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Imagine Everything

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Everything posted by Imagine Everything

  1. Ok so no worries, it wouldn't surprise me if I had missed something. Also, cool , I just learnt a little bit more about how this might work (or not lol) Thanks again
  2. Thanks Mordred, I will. It seems I have missed some things you've posted. I get confused not just by my idea, trying to understand my idea with your guidance and implementing them as best I can but also the amount of information I am trying to take in while not being at a level of understanding to take them in lol.
  3. Lets see what I've learnt from you nice people and the various sites I've read (and understood as much as I could) An Illogical Sense Of Order V3 Chapter 1 - The Third System or System 3 (short version) In it's very basic form, I see a boundary condition of one system meeting the boundary condition of another system and inbetween these 2 boundary conditions is a system formed from various Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions. I see this system & it's components as the very smallest (relativistic?) anything can be. System 1 & System 2 Merging System 1's Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions during and just after it's boundary condition and System 2's boundary condition Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions , between the 2 boundary conditions where both System 1 and System 2 Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions become entwined in upspins, downspins, strangeness and more (I haven'thave learnt 'more' at this time but so please bear with my lack of knowledge at this time). Not 50% System 1 boundary condition Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions and not 50% System 2 boundary condition Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies leakage?/collisions but instead graduating & merging from both states boundary conditions across their respective mediators/fields and going in both forward & backward, downward, upward & all other pissble directions accelerations and also creating more and all possible homogeneous, Isotropic, Inhomegenous & anistropic directions once the mediators merge from system 1 to system 2 - System 1 99.9% / System 2 0.01% Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions all the way through until eventually it becomes System 1 0.01% / System 2 99.9% and vice versa and possible in their Millions? Billions? Trillions? QuadZillions? Infinite until the Systems are changed/added to? This in itself it what I see as System 3. The System created by this ongoing merger between until one of the other 2 Systems is removed or another 1 or more is/are added. In my head, I think what I am seeing and tried to explain as a flux in my first attempt at explaining this, is the Fluctuation of all of these different events/scenarios happening at the same time as a whole. Like the inside of a golf ball if you will. Where does one rubber band start and finish???? And a golf ball is made up of quite a lot of rubber bands. I see System 3 as being created by 2 systems being next to each other but undeterminable starts or ends due to the vast amount of Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions, (VP remnants, the energy these ripples produce that lives on, even though the VP has been re absorbed/decayed) The VP's are absorbed/decay but the energy/energies/force? from their creation carries on as 'nothing' (or so I have read) cannot exist and this/these energ/energies (no matter how faint) are so small that they are literally one step away from being 'nothing'. This/these energy/energies created, create in their selves, another new state. Without knowing better at this time, I see this State as the one that as it grows and grows ands grows, possibly becomes DM & DE. I'll call this State/Sytem Unknown for now. I'll come back to it at the end to better explain how I see it working. State 1 / boundary condition 1 - Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions System 1. Item 2 boundary condition - Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions System 2. State 1 + State 2 Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions System, Homogeneous Isotropic, Inhomegoneous and Anistropic System 3. I see System 3 in the same way people shed their skin. Always happening. The System 3 between two boundary conditions is now phased or merged with each of the other boundary condition/constraints Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions mediators at all times while these 2 Systems are next to each other. As soon as one state is moved or removed, State 3, would change to assimilate the new 'pairing' of whatever they then ended up next to boundary condition to boundary condition. So now think about the room you are in and how many boundary condtitions/constraints are connected with, through & to each other & the new System 3 Hadrons, Leptons, Quarks, VP's, Fields and Energies quantum tunneling?