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Imagine Everything

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Everything posted by Imagine Everything

  1. Hellooo Ok so pfft finally I get some more time to go through this and watch the lectures, thank you. I'll repost after I've read through what you said and watched them a bit later. On another note... I have to get this out of my head, it's been building up all day and perhaps it will better help you to see what I'm trying to describe, whether it's right or wrong, no idea. Still trying to figure it out, I obviously hit on something with the vibration question So this hmmm...I'm going to call it a sub quantum thingy lol. Sorry, bet you guys hate me for that. I really don't know what to call it. It just won't leave my head alone. It nags at me constantly. I see it as being created to die inside the 3rd state between 2 seperate boundary conditions belonging to 2 seperate states. Right smack bang in the middle of the 2. Happening all the time and the more states/boundary conditons there are, the more of this SQ thingy there are. It's not just that either, I envision it as the connection between people, energy, mass..just everything and everywhere (yes the entire universe)(you'll hate me for this Modred but maybe it was there before the BB, maybe it was part of the BB or will or has even cause/ed it to repeat itself?) I see it as being part of if not DM itself (I know, feel free to shout at me writing this, it's so bizarre, yet...) well hopefully you can prove me right or wrong eventually. I really don't mean to sound like I've discovered the answer to DM or the universe, (knowing me, I have probably only discovered my imagination is bigger than I thought) but man that really would be something indeed, and I am very sorry for sounding like I have if I have, I don't think that and I mean no disrespect to you or the science community. I see this 'thingy' as so small it might be a Zero energy 'thingy' Have I got that right? Something that exists but doesn't interact and has no motion or attraction?. If it's created in the manner I've seen, I see it as pushing itself into space (literally?) that is already filled with these 'thing'y's. And because of that it has the knock on effect of moving more of it's type outwards in all directions. Possibly with enough of it, it causes things to expand such as DM. Maybe it even has remnants of information in it too? Not 1's and 0's but something. A tiny tiny tiny eenie weenie small something... Lol how bad am I that I go on a science forum with experts as wise and clever as you all are and I call something a thingy. Feel free to shout at this post, if everything is truly connected this way, I'm sure I'll hear or feel it somehow . Possibly it causes different rates of expansion (when there's enough of it & I'm talking about numbers I couldn't even imagine or perhaps even research) due to amount being created in certain situations or areas. Aaaaggh I don't know but it is bugging the hell out of me lol and I had to write this and get it out. I also have a couple of questions please... Has anyone in science looked at DM as an ocean? And after watching a lecture recently about expansion rates, could the different rates of expansion be seen as currents like here on earth with the sea? Could the currents be analogous to DE and the ocean analogous to DM? Or would DM be more like a Tsunami? I'll leave it there, time to read and watch some lectures and learn some more. Learn some proper science that doesn't define anything as a 'thingy' (well..maybe except for my imagination)
  2. This following joke comes from Gary Delaney, again I wish it was mine but alas... My girlfriends dog died the other day So I bought her a new one, exactly the same. She was livid. She shouted at me "Wtf am I going to do with 2 dead dogs?" And this is from Milton Jones, I only tell the names because I don't deserve the credit for them and they do, they're very funny. My grandad is always moaning about the cost of things... Tea is £1.50 Biscuits are 50p Coffee is £2 I said to him, I didn't invite you round to my house, you don't have to come here. Lastly...I can't remember where I heard this A neutron walks into a bar. He asks the bartender for a beer. Bartender gives him the beer and the neutron asks "How much mate?" Bartender says "For you, no charge" Here's one for the tired then A man walks into a bar and says ouch. Ta da! Ok ok I'll stop. I could post jokes all day long.
  3. I am flattered and humbled by this Thank you. I still have a lot to learn. I must also say that your words are a reflection of both yours and Studiots patience and help. So if I could, I would +1 you both too.
