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Imagine Everything

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Everything posted by Imagine Everything

  1. Thank you for confirming a BH is more dense than a Neutron star. This makes me very happy Most of my idea is pure guesswork based on an epithany? I seem to have had early august this year & I wrote most of it within 4 weeks. I literally seemed to just suddenly have a light turned on and as I started writing it, it led on and on to more things. I can visulaise everything in my idea but I seem to have the wrong words for things, so forgive me I am not saying things correctly. I haven't had any formal training, science lessons, chemistry physics. My childhood was crap and didn't allow for a stable tution without going into details. This is why all of you guys feedback and knowledge, confirmation, disection is so valueable to me. I was expecting this to fail completely at the first post tbh and the fact that it hasn't is really really cool and makes me smile. So thank you all Thank you again, however how would a nobody like me with no real training/studying go about doing something like this? I have watched many many 'How the universe works' and ancient aliens and even the odd programme by Professor Brian Cox who explained about how elements were created in Super Novas. So with the info I got from those, my wild imagination that is forever seeking patterns, logic and balance (I am awaiting confirmation of autism), I somehow connected and followed the 'dots' as it were that led me to this idea. I thought from what I've seen so far that BH's or rather the Event Horizon eventually produced so much heat from it's gravitational 'meals' that is was released as a quasar, light years long, into the universe? Is my understanding wrong? I know it could be wrong, thats why I came here to get your professional expert knowledge. Anything any of you tell me is invaluable. You're right. I was hoping that by posting my idea, you guys would explain it better, or enhance my understanding or even tell me I'm completely wrong. I just need to know. I feel and have felt during writing my idea down, that it couldn't possibly be true, it couldn't possibly work and that is is nothing more than a romantic idea. How could someone like me without any real science knowledge or background come up with something that explains what I see it as explaining? Especially when you read my other chapters. All the way through it, I felt like I was crazy to even think of this. Yet it seems, at least very slightly that some parts so far may have a tiny tiny bit of credibility? Is it possible to somehow calculate something like this? Are you able to do it? I don't either at least not in Chapter 1. I have written more about it further on in my book/idea which I will post as and when I get to it. Thank you so much for that grain of truth, you wouldn't believe how much that means to me! Perhaps I will get the chance to learn more about energy as this unfolds and also after I have finished posting all 20 chapters. It sounds like what you are telling me, might explain my idea works with the rest of it even more if I do. Whether it turns out to right or wrong. The Higgs field..is this the same person that discovered or theorised the Higgs Bosun? I don't know if you will believe me but the only things I think I have 'borrowed' are the things great and clever people have theorised. And I tried to not borrow their ideas but to relate to them at times to try and explain what I visualise. For instance, telling you that most of my known? knowledge comes from watching How the universe works and a few episodes. A relation/connection perhaps not a borrow. You are so right about the hard work. My head was almost screaming at me while I was writing my idea initially. I couldn't even begin to think how clever you all are to understand it as well as you all do The term sub quantum is just a term to try and describe how small I see these SQEP's. Or whatever their proper name might be. I see atomic level, then quantum is sub atomic? So to me these SQEP live on a even smaller scale than that. Maybe even sub sub sub sub quantum? I'm sorry I have no idea how to describe it other than that. I don't know how far down this scale could go. Please remember this is just an idea, it isn't meant or written as a scientificly researched idea, or proven idea or even based on hard evidence to prove it, it is literally just an idea. I am probably completely wrong but I had to find out. I came up with the chip and pin idea back in the 90's, though it wasn't chip n pin, it was chip n go if I remember rightly, I called an invention company, told them about it, couldn't progress it because I couldn't afford to prgress it and a few years later, out it comes as chip n pin. I'm still pissed at that. Anyway, so I had to know, I have to know if what I have thought of has any merit at all, I need to know if I have gone mad, possibly I have yet again come up with something that may be a 'thing' or just created nothing more than a romantic idea. Thank you so much for saying that I have little doubt what I say is perhaps misguided or badly written, explained in the wrong way and not backed up by anything except what I have seen and then gone on to think of? philosophise about? I really haven't borrowed this resonance thing (I don't think anyway) and don't even know much if anything about it, I just see this kinetic energy created by all the SQEP's inside a flux as having some sort of resonation. Resonation is probably even the wrong word but thats how I visualise it without knowing better. Maybe flux is the wrong term as well.? I just don't know. Its just how I visualise it. Perhaps with all you guys and gals input/feedback we can all explain this idea better after the whole idea (all 20 chapters) have been discussed/torn apart or confirmed? Again I can't thank you all enough for your replies. Each one enlightens me. I'm going to post the other 19 chapters in their own individual posts so that you can see my idea and how I perceive it. Hopefully this will help you guys enlighten me and prove me wrong, right or slightly on the right track.