/collisions being created. I see these new Systems as being everywhere all the time, wherever they are.... in us and our organs, blood, neurons, food, drink, liquids, gases,heat, vehicles, planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies & BH's as EVERYTHING in the universe appears to have a boundary condtion/constraint to me. So I hope I've made more sense with this now. I'm sure I have made some mistakes or maybe I haven't grasped the proper meanings of things and as I said before, I look forward to your feedback, advice, knowledge (should that be knowlboundary condition?) and tuition. The name An Illogical Sense Of Order is the name of my idea/book that goes from the above, through my perception (right or wrong) of organs, blood, neurons, food, drink, liquids, gases, heat, vehicles, planets, Solar Systems, Galaxies & BH's, etc to the universe itself as a container for all this. I'm probably very very wrong lol. So as mad I might have sounded, I will attempt to explain better my thoughts behind State/System Unknown. If memory serves, DM & DE are constant %'s. However the universe is expanding and speeding up. So hmmm, I found myself thinking there must be a driver, a fuel source or some sort to keep it that way. Otherwise, as the universe expands, wouldn't there be more DM & DE produced? Thus meaning an increasing rather constant amount of each? I was once told that regardless of the amount or rain, snow, ice or water was produced, that the quantity of 'water' was always the same. The % if you will. I don't know if that is true or not but for this explanation, I assume it is. It doesn't matter really, it's only used to better explain State Unknown. So (and I apologise for my lack of science knowledge) I'm wondering if this faint energy created in System 3, left over by the VP's created, is not only creating a Field but also the gravity and Mass as it grows in volume(I think that's the right word. On it's own, it wouldn't seem to do much at all but expanding that to the entire universe, could it not be large enough to have a gravitational influence, in a big enough volume? Could it cause gravity to exist itself? If something spins within it's Boundary condition (like a spinning top), does it create & cause gravity within the spinning top to keep it together in one spot? (more or less - that more or less is important to my thinking, again right or wrong) The Earth is spinning but also orbiting the sun. The Sun is also moving, Our Solar Sytem is moving (spinning?) And these are all spinning/moving in more or less the same spot? Our Galaxy is moving (spinning?) So on and so forth. Is the Universe spinning? Is it even possible to see that? I don't totally understand how this Gravity force was created to start with (the BB Itself) but perhaps the seriously hot BB created an enormous amount of collsions which then caused an enormous amount of a certain type of VP's which then left their very faint but enormous amounts of energy to go and produce what we see now and what will be created/destroyed in the future? In my thinking (I know it's probably wrong lol) I now see this VP energy as being THE thing that makes everything else happen. Maybe it is the cross section of a VP? maybe it's the cross section of the cross section of the VP? Maybe it's the cross section of the hahahaha, where does it end lol. My thinking doesn't mean that there is 'more' DM & DE as it were, just that more needs to be produced to allow the unviverse to expand & stays at the same %'s regardless. And that the universe cannot expand as it does without them but also that they cannot produce more energy if there isn't more universe to go into or perhaps the universe would swell up and go BANG! Hmmm I feel a gif coming on... Hopefully I have written this a bit better this time. I don't think I have enough understanding to prove it, just merely present it as the idea that came into my head one day, a couple of months ago. @Mordred Could this be a predertimined probabilistic randomness creation? Could it be tested with logical scientificaly proven theorised methods?
  4. Thanks Modred, I'm going to have another crack at my original post again, see if I can't make a bit more sense with it Probably tomorrow or saturday. Appreciate all your help as usual. And may I ask where these free particles exist please? Are they just everywhere all the time and look like this? Is the photon the photon/electron field? Or a mediator for the quarks and electrons?
  5. In this Feymann diagram Am I right in thinking the following? e+ is the positron e- is the electron t- time y photon q quark q- anti quark g gravity Oh and are these free particles? If not and they are part of an atom, how am I seeing this, where's the neucleas? And another thought If a VP existed long enough to be measured directly, would it be travelling at or faster than the speed of light?
  6. So Fluctuations have no discernable beginning or end & Excitements do. Interesting thanks for the definition. Can VP's have a cross section that can be measured? And if they can, would they themselves collide with other VP's or VP cross sections? Or perhaps I'm grasping at nonsensical straws lol You'd never guess I was still trying to prove this tiny little 'whatever it is' I saw in my idea would you. I'm not sure how to do this. Is the x axis the horizontal always and the y axis is the veritcal? Forgive my naivety. Fascinating, I'm not sure exactly why and I don't understand all the symbols or the relevance but still...fascinating. Just a thought/question... Can an EM field be both positive and negative? I don't know why I'm even asking. Just interested for some reason my brain isn't telling me yet.
  7. Thanks Studiot So hmm sorry to possibly repeat what you said, just trying to understand it better in my brain. The value is the same as the vector? Which in itself is the 'number' magnitude & direction of 'whatever' ? I think I get the coeffient thing, just have to try and remember it lol. Variable and constant! Hammers into my head. Variable and constant. The Universe is variable but DM/DE is constant? Hmm, would you please throw a couple of sums at me to see if I understand? Not too hard please.
