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  • Quark

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  1. only one replie??!!!! U guys suck!!! :mad:
  2. anybody know any good site for aptitude tests??!
  3. Mars


    just finished my essay.. and thanx for the site yourdadonapogos heres my essay: Same-sex Marriages = By: Abdul Alkubaisi What is a marriage? A marriage is the declaration of two individuals love for each other and their plan to live with each other and their plan to live together for the rest of their lives. And a same-sex marriage is a marriage between individuals who are from the same biological sex. It’s also called gender-neutral marriage, equal marriage, gay marriage. In the 1990s and early 2000s same-sex marriages became a controversial topic all over the world. Approximately 2.5% of the world’s populations are homosexuals, which is 155 million people. And as long as same-sex marriages don’t cause an abuse of power and are not genetically dangerous, then there is no reason why they should not be allowed in this country. Of course many people disagree with same-sex marriages and are strongly against them. They might come up with several arguments. First argument they’ll come up with is that Same-sex marriages are unnatural and that animals don’t engage in homosexual activity. Another argument they would propose is that same-sex marriages aren’t valid because they don’t produce children. The last and most common argument that’s brought up about same-sex marriages is that they’re Haram and against Gods will. Same-sex marriages are not natural and animals don’t engage in homosexual activity. Well, this argument is wrong for two reasons. First this argument is saying that something that is unnatural is wrong. Animals don’t have banks, clothes or electricity. Yet, no one is trying to get clothing banned?! Second reason why this argument is wrong is because there is scientific evidence that dolphins, penguins, fruit flies, orangutans, bighorn sheep, foxes, flamingos, geese, black swans, caribou, lions, and Japanese macaques engage in homosexual activity. And not only that, but some of these animals form homosexual unions as well, like raising eggs that they steal from others. And black swans with homosexual partners are twice as successful as with heterosexual partners. The second argument, that same-sex marriages are not valid because they don’t produce children is wrong, because that would mean that infertile couples and old people cannot get married. The third argument is that same-sex marriages are Haram and against Gods will. Yes, the Quran says that homosexuality is Haram, but so is alcohol, adultery, music/singing, Riba (banking services with interests). So, in conclusion same-sex marriages should be allowed in this country, because there is no strong reason why it shouldn’t.
  4. Mars

    hair loss?!

    Roaccutane.. this?! does it even work??
  5. Mars


    ok.. maybe U could help me with this: what is population of homosexuals in the world and what is that in percentage?
  6. Mars


    I have to write an essay about "Gay Marriages" and of coures Im with gay marriages.. so I was wondering if anybody could help me?! or if anyone has written an essay about..
  7. Mars

    hair loss?!

    ok.. how can I grow my hair back?!
  8. Mars

    hair loss?!

  9. Mars

    hair loss?!

  10. Mars

    hair loss?!

    I've been loosing a lot of hair lately.. any suggestions?!
  11. I forgot the administrators password for windows xp.. so, how can I recover the password?! and yes I did forget the password!!
  12. I tried restarting it, but it didnt work and this isnt my computer
  13. you mean I just have to leave the black screen with the messege for 5 minutes, and then my computer will stat normally?!..
  14. I turned on my computer today and I got a black screen that said: Drive not ready- system halted which I have no idea what that means?!.. so I was wondering if any of you guys could help me, Id really appreciate it thanks
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