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About CosmicDreamer

  • Birthday 06/12/1997

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  • Interests
    Science, History, Reading and listening to Doctor Who Audios
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Time and Space and The Universe

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. @Imagine Everything I truly find this thread and you truly inspiring, to of started off with an idea that you couldn’t even grasp or comprehend truly how it came to you. But your dedication, commitment and passion to pursue whatever you can find to keep building on your idea and making sense of the insensible. I find this tremendously inspiring and I hope I can one day understand and appreciate the posts on a more comprehensive level when into learn to understand all that’s being discussed here and on the forums. Your scientific knowledge has grown so much in such a short time and I truly congratulate you for all you have accomplished and continue to achieve going forward.
  2. I personally have always loved Doctor Who. It’s also the first thing that got me really excited and interested about science and the universe and what must be, what might be and the like. Sadly I’m not really sure I understand as much about science as I’d like as science and maths have always seemed a struggle to me. But my longing to make sense of the world and to understand what I can all really start with that tv show as a kid.
  3. The true beauty of science is I guess that whatever our skill level we all at some stage in our lives have questions and want to make sense of things or yearn for the answers, sometimes to questions that we didn’t even know existed or needed asking. This thread fills me with so much curiosity and joy and also complete bewilderment at times.
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