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  1. I am trying to find how much force is generated when a cooled super conductor is hovering above a magnetic field. So let' s say 250 gram superconductor will have hoe many lift force whren it is hovering ? Or does the electric magnetic field on wich ot is hovering provides the lift force?
  2. So you dont know? And sorry for bad English. Not my language. Thank you gramma police man.
  3. So you dont know? And sorry for bad English. Not my language. Thank you gramma police man.
  4. I always believed that stupid questions dont excist, just stupid answers. If In a closed alluminium cube with supercooled mercury at the top and a high performance electric magnetic field at the bottum. Will the upgoing lift "because it is in a closed space" lift the cube with mercury and the magnetic field generator and would that even be theoreticly possible or is the idea so unbelievable that it hasnt even been explored? Or put it in a tube rhe mercury and use the magnetic field to make the mercury lift to the top of tube (tube not filled full) and use the kinetic energy from the mercury hitting the top of tube to create lift gor the tube by pulsing the mercury.
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