  4. Hey Mordred, Thanks for the link, I got to page 23 I think and yeah didn't understand much of the diagrams or maths as expected lol, no disrespect intended. I'm just not as clever or physics educated as your good self/selves. I asked about vibration for a reason. Thanks for answering it however I was kind of after how it might mean whatever it meant to you, on a deep level maybe, I'm not sure. I'll tell you why. In my idea or whatever it is, the 'thing' I see as being integral to the whole idea is so small so almost nothing (possibly even the remnants of something created & dying/decaying so fast, that thee only thing left was it's..hmm..shadow? echo? vibration? I don't truly know, I still have a lot to learn and think about. But allow me to put forward a later part of this idea please, I won't annoy you with everything inbetween, not just yet anyway So humans...Sometimes in my personal experience and from others also telling me during my life, I, we have met or seen someone who I, we have an instant disliking or liking towards. Whether it's on tv, radio, online or in real life without actually meeting that person. I say in my idea, (though I would say I ponder now) that people have a quantum entanglement, a connection on a very deep and atomic, quantum or maybe even sub quantum level. (don't worry, I'm not going back to using SQEP lol) I ponder if we are indeed connected by this 'something' I can't properly explain right now and our bodies, our atoms, our energies, our whole being including all the various boundary conditions, fields and possible? quantum tunneling? and everything inside it is tuning into this 'wavelength?'/ energy between us and other people and whilst we don't understand it immediately, we simply 'feel' it throughout our body ) before our brains turn that or those feelings into understanding. And on the same thought, if someone is happy, I ponder if our bodies 'energy resonation' is in sink with itself. When someone is unhappy, maybe their 'energy resonation' is out of sink with itself. I call it a resonation because I have no better word for it right now. But it might perhaps have something to do with vibration. It also might not lmao. I wonder if (right now this is where my thoughts are, it might change with more knowledge) there might be a kind of vibration field. I read that the Higgs bosun was more of a vibration than a soup idea due to the soup idea going against certain laws. I also read in another article here the other day, in a reply by Studiot in the thread 'A photon twist in space' something fascinating. My typically creative mind started trying to make sense of& relate it to what I am talking about in this thread. 8.1k Posted October 31 An electronics engineer ? Well have you seen this article ? What is an Electron ? A new model: the phase locked cavity. R C Jennison PH D Bsc FIEE FRAS FInstP FRSA ~~Electronics Laboratories University of Kent at Canterbury. Wireless World June 1979 pages 42 to 47 There has also been mathematical work( By Drazin) by regarding a photon as a solitary wave or soliton. Here are the first and last pages of Jennison's article. In this, it was talked about what creates the electron, what lives below quantum physics (thats how I understood it anyway, perhaps I am wrong) but again it got me thinking... So, I wonder atm if we all and everything else, 'live' withing a vibration field. A field of all fields created by and merged withall other fields. And yes, I know how big heaat sounds, especially from someone with my little knowledge. I really don't mean it to sound that way but I have to ask. From your BB & CMB expertise pov, would it be possible that the universe vibrated into existance? Is it possible that other fields could be part of a larger vibrating field with fluctuations and excitements due to the chaotic nature of order. In my original post in this thread, I'm really really trying to bolt down a single 'thing' that is not only constantly created, dies very fast but also produces. Can vibrational interactions create different energy fields? Or even cause them to simply exist? In my head a vibration is simply a movement rather than a mass, or a speed, or temperature etc. It just is'. I'm going to stop there, I have so many many questions... Perhaps I have made no sense at all and you won't even want to answer this madness lol but I guess I'll never know unless I ask. I'll try not to ask any more questions for now & re read some of the earlier replies you guys have given me, I seem to understand them a bit more each time I do. Thanks for listening, & reading what an ever aging old fart has to say I appreiciate it. I will read through your link too, probably at the weekend whether I understand it or not. It is all useful to me. I eat it up like ketchup and I have always loved ketchup. Mmm apple pie and ketchup hahaha, I joke but some people that know me, wouldn't put that past me. I haven't mentioned it but I did take note of your ionisation description as well, ty for that.