  8. Is a field excitation the ripple? And is the propogator action field the temp but permanent field caused by the ripples? excitements? Hmm sorry maybe I'm not totally understanding what you wrote. Is a field fluctuation the same as an excitement or ripple? ps. I just saw and read your post Early Universe Nucleosynthesis Mordred. Didn't understand any of it lol but then I'm nowhere near as clever as any of you on this forum. Just wanted to say you continue to astound me (you too Studiot) and makes me even more grateful for your time and effort. Hey Studiot, Still trying to understand this but I have some more questions please Can you give me few different types of magnitude please, it might help my head get round it a bit better. Is the following a maths field rather than a field that 'particles' respond to or create? Suprisingly such a placement is called a vector field. And what is the emboldened part of thie next sentance below? What does it mean? Coefficients can be much more complicated than a simple numeric multiplier, but they always multiply the quantity of interest. Thanks
  9. Helloooo, More questions lol, So hmm..if a virtual particle ripple is created by 2 electrons banging into each other, is both re absorbed by the 2 electrons but also decays into a 'something'? If a VP ripple is a singular item (a 3rd state ) , does it then live in it's own temporary VP ripple scalar field? Do only leptons (electrons, Muons and Taus? - I hope I got that bit right) bang into each other this way? Or is it across the board, Neutrons, Positrons, Protons, Neutrinos and whatever else I haven't learnt about yet?. And if so (or even including other particles) could these collisions not only be causing the VP ripple (before being re absorbed) but also through decay?, creating a new field of some sort? A Kinetic/Massless field? Possibly temporary but permanent at the same time due to the constant collisions creating constant re absorbtion/decay Do Leptons re absorb the newly created energy from VP ripples? If fields are everywhere, would this be happening all the time and everywhere? So would predetermined probability predict this in some way? Could this be how DM is created? And perhaps DE? If the amout of DM and DE are a constant and don't get bigger or smalleras the expansion is getting faster and bigger, wouldn't they both need a constant fuel source for this to happen as it were? Especially if there truly can't be a state or system of 'nothing'?
  10. Thanks Mordred, I'll have a look tomorrow. I actually stumbled across Partons the other day, can't recall exactly what I was reading but I remember that name. Have a good night, cya tomorrow.
  11. Sorry, wires crossed, I was referring to the container on the side of a space craft. Lol you must have thought I was a bit crazy thinking I was talking about removing everything from the universe hahaha, my bad, sorry. I should have been more specific, it's so easy to lose track with all this. I get your description & definition though.
  12. Ahh, so as soon as it went into a container, it woud be contaminated with whatever the container was made of or had inside, particles, fields for those particles and so on, so it still wouldn't be able to be defined? Or could it be defined by eliminating the other bits and whatever is left over is the DM? Hmm probably too simple maybe and after watching Sean Carrol and speaking with you folks, it seems nature doesn't do easy.
  13. Could I also think of the universe as a self sustaining entity? Finite or not.
  14. This joke isn't science related but it made me laugh and others when I told them. It also isn't my joke, I wish I could take credit for it but I can't. A saleswoman calls a household and a little boy answers it. He whispers "Hello? Who's that?" The saleswoman replies " I'm calling on behalf of my company, can I speak to your mum please?" The little boy again whispers "No, she's busy" So the saleswoman asks if she can speak to his dad. The little boy again whispers "No, he's busy too" A little confused, the saleswoman asks if there are any other adults in the house she can speak to. Once again the little boy whispers "Yes the firemen but they're busy too" The saleswoman is becoming concerned now and asks if there are any other adults in the house. The little boy yet again whispers "Yes the police but they're busy too" The saleswoman doesn't know what to think or who to ask for to speak to, so asks the little boy what they are all busy doing. The little boy again whispers "They're trying to find me"
  15. Interesting, can I think of this as predertimined probabilistic randomness creation tested with logical scientificaly proven theorised methods? Thanks Modred, it was just a thought and also kind of helps me in a way..I think...maybe..hmm lol
  16. So it would be seemingly quite random then. Anything that can be, will be kind of thing, but homogeneous and isotropic? Perhaps more of a certain field/particle in a more particular area/object? If I remember what I read the other day about chemical atoms bonding with similar chemical atoms. Alike attracts/creates alike? Just a thought, has anyone stuck a container on the outside of a space craft to fill it with dark matter/space for studying?
