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gawdzillasama last won the day on December 29 2024

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  1. LOL to the wall. Via con diablos.
  2. Nothing confusing about it.
  3. You said "that implies...". Don't rework my words, use your own. This might help you. https://www.google.com/imgres?q=fallacies poster&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthethinkingshop.org%2Fcdn%2Fshop%2Fproducts%2FFallaciesPoster_HighRes_1080x.jpg%3Fv%3D1581331579&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthethinkingshop.org%2Fproducts%2Flogical-fallacies-wall-poster&docid=OgQtivY1SfWpTM&tbnid=ROVfwqfIvZEAfM&vet=12ahUKEwiX7b_U39SKAxXy4MkDHZH9C-8QM3oECB0QAA..i&w=1080&h=720&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwiX7b_U39SKAxXy4MkDHZH9C-8QM3oECB0QAA
  4. I tried celebrating EVERY New Years once. It was a good year.
  5. Don't add anything to my statements. I say what I mean. That will be the end of that diversion.
  6. Is that's what you like, go with it. But don't put my name on it.
  7. Atheists believe this is all we get. It's possible that one's life is so shit that non-existence is favorable, but rationally that removes any chance of things changing.
  8. Look up "calendar revision". Not an easy encapsulation.
  9. "Thoughts" would necessarily indicate that agenda driven articles fail the "unbiased" metric.
  10. Anton LeVay created a satanist church to mock organized religion. I'm not sure he was ready for the reception it got.
  11. The lady was a serious dude.
  12. There was absolutely nothing I could have done if things had gone south. But I got three free lunches from a very nice Italian restaurant plus $200 extra for sitting there and reading a book. Hopper coined it in during WWII. The Smithsonian has the log, if you ask them they'll show it to you.
  13. Because we don't know how to reproduce the process that produces life in new cells. That doesn't mean that anything mystical is happening. Magic has yet to be proven to work.
  14. I started Purdue in "Computer Technology". As if COBOL was technology. 🤣 By Y2K I knew what was needed to fix the problems. PLUS my Profs., the military reservists at least, had been AWOL from Indiana for a good bit in 1999, mostly in Washington doing boffin shit. I first heard of Y2K from RAdm. Grace Hopper (you know what she did even if you don't know what she did. See below.) She mentioned that new Super Computer Center on North Island NAF (in San Diego Bay) was "proofed against that bug" and then told me what "that bug" was. This was in the mid-80s. She also said she couldn't believe that COBOL was still a thing. I remember that when I got to Purdue. Lt. Grace Hopper was charged with computing ballistics tables for the big USN guns, up to 16" in bore diameter. You can see pictures of her standing INSIDE her computer, manually reprogramming it (i.e. moving certain cables to certain connectors and running the numbers). BUT one day the numbers were wildly in variance with prior calculations. The team checked the programs, copacetic. Then they checked the physical plant. And they found a moth stuck between two contacts, preventing the circuit to close. SO she took the bug and taped it into the log book, below many frustrated/angry/confused entries. Then she added a note: "Found problem. Bug in computer." That log book is in the custody of the Smithsonian now, as documenting the first verified computer bug.
  15. I was working at State Farm, handling accident claims, at the time. State Farm had the money to update their systems, but they didn't trust that the updates would work. My position was to ... be there I guess. Supposed to call the service center manager if the US infrastructure collapsed. I wasn't fluent in smoke signal so my options would have been limited.
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