  5. lol that image had me in stitches Thats actually cool tbh, I picked up on the definitions in the graph and questioned it, so that I would learn. And lol I read it and think it just made sense as the Kahn Academy lectures were ringing in my head about H fusing into He & He fusing into (crap can't remember without looking, must watch the lectures again lol, going to take a guess at) Neutrons? I remember he said igniting then changed his mind to fusion, hence the question. Sometimes I really do talk too much.... That is cool and immediately my mind starts wondering if more things can be made this way or even indeed in a much vaster more complex scale, chained/linked configuration. What an interesting brain he had to have had to dream the answer. hmm On a seperate note, I'm curious @studiot What does vibration mean to you? How do you define it yourself? Do you understand it as an entity? A motion? A massless energy wave? @MordredWhat does vibration mean to you? How do you define it yourself? Do you understand it as an entity? A motion? A massless energy wave? It'd be nice to hear both your thoughts on this please. Thanks as always Almost forgot, this is related to the vibration question I asked you both. With all the collisions, fusions, reppelling and so on, does this cause and or create vibrations and possibly different colliding vibrations, vibrations that could also repell so on and on.? Is that a stupid/naive question? Do vibrations have boundary conditions? I must go now now, my head feels a bit Have a good night
  6. I know right lol, I have had so many facepalm moments just reading about the things I thought might have been unique to my intial thoughts, just to find out that t wasn't new information by any stretch. You can't see me obv but yes my face turned a nice bright red. However, as we have and continue to go through things (I hope) and I understand more or am taught/shown more, I have to say I find it a bit strange? that I seem to have 'seen'? some things that you guys and girls have already mastered and become experts in when my knowledge about physics simply didn't exist. At all. (I do know much more now though, tysm ) Wanted to say too that I've mentioned my education or lack of a few times, not because I'm thick, it was just to illustrate where my knowledge is (or was) at really. Another reason why I find my idea a bit strange. Please don't take that the wrong way, I am by no means saying "ooh look at me wow wow", no not all. I hope I haven't come across like this. I just find it strange, kind of supernatural ish?. Eerie perhaps? Hopefully I'll keep learning more as we go along if you are both / all kind enough to help me. Thanks to you and Modreds help, I actuall think I moderately understand this. Immidiately I recognised Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon and Iron and Uranium and also their atomic mass? Is binding energy the same as Nuclear force or is Nuclear force a type of binding energy? And if Nuclear force is a type of binding energy, does that mean that Nuclear, weak, Gravitational & Electromagnetical are binding forces? Or are they just the four fundamental forces and there are even more types of binding forces? Am I also right to understand that left side (not inc Fe) is a graph of our sun nova'ing to it's last state as Iron can't fuse into something as it requires energy and doesn't produce it? And lastly on this on, Uranium can only come from stella? solar mass >9 -> 20 of our solar mass? I hope I said that last one right but please let me know the correct way if not. Ok so I'm struggling a bit with valencey, so if I may, I took the following extract from the following link https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry_Textbook_Maps/An_Introduction_to_the_Electronic_Structure_of_Atoms_and_Molecules_(Bader)/06%3A_The_Chemical_Bond/6.04%3A_The_Quantum_Mechanical_Explanation_of_Valency Helium atoms in their ground state do not form a stable diatomic molecule. In fact, helium does not combine with any neutral atom. Its valency, that is, its ability to form chemical bonds with other atoms, is zero. Does C have a valency because its atomic mass is divided by 3? That last part where he linked them in a circle is amazing. Truly. I'm guessing no one had ever thought like that before he saw it? I'm trying to make sense of what I see in this diagram now. I see how the atoms are linked, chained and connected which is extremely interesting (I'll explain if I can after this) and so it poses a question I am obviously still way out of my depth so forgive the naivety please Can all atoms, whatever they are (as long as they are attracted) behave in this seemingly logical but also possibly & maybe endlessly random shaped ways? Oh and I keep forgetting to ask but do all attracted atoms have to be fused together undewr tremendous force such as Novae or hadron colliders? Can some occur just by simply being near or next to each other? lololol sorry one more please, Is fission the merger of atoms into other atomic compostions (are they still atoms? or atomic states when this happens?) And fusion (using your diagram definitions) is the release of energy. Have I been saying fusion incorrectly too up to now?