  17. I thought this was funny when I heard it on a film I watched the other day so... "I started reading a book about zero gravity I couldn't put it down"
  18. Thanks Studiot, It seems that perhaps even my basic maths skills aren't much good with the information you keep kindly giving me, I wonder if I might ask you to explain a bit more of them to me through private messages and then perhaps test me. I say that because otherwise this thread might convoluted with my maths learning lol. As for the fields, yes (I loved it )I think I got on quite well understanding it and I wonder if what I was saying in my very badly termed original post was actually referencing a field that doesn't seem to have been talked about yet, at least, so far I haven't seen it but I guess that might not mean much. I find it fascinating that we and everything else are merely packets of energy tied together via the higgs field (and others) very simply put. If I understand it correctly. I now see particles as various bumps within and part of different fields that exist. It's like a whole new world lol. Very very interesting Also I think my understanding of protons, electrons and neutrons is a little better too. Though I need to learn more about the heavier quarks & electrons etc. Up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom etc I have a burning question that perhaps you, Mordred and or maybe others might be able to answer. Even when I think of the process (which I don't pretend to totally understand) that makes things, if I say, reverse engineered a person back to atoms and then back to nucleas and then back to quarks and even then back to the energy fields that makes us from the get go, where does the information we seem to be created with come from? What I mean is, our brains are constantly doing things in the background that we don't consiously make happen, breathing, heart beating, hearing, turning things the right way up for us to see them etc... My cat seemed to know instantly how to use a litter tray when she was a kitten. How did she know to do this? If everything is chemistry created, what or where does this initial information come from? Like a bios in a computer but obviously we're not computers? When we're born, or at some point in our development, we seem to just know certain things. How do quarks know what to become? How do virtual particles know what to become or how to influence electrons etc to become part of what they then themselves become and so on and on? Does science have an answer for this or is it possible I might have tripped over what I refer to atm as The Information Field? Full of all those lovely quantum hairs Sorry, it's the same question but with different analogies Also, I think it was you who said that see things as pictures when you think about stuff, I'm the same. I have this crazy idea rattling around in my aging brain from the very tiny, all the way through to the universe itself and it's so difficult to put it into words However, I am already leaps ahead of what I know now than when I first tried to explain it here so thank you for that And you Modred
  19. Can you also explain the Y= /X please? Is the squared root of x squared simply 7? x squared is 49? so the root is 7? Told you I'm bad with maths lol
  20. Yes, can you explain fig 2 to me please, I don't quite understand what I'm seeing. Why doesn't fig 2 need numbers or days? Is magnitude the same as Integer? Thanks
  21. Very interesting and very helpful, thx Mordred. Also, wow. Maybe I have seen 'something' after all in my idea. Time will tell I guess
  22. Hey Studiot. Mordred, Hope you're well. Thanks for posting this, I spent the first week studying, re reading and was going to use the 2nd week to look at your math types. That did not go so well tbh. I looked at scalar a couple of times but hmm, I have a very noisy music playing neighbour that prevented this quite a bit. I was also trying to read Newton Gravity vs Einsteins Relativity but loud music..... Anyway, I have made I think (hope) some progress, just not entirely on the maths side. Can I see interger values as whole numbers & half intergers as fractions? Is that a simple way of seeing it? I think I kind of understand what you're saying. I did manage to look at some 'simple' examples of math sums but it got a bit confusing the more I read. It was something like 1 + 1 = 2 -1 + -1 = -2 -8 + -6 = -14 8 + 6 = 14 -8 + +6 = -2 I admit I got a bit lost when they started using brackets. You wrote: Note I have distinguished between equality and identical to for example The value of (3 times four) is equal to the value of (2 times six) but the two expressions are not identical. So... -2 + -9 = -11 & -4 + -7 = -11 equal but not identical. Would it be better to describe my previous post as: an Integer is a count & a half integer is a value? As I thought before I took 2 weeks 'out', I do indeed have some questions. If non gravitational objects are expanded due to expansion, could Dark Matter be the 'blackshift' of Dark Energy? If the electron field has electrons, could there be a dark energy field with dark electrons? (I can't think of a better word for the dark energy equivilent of electron) And if so, these dark electrons can't be affected by the Higgs field, completely massless? Could dark energy be thought of as the mediator between gravity and dark matter? And lastly for now, if (and it seems to be) everything is paired, should there be a pairing for Einsteins E=mc2? I have a lot written down as to why I am thinking the following (relating atm strongly to Virtual particles), but perhaps a pairing for E=mc2 could be DE=mlc3 DE = Dark Energy ml = Massless c3 = Speed of light tripled I say tripled because the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light if I remember correctly. I dare say I'm not writing this properly but perhaps enough to help you understand how (badly? or incorrectly?) I'm trying to see it. I have more questions but I'll stop there for now. Thanks
  23. I will thanks Studiot, I don't think I ever called myself a draftsman or 'on the scale', sorry, I'm neither. Maybe I wrote something badly again that sounded like or implied that to you. I apologise if I did. Take care , 'see you' in 2 weeks.
  24. Thank you very much Mordred, Thank you very much Studiot for everything you have posted and anything you both (and maybe others?) might post in the next fortnight. I'll say this the right way this time, I'm going to take 2 weeks to try and learn more and reread everything that has been posted here so far and hopefully a lot more of the links. My desktop is almost full up now lol I don't think I will get it all but some of it will make more sense by then. I will still be looking at this post for any other information, replies you might make. But I won't post anything for these 2 weeks. I will be back on Sunday 20th October. More than likely with more questions 'See you' in a fortnight, take care. May good karma come your way
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