  2. Ok so to me its a really simple anwser but perhaps you guys have a much more indepth explanation. Something can't be 'absolute nothing' So a star goes Super Nova in it's last hurrah and becomes a neutron star, a neutron star goes Killa Nova in it's last hurrahh and creates a black hole (Minitar) but the black hole can't have a last hurrahh (unless it too can go 'something' Nova but I have never heard of that) so surely the black hole (I think of this as a Minitar not a black hole) must be more dense than a neutron star? But it can't be condensed to 'nothing' so surely there must be a core of some sort inside it? Perhaps it is extremely minute but still a core. I see the core being a seriouly condensed SQNEPKRF - Sub Quantum Neutron Echo Particle Kinetic Resonnce Flux or even a weird SQENPKPRF - Sub Quantum Neutron Echo Particle Kinetic Phase Resoonance Flux. I say weird because I wonder if the core is pure (beyond comprehensionly) dense neutrons with a neutrino atmosphere or vice versa. Surely no matter how much material that is drawn in by the immense gravity, the core cannot get any smaller than the very last state of BEING before it becomes 'nothing' So wouldn't that mean it would have to have a core of some size that just cannot become nothing? No matter how hard it tries. Is that why or partly why quasars are formed? I'm so sorry but I have no idea what you're talking about, though I have vaguely heard of Schrodingers cat. Please remember, I'm not a scientist and have had almost no science lessons at all in my life. What if Dark matter is a unique state made up of former SQEPKRF QH's? Dark energy would be the Kinetic energy from the gone before SQEP fluxes . Maybe black holes HAVE to draw this in so it can go on to create more material for the universe? An entity that is not only faster than light but also creates new 'things' fluxes' from all the QH stored inside it from 'things' that have been destroyed like planets and everything on those planets. And if these fluxs do exist, then they would be faster than the universe as they would exist between the edge of our universe and any other universes next to us. Perhaps black holes draw this information in, create new weird and wonderful fluxes with trillions? quadrillions? gazillions? of new SQEP's and their fluxes before sending it back out into the universe in a quasar to feed the universe and keep it expanding. I'm jumping ahead to something I have already written in my 'book' but to me it's like the big bang keeps on banging and banging and banging until the universe finally runs out of all material, quantum or otherwise apart from the kinetic energy that has been produced during it's lifetime? To me the big bang (God Nova?) is like a stupendiously clever animal. It's like it creates a usb stick full of data needed to create more material/things in the universe but it hasn't created the computer yet for it to go inside. The computer would be the black hole. The usb stick would be the new material coming out of and being produced by the black hole/quasar. I hope I said that ok. My head really hurts Sorry Mordred, I just don't know another way to describe what I see other than SQEP's and their fluxes.
  3. awesome can't wait to tell you all my idea about about the Big Bang and how my SQEP flux idea might make sense of almost 'nothing' being something' at the same time.
  4. wow just...I'm in amazement. I had no idea about the maths thing. So much of what I have written in my 'book' keeps popping up in things I read or see after and now even here. 😮 I guess this means I'm onto something
  5. Thanks, Always 2 ways to look at things, 2 sides to every story
  6. Hi swansont If I understand your question correctly, I first thought about this when I started learning more about black holes and their event horizons. This a giant merger of material being eaten? turned into neutrons? And it made me wonder if actually it wasn't a hole but a smaller verion of a magntar or pulsar, what I think of as a Minitar (but that's another chapter) It made me wonder if actually a smaller even more condensed core exists inside a black hole and has a neutron atmosphere. The atmosphere must surely at some point merge with dark matter at its edges? However far out these edges might be. I thought there must be a point at which the 2 become a 'third' item if you will when they merge. This item became a 'flux' to me. Yes My whole idea is also based on pairs. Something and nothing, simple and complex, night and day, left and right etc
  7. Hi all, The above is the title of Chapter 1/20 regarding my very basic but complex idea. In it's very basic form, I see an edge of one item meeting the edge of another item and inbetween these 2 edges is a resonation flux formed from SQEP kinetic energy. I see SQEP's as the very very smallest anything can be before it tries to become 'nothing'. Item 1 & item 2 Breaking down item 1 SQEP's at it's edge and also doing the same to the item 2, this might create a merger between the 2 items where both item 1 and item 2 SQEP's become entwined. Not 50% item 1 and not 50% item 2 but instead graduating from both items and going in both (and all?) directions between them and creating from item 1 to item 2 - Item 1 99.9% / Item 2 0.01% SQEP's all the way through until eventually it becomes item 1 0.01 / Item 2 99.9% and vice versa and possible in their millions? billions? trillions? The SQEP's are created