I write this please, it should be x/i horizontal line, j/y vertical line and z/k RHR. And the same in this one? Should z be where x is in the image? And also y should be x and z should be y. Is that how 3d vectors are drawn? I'm afraid I'm very 2d ish still and also still haven't figured the following out The matrix is 4 1 3 0 2 4 3 2 1 I get to the 3 small det and so far so good but I don't understand the sum below. I think I confuse myself and this is probably an easy example too lol. = 4 (-6) -1 (-12) +3 (-6) = 30 I will take a look at the website more in depth but probably tomorrow now if you don't mind. Gotta get things ready for work tomorrow etc now. Have a good night. See you tomorrow.
  25. Well hmm, maybe if I live for anther 300 years and study 25 hours a day, 9 days a week lol What a shame, imagine you would have sold quite a few. I see 'n' being used a lot throughout what I've watched or read so far, is it because it doesn't interfere with other character used to mean something else? I see that a dot for instance is used (1.4 =4) instead of 1x4 =4 for mulitplication and sometimes the 'x' or '.' just seems to be implied. Yes they do end up with a single output, but you will see when I do vectors the formulae are more complicated. Mmmm I can sort of imagine it will be. I've seen a few chalk boards on a few lectures I watched and the formulae/sums seem so bewilderingly complex. Yes that is correct, Gold star point. Thank you so much, I don't know if a gold star means anything other than you giving me praise but the fact that you even said that as someone as studied and clever as you are, means an awful to me I think I understand the pi ref a bit better now too. Whenever & wherever I saw it used/mentioned before, I kept thinking 3.142 etc and I almost pooped myself wondering how you used that to calculate stuff. But if I do indeed understand what you said, it is merely a symbol representing multiplication? ∑n=14r2=16(n)(n+1)(2n+1) Whats the r2 in front of the sigma in this formula and how does the whole formula work please? I understand the 1st sigma part now but after that is confusing to me. +1 to you too btw for teaching and also being patient enough to someone who knows or knew nothing beyond dartboard level maths. Did I just put you off me by saying that lol? I can't physically give you anything in return for your help but there is one thing I can offer. I'm too bad a poet and if you ever want one for whatever reason, anniversary, birthday? please feel free to pm me a few details about what you'd like in it and I'll write you one. The same offer goes to you other guys/gals that have helped me. I don't want anything in return, it's just me trying to balance out the help you have all given me. I really do & can imagine a lot, perhaps too much lmao. Ty too for the website links. hahaha I once again find myself writing for England so I'll stop there for now.
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