  7. Should have added 'seem' to the last sentance but couldn't edit.
  8. Hey Studiot, The link I highlighted from your good self, has the following text in the first few lines... The chemical elements beyond lead are radioactive, and they do not have stable isotopes. This means that they will decay into other elements. As their atomic number (the number of protons in their nucleus) increases, the time it takes for them to decay tends to get shorter, going from billions of years to less than one millisecond. The bit I highlighted in green is fascinating to me. I'm not saying it is exactly what I saw when my idea came to me and eventually led me to asking if I could and then posting this thread. The thing I tried to so badly describe is something created to die instantly. The part I highlighted in green seems to say this far better than I could explain. I think it happens in this 3rd state, which I'm still trying to learn more about and explain better and it seems that this island of stability and the elements leading up to it are created through huge and powerful collisions/supernovae. Far, far different than my idea & yours is also mathematically proven of course. Just wanted to say thanks & I'm really wasn't lying when I told you I had no physics education and wasn't borrowing or copying from others before coming here. The idea I had just appeared to me as I said. I don't know what it means, if it even means anything at all. But the one thing I would personally like to know is if it is a 'something' or if it isn't. Time will tell I guess, as it always seems to. That's actually the main reason I approached a couple of forums. The first physics forum rejected my request to post, you and this forum (I think it might have been Phi?) kindly said yes and I'm very grateful to you all for that. It has at least allowed me to make some sense of this idea that came to me early August. Thank you, all of you. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about these elements that to me are created to die. Awesome!
  9. Yeah as I've written it I suppose it does lol, let me explain if I can. A son and a daughter would be a pair of siblings but they would also be called children, with the description 'children' being the 3rd thing. Does that make more sense? So I guess not just an item or area but description as well and maybe more and maybe my imagination is just running away again. It does tend to do that as you might have seen already - whistles & looks in the air innocently suspiciously That's interesting If each atom is unique to a particular element, and it looks like there are 118 know elements, is science missing 32 elements? And if so, how does that work if you know what the atoms are? Wouldn't you know what the elements are too just by knowing what the atom is?
  10. Thank you btw, Is the pattern 3 ? Wouldn't all pairs of things be 3's? A pair makes up a whatever thing it makes up (the 3rd). Like night and day make a whole day. Glass and water make a glass of water. The sea shore & the sand make up a coast. Einsteins theory of relativity used 3 things too...Energy, Mass & Speed of light. At least as I see the equasion without totally understanding all the equasions & knowledge behind it. An atom is usually? a proton, neutron and electron - made up of 3 A neucleus is a proton, netron held together by a nuclear force (the 3rd) A proton has 3 quarks? a neutron has 3 quarks? Quantum entangled particles have 2 pieces linked by a mediator (another 3rd) 3 .... 3 .... 3 .... 3 seems to be everywhere Just a thought, and maybe there's nothing to it but perhaps there is also a 3rd missing from DE/DM that would help define or understand it? A D? If an electron field has electrons, they are negative and positive creating a 3 overall. DM intrigues me as I'm sure it does all of you experts. (I'm not implying I'm an expert) I'm sure I'm wrong but one of the ways I see the universe when I think about it ow and before was that it was self creating, though I can only think it would mean something had to start it to begin with, whatever or whoever that was. So with creative imigination, one way I see it is like one of those knitting ball things I was taught in infant school. We had a circular bit of card that we then knitted around one side iirc and then did the other side before pulling the card out. So our universe was born but from what? Maybe a template/mediator? rather than a physical thing and on the other side is also a universe but not seperate to, rather just more of the one we see. Not even neccessarily opposite to the part we live in, just the rest of it. Maybe filled with the material consumed by & into a BH singularity and passed back into the other half (other side of the template (card) where it does the same thing again and again and again. Like a (forgive my metaphor) never ending knitted ball of wool. My imagination lmao...an interesting thought and you don't need to comment on that, it's probably a very wild and weird idea. This would be the ulimate 3 I guess From my idea, I see this 'thing' in my head as a 3 or a 3rd if you will, not 3rd as in fraction, just a simple 3rd area or item. 2 seperate boundary conditions with a 3rd state between them Was 6k Kelvins the heat of the universe when it exploded into life? Just curious after breifly looking at the PT link
  11. I think so yes, well maybe...does this mean everything has oxygen atoms or requires oxygen atoms to become something else? Except for He? or other inert gases if there are some?