directly to die but the kinetic energy from their creation carries on with the QH (quantum hair) data from all SQEP's as 'nothing' (or so I have read) cannot exist and SQEP's are so small that they are one step away from being 'nothing'. This kinetic energies created, create a resonance flux. All beit very breif and small The Phase flux contains all kinetic energy created by the SQEP's between these 2 items. Item 1 SQEPKRF1 - Sub Quantum Echo Particle Kinetic Resonance Flux 1. Item 2 SQEPKRF2 - Sub Quantum Echo Particle Kinetic Resonance Flux 2. Item 1/Item 2 SQEPKPRF - Sub Quantum Echo Particle Kinetic Phase Resonance Flux I see these SQEPKRF's in the same way people shed their skin. Always happening, all the time items are next to each other. The space between to 2 edges is now phased or merged with each others SQEP's at all times while these 2 items are next to each other. As soon as one is moved, the SQEPKPRF would change to fit the new 'double' or 'pairing' of whatever they then ended up next to edge to edge. So now think about the room you are in and how many edges are meeting each other & the SQEPKRF + SQEPKPRF being created. Quite mind blowing? I see these fluxes as being everywhere all the time, wherever they are, as EVERYTHING in the universe has an edge. More mind blowing? I'll stop there as I have maybe already written too much, so I apologise in advance if I have. Like I said before, I'm not a scientist and this is the easiest way to me, for me to describe it. Please go easy on me if you reply, I won't neccessarily understand your terminolgy for something like this. I have no idea if it true and I have 20 chapters regarding what this can do , might have done and might continue to do, that I wrote recently that I am dying to have clever people like yourselves read and and tell me if I'm right, a little bit right or just plain imaginative. Thank you for reading and for any answers you might reply with. The SQEP's could actually be SQEPEPEPEP.... I don't know how small things can get but perhaps they are Sub QuantumEcho Particle Echo Particle Echo Particles or even more?
  8. ok np
  9. Hi again, Thanks exchemist, I think its the copyright protection I am talking about without knowing more. I just need to do a couple of things with my idea 1st proof wise but I'm hopeful I can post it here tomorrow afternoon or wednesday. I'm very eager to see what you all think of it. I'll be posting it under the physics topic as it seems to belong there more than anywhere else. But ofcourse if an admin thinks it should be somewhere else, please feel free to move it to the relevant topic. I think the only facts I might have are the theories I have seen on science programmes and some stuff I have read. However, I have no ego regarding this and will be as honest as I possibly can. But please realise whilst I think I am a bit clever, I do not have the understanding or words that you very clever people do. So please bear with me if I am using terms that you might have an already scientific name for in my idea.
  10. I think you are right, I really do, might be many many fundamental flaws im missing. Thats why I came here and have also asked Professor Brian Cox if he will let me speak to him about it. I don't suppose he will, I'm a nobody and an even bigger nobody when it comes to this stuff. Thank you for replying to me by the way, it means a lot.
  11. Its going to sound very very unlikely but something came to me early august and as I kept writing it (it actually seemed to write itself) , it seemed to possibly provide an explanation to a lot of things, such as the big bang, quasars, black holes, dark matter, spiritualistc auras, the way ufo's can move so quick and effortlessly, human resonation, previous pre historic civilisation technology such as moving great stones around, instant quantum travel, entanglement, quantum hair information, kinetic energy, possible cures to most illnesses, and other things. Every time I wrote a chapter, it led to the next thing and then the next thing and so on, it was very very strange, almost like someone was writing through me. I don't suppose it is a definitive answer, like I said Im not a scientist but as I wrote it, it kind of wrote itself. I don't know if it could be monetised but if it a 'something' then I would want acknowledgement for it. Especially as I am not a scientist and to be honest I wasn't science educated at school. It could be that big but hmm maybe its just a nice story. Who am I to come up with something that all the very brilliant people of our times and past don't seem to have. I only say that because if this idea is indeed true then human life and the way we see everything would be very very different to how we live now. We would be planet hopping for instance. If it's true. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? What do you think I should do? I'm not exactly sure what sciences it covers but i think astrophysics, quantum physics and biology are 3 of them.
  12. Thats actually what I need to be honest. I have no idea if it is valid or even possible so other peoples opinions are very welcome but the no protection worries me.
  13. Thanks iNow
  14. Hi, Can I post an idea I have that I think may cover several differrent sciences? What protection would my work/idea have if I do post it? Im not a scientist either, does that matter? Thank you
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