Okay, can of worms opened.
I feel like if that was the case, we wouldn't be able to reference our animal brains affecting us in specific ways. It seems to me that the human brain hasn't evolved for a very long time, civilization has, but not humans. What has changed is the environment we are subjected to. A person from the 1100s would be stumped by a refrigerator, but any child that's raised now thinks a refrigerator is perfectly normal, they may not understand how it works, but they know it's how everyone keeps their food cold to avoid spoilage. If a child born in the 1100s has the same brain evoluationarily as a child born now, then the key difference is the environment that the child is raised in. I don't see why this idea couldn't extend back even further to pre-human organisms. I suspect the plasticity of the human brain is what allows any child to understand their surroundings no matter how different they were from their ancestors' perspective.