  12. Thanks Mordred, interesting & very confusing. How can a molecule be made of elements if elements themselves are made of atoms but molecules can appear as atoms? Am I going wrong thinking of size rather than energy waves? In my head I see this as (for explanitive purposes only) big, smaller, smaller, big going into smaller? Or is this due to density? And I'm a bit scared of what your answer might be if it is lol Sorry if I misundestood this completely. And yes chemistry not physics, when I was reading about the atom, I think one of the pages I got directed to explained this bonding behaviour. Are Ions created purposefully by humans or are these created during supernovae too?
  13. Oh ok, thanks Studiot. In respect to valance, I read (if memory serves correctly) that different atoms have different valance electron amounts that are attracted to similar valance electron amounts and is why they bond together. I hope I said that right. Could one of you point me in the direction of a more detailed and easy to understand valance website please? Also ionisation. Thanks as always
  14. But not VP's? I know they are theoreticly proposed as what happens when electrons bump into each other but would that not mean that (if they exist) they too could exist in a degeneracy state? Or have I gone beyone the smallest anything can possibly be within the realms of fields/ fluctuations and Excitements? Huh, I think I've acutally learnt something....... ty Btw...I have no idea if my idea is a something, could be a something and bla bla bla, but if it eventually turns out to be a something scientifically, you guys do realise & should also be creditted with, it wouldn't have become whatever it might do without your input, help and patience. More than likely I guess, it's nothing but what if...hmmm Ryan Reynolds presents the Deadpool Nobel prize to Mordred, Studiot and some bloke who had an idea... I know, I know, I also pipe dream a lot. I'll have a look tomorrow boss, I'm fighting a bug atm just want to sleep or kill the person that spread their virus atoms Grrr Cya tomorrow as it were, thx
  15. I'll be honest, I don't remember the conservation laws right now, but I'm always re reading this thread and will no doubt see it again. So if Hydrogen doesn't need to be fused, how is it formed? Was it simply just 'there' at the big bang? Did the dense heat create it? Was it like power created H and H harnessed the power? As for Boltzmann brain, I was just throwing out a weird thought, I don't think I need an answer tbh. It doesn't really fit into my idea, was just hmm...weirdly curious. But thanks So hmm again, if H is in the outer part of our sun and condenses to become He and then that condenses to become a He core, (leaving it there and only relating to our sun) doesn't that mean that H is being created or exists around the He fusion? And if it does then does mean at some point in the future, our solar system will gain new planets or similart structures? oes ou Solar system currently live inside an H cloud? Also, I was seeing things about He flashes in that Kahn Academy series of lectures does that mean (relating to our sun) that there are also H flashes? and various other flashes? Are these flashes aka supernova? And thanks for the links to thes videos, seeing it all as images helps immensely. Why is Iron called Fe and not Ir if Hydrogen is H and Helium is He? I dare I'm showing you my lack of science knowledge by asking that. I read & saw that there is ao a theorised?/measured? quark star. Which is fascinating. Is there a quark field? And hmmmm hmmmm...Degeneracy..hmmmm....So if there is Electron degeneracy and Neutron degeneracy, is there also Quark degeneracy and, maybe this will sound very weird or stupid, is or could there also be VP degeneracy?. And is that why people get divorced? Lmao, threw that in as a funny. Feel free to smile. ^^
  16. That is super cool, I'll look in a minute. I was just mildly throwing that out there, didn't expect something serious to come back lol. Few questions please. What created the hydrogen to begin with before any stars or anything had been created? Is DM the 'leftover' part of hydrogen, if it had any left over part/s, once the hydrogen has been fused? Hopefully I said that right. Is there still hydrogen around our sun? And hmmm maybe a bit sci fi ish but out of curiosity do you think it would be possible to piggyback the energy of a supernova (at a safe and certain point within the shockwave) to travel faster than we're currently able to, and then be able to perhaps reach certain places in our galaxy quicker. I'm not thinking lightspeed but maybe faster than voyager currently is. Ok read that, obviously didn't understand much but am I right to think that it suggests DM/ the universe freezes at some point and therefore no motion or creation can happen? If I can be bold, can I liken it to a cryo freezed human head?
