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Anders Agerbo Andersen

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Everything posted by Anders Agerbo Andersen

  1. If the universe comes out of nothing there will be no time/space as we normally interpretate that – of course. Time comes from simultaneous and Universal changes or new generating of that – the expanding universe. Which gives an illusion of a constantly running time - time as such does not exist. Space comes from more or less integration between everything (egos) in the Universe. Everything is more or less integrated into each other but especially the ego is unique and therefore a real anti-integration factor. The total same quality is also one and the same quality in the universe, there have to be some qualitative differences to make two. The qualitative differences then create an illusion of distance in a space – but space as such does not exist. So, a time/space Universe as Einstein interpretated it cannot exist in a Universe coming out of sheer nothing. That solution will also solve the problem that the old Greek philosopher Zenon from Elea (about 490-430 b. c.) came up with: "An arrow flying in the air is doing that in a line of points, so on any given moment the arrow exists only in one of these points and common sense tells us then, that the arrow is at rest all the time!". Zenon was right, the arrow does or cannot move, it does not have to do that - in order fluently to change position. We can learn from that in more than one way.
  2. You make that error not to address my ideas out from a common logic point of view - as I kindly asked you to do. Thats why I can´t really discuss anything with you, we are talking in two different languages - so to speak. You say though, that "one can state that logic exclude ITSELF the possibility that something appeear from nothingness but will permit it"! No not necessarily, if nothing is an open conception that has nothing to defend itself with or to stick to (remain as), then it can/will spontaneously become everything else of itself f. ex. just being nothing or sheer self-awareness (awake, sheer something)! And that will only be the start of all sorts of variations coming out from that – that means general evolution, spiritual and 'physical' thoughts and ideas - hat is the universe in a nutshell! Again, all new things in the universe have to come out of nothing - otherwise it is already pre-defined and not new!
  3. You are talking about random chance to produce sentient and biological life. Sure, but everything new and different must come out of sheer nothing (free chance) otherwise it is not new and different from what already exists - my interpretation of the Universe and its evolution (thinking) in general. A suddenly exploding star could be interpreted as a sort of temper tantrum - just a thought.
  4. I can only agree to that and add, that we do not come any closer to the Universe as in our direct perception of ourself as a spiritual/physical human being.
  5. If the Universe is not sentient, where do biological systems come from? They contain feelings like love, do that not exist because it is not testable? You say that physics and mathematics is all that is required to describe how the universe evolves from a hot dense state regardless of my opinion. Then again, how does a biological body/virus/human being finally evolve out of sheer physics - automatic mathematical formula conducted only?
  6. The problem with theoretical physics is that it is trying to create a whole Universe with only two faculties - physics and mathematics. The Universe consists of all faculties - of cause! You have tried to make a functional atom in the last 75 years without real success. You have tried to do that out of primarily atomic debris from your accelerators and colliders - you do not restore an airplane or an atom by putting its debris from a total crash directly together! Don´t you think it is time to rethink your whole work? You practically have no spiritual solutions like biological central-conducting egos in f. ex. macro molecular virus. Which is created only by atoms as directly active components - how is that possible?
  7. Why is the Universe there if it is nothing - as I claim it is? Well, there is one single relation that makes a difference, nothing is reluctantly exposed without real something (anti-nothing) in the Universe! And it will try to avoid that - static awareness - by gradually disappearing - active unawareness (sleep) - from/as itself again! Now with a static launch. The conditions are not easy to maintain though, with nothing becoming more alone again - without a static launch. The exposure will then take over again - nothing will wake up to a new 24-hour or a first particle/'quantum’. Nothing will continue this dynamic shift with a lightspeed fast (re-)production of new fundamental Virtual Particle´s shifting between no-existence or sleep/spirit and existence or awake/body - the start of a biological The Big Bang!
  8. The Universe, as I see it, is when nothing automatically get exposed, because thre is no real stuff (matter, anti-pole) in the Univere. And the exopsure opens autoatically up for nothing to become everything else of itself - because it´s an open conception that has no own identiti to rest in or to defend itself with. First of all to become (!) nothing, which means selfconsious, awake, pure existence, 'stuff'! And further on to become the source of evolutionary development in still higher biological systems, and of cause to current free creative thinking activity etc.! So we still don´t need theoretical physics - and it´s defined start.
  9. The Universe, as I see it, is when nothing automatically get exposed, because thre is no real stuff (matter, anti-pole) in the Univere. And the exopsure opens autoatically up for nothing to become everything else of itself - because it´s an open conception that has no own identiti to rest in or to defend itself with. First of all to become (!) nothing, which means selfconsious, awake, pure existence, 'stuff'! And further on to become the source of evolutionary development in still higher biological systems, and of cause to current free creative thinking activity etc.! So we still don´t need theoretical physics - and it´s defined start.
  10. Let´s try and see the issue from a natural philosophical point of view like the old Greek - and forget all about theoretical physics! A constant echo from the initial creation of the Universe is when we come out of a deep sleep´s nothing (vacuum) every time we wake up to a new 24-hours. Free-will´s ideas and thaughts has to come out of nothing (vacuum) otherwise they are not free and they are not new - they will have a pre-identity! We go contantly in and out of nothing, where our memory disappear in nothing, otherwise thoughts and ideas will pile- up in a total chaos. Yes, the Universe can very well be created out of vacuum or rather nothing - otherwise it will simply not function!
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