  17. Mmmm very interesting seeing the scale of things, could one be forgiven for thinking everything resides inside a universe sized brain? Thanks Studiot
  18. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/cosmology-and-astronomy/universe-scale-topic/scale-earth-galaxy-tutorial/v/hubble-image-of-galaxies No words to explain.... Thanks Mordred, I think it was you that gave me a link to this?
  19. The more I reread this thread, the more I seem to have forgotten about.... I'm still learning, version 3 is by no means the last version, just what I think I have learnt, though by rereading this thread, it looks like I have forgotten some things & sometimes my brain is just pure lazy .... Also it is really difficult trying to gather all the information (so far) together in one place so I can see it and work it together if that makes sense. Hmmm. Question, Is angstrom the smallest anything can be? Is is just a measurement of distance i.e. Meter or can it be used for energy?
  20. Ok so no worries, it wouldn't surprise me if I had missed something. Also, cool , I just learnt a little bit more about how this might work (or not lol) Thanks again
  21. Thanks Mordred, I will. It seems I have missed some things you've posted. I get confused not just by my idea, trying to understand my idea with your guidance and implementing them as best I can but also the amount of information I am trying to take in while not being at a level of understanding to take them in lol.
  22. Lets see what I've learnt from you nice people and the various sites I've read (and understood as much as I could) An Illogical Sense Of Order V3 Chapter 1 - The Third System or System 3 (short version) In it's very basic form, I see a boundary condition of one system meeting the boundary condition of another system and inbetween these 2 boundary conditions is a system formed from various Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions. I see this system & it's components as the very smallest (relativistic?) anything can be. System 1 & System 2 Merging System 1's Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions during and just after it's boundary condition and System 2's boundary condition Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions , between the 2 boundary conditions where both System 1 and System 2 Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions become entwined in upspins, downspins, strangeness and more (I haven'thave learnt 'more' at this time but so please bear with my lack of knowledge at this time). Not 50% System 1 boundary condition Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions and not 50% System 2 boundary condition Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies leakage?/collisions but instead graduating & merging from both states boundary conditions across their respective mediators/fields and going in both forward & backward, downward, upward & all other pissble directions accelerations and also creating more and all possible homogeneous, Isotropic, Inhomegenous & anistropic directions once the mediators merge from system 1 to system 2 - System 1 99.9% / System 2 0.01% Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions all the way through until eventually it becomes System 1 0.01% / System 2 99.9% and vice versa and possible in their Millions? Billions? Trillions? QuadZillions? Infinite until the Systems are changed/added to? This in itself it what I see as System 3. The System created by this ongoing merger between until one of the other 2 Systems is removed or another 1 or more is/are added. In my head, I think what I am seeing and tried to explain as a flux in my first attempt at explaining this, is the Fluctuation of all of these different events/scenarios happening at the same time as a whole. Like the inside of a golf ball if you will. Where does one rubber band start and finish???? And a golf ball is made up of quite a lot of rubber bands. I see System 3 as being created by 2 systems being next to each other but undeterminable starts or ends due to the vast amount of Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions, (VP remnants, the energy these ripples produce that lives on, even though the VP has been re absorbed/decayed) The VP's are absorbed/decay but the energy/energies/force? from their creation carries on as 'nothing' (or so I have read) cannot exist and this/these energ/energies (no matter how faint) are so small that they are literally one step away from being 'nothing'. This/these energy/energies created, create in their selves, another new state. Without knowing better at this time, I see this State as the one that as it grows and grows ands grows, possibly becomes DM & DE. I'll call this State/Sytem Unknown for now. I'll come back to it at the end to better explain how I see it working. State 1 / boundary condition 1 - Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions System 1. Item 2 boundary condition - Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions System 2. State 1 + State 2 Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions System, Homogeneous Isotropic, Inhomegoneous and Anistropic System 3. I see System 3 in the same way people shed their skin. Always happening. The System 3 between two boundary conditions is now phased or merged with each of the other boundary condition/constraints Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions mediators at all times while these 2 Systems are next to each other. As soon as one state is moved or removed, State 3, would change to assimilate the new 'pairing' of whatever they then ended up next to boundary condition to boundary condition. So now think about the room you are in and how many boundary condtitions/constraints are connected with, through & to each other & the new System 3 Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions being created. I see these new Systems as being everywhere all the time, wherever they are.... in us and our organs, blood, neurons, food, drink, liquids, gases,heat, vehicles, planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies & BH's as EVERYTHING in the universe appears to have a boundary condtion/constraint to me. So I hope I've made more sense with this now. I'm sure I have made some mistakes or maybe I haven't grasped the proper meanings of things and as I said before, I look forward to your feedback, advice, knowledge (should that be knowlboundary condition?) and tuition. The name An Illogical Sense Of Order is the name of my idea/book that goes from the above, through my perception (right or wrong) of organs, blood, neurons, food, drink, liquids, gases, heat, vehicles, planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies & BH's, etc to the universe itself as a container for all this. I'm probably very very wrong lol. So as mad I might have sounded, I will attempt to explain better my thoughts behind State/System Unknown. If memory serves, DM & DE are constant %'s. However the universe is expanding and speeding up. So hmmm, I found myself thinking there must be a driver, a fuel source or some sort to keep it that way. Otherwise, as the universe expands, wouldn't there be more DM & DE produced? Thus meaning an increasing rather constant amount of each? I was once told that regardless of the amount or rain, snow, ice or water was produced, that the quantity of 'water' was always the same. The % if you will. I don't know if that is true or not but for this explanation, I assume it is. It doesn't matter really, it's only used to better explain State Unknown. So (and I apologise for my lack of science knowledge) I'm wondering if this faint energy created in System 3, left over by the VP's created, is not only creating a Field but also the gravity and Mass as it grows in volume(I think that's the right word. On it's own, it wouldn't seem to do much at all but expanding that to the entire universe, could it not be large enough to have a gravitational influence, in a big enough volume? Could it cause gravity to exist itself? If something spins within it's Boundary condition (like a spinning top), does it create & cause gravity within the spinning top to keep it together in one spot? (more or less - that more or less is important to my thinking, again right or wrong) The Earth is spinning but also orbiting the sun. The Sun is also moving, Our Solar Sytem is moving (spinning?) And these are all spinning/moving in more or less the same spot? Our Galaxy is moving (spinning?) So on and so forth. Is the Universe spinning? Is it even possible to see that? I don't totally understand how this Gravity force was created to start with (the BB Itself) but perhaps the seriously hot BB created an enormous amount of collsions which then caused an enormous amount of a certain type of VP's which then left their very faint but enormous amounts of energy to go and produce what we see now and what will be created/destroyed in the future? In my thinking (I know it's probably wrong lol) I now see this VP energy as being THE thing that makes everything else happen. Maybe it is the cross section of a VP? maybe it's the cross section of the cross section of the VP? Maybe it's the cross section of the hahahaha, where does it end lol. My thinking doesn't mean that there is 'more' DM & DE as it were, just that more needs to be produced to allow the unviverse to expand & stays at the same %'s regardless. And that the universe cannot expand as it does without them but also that they cannot produce more energy if there isn't more universe to go into or perhaps the universe would swell up and go BANG! Hmmm I feel a gif coming on... Hopefully I have written this a bit better this time. I don't think I have enough understanding to prove it, just merely present it as the idea that came into my head one day, a couple of months ago. @Mordred Could this be a predertimined probabilistic randomness creation? Could it be tested with logical scientificaly proven theorised methods?
  23. Thanks Modred, I'm going to have another crack at my original post again, see if I can't make a bit more sense with it Probably tomorrow or saturday. Appreciate all your help as usual. And may I ask where these free particles exist please? Are they just everywhere all the time and look like this? Is the photon the photon/electron field? Or a mediator for the quarks and electrons?
  24. In this Feymann diagram Am I right in thinking the following? e+ is the positron e- is the electron t- time y photon q quark q- anti quark g gravity Oh and are these free particles? If not and they are part of an atom, how am I seeing this, where's the neucleas? And another thought If a VP existed long enough to be measured directly, would it be travelling at or faster than the speed of light?
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