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About DeepBlueSouth
- Birthday 07/19/1984
Profile Information
dépaysement, USA
varied and many
College Major/Degree
Associate of Arts - TV/Media; Delgado Community College, New Orleans.... GEAUX DOLPHINS!!
Favorite Area of Science
Natural Sciences: Meteorology, Geology, Astronomy
got born, learned some stuff, not quite done with that yet
caretaker; writer; person of all trades, master of some
DeepBlueSouth's Achievements

Quark (2/13)
loving this +1 according to wikipedia: so yes, as you suggested the 1980's seemed to bring us those concepts of anisotropy in the models. as little as I understand about physics, it boggles my mind that the universal share of low density "dark energy" share was off by that much under the assumption of this concept. so does that mean those accounted for energies are just shared among those low gravity regions? [woefully ignorant here on these concepts, sorry]
On the world-wide trend of anti-establishment voting.
DeepBlueSouth replied to CharonY's topic in Politics
from economists to US intelligence agencies... nobody is denying there's an expiry date on all this. as for me, my needs are a bit more complex than just hunger and thirst and if you think any other needs are me being distracted, I feel sorry for you. if I thought all there was to life was food and drink, I would not still be here. also I feel the need to add that I find it interesting that I must be narrow minded when I refuse to speak to global issues when I do not travel, nor do I read as much international news as I used to... yet I am not nuanced enough to describe what most of us are feeling because, as you say, YOU personally are well-fed... so the economy must be fine....? are you just trolling me or what? regardless, this is my last reply to you here about any of this. I don't think you're coming at me from an argument of good faith, and even though I am alone and hungry today, I have better things to do. P.S. Futurama is unquestionably a comedy, yet it could also be described as dystopian. just gonna leave that one here for the Steely Dan literati crowd. -
Trump wants Greenland again - Oh, and the Panama Canal too.
DeepBlueSouth replied to toucana's topic in Politics
america deserves this. not gonna lie. I feel sorry for the rest of the world, but after forty years of life in this country, I cannae help but admit that this crooked dotard is uniquely perfect to represent this nation of racist, xenophobic, misogynistic clowns; and those oppressed by these same people, but who simply won't vote for unnecessary personal reasons. the ones who keep falling for russian propaganda, spouted by americans though it is, there is simply no hope for. they will believe anything podcasters tell them to and ignore the obvious. joe-y rogain-e [turns out around ten million viewers a day can indeed be woefully wrong] told them trump was an idiot and never to vote for him [oddly sound advice coming from him], then he gets a block of cash to do a new standup "comedy" special [which, for the sake of this conversation, did not do well at all; nobody would have produced this for him, he is not selling well because of the things that come out of his freaking mouth] and then suddenly after that new money, a few weeks later, he begs his radio clan to vote for the guy he had begged them not to vote for before he just got all the money to produce that failure of a standup special [couldn't even book a tour with it, he can only get so many butts in seats]. he is not the only podcaster to have a story like this is 2024. there are now dozens of people with his "profession" who are participating witnesses and/or defendants in an espionage case with various federal agencies because the Kremlin [or connected individuals therein] was paying right wing american podcasters to promote russian talking points [which many republican congresspeople like mine have also been "mysteriously" doing for years now, doubtlessly out of the goodness of their hearts {hahaha}]. I know why so much of the establishment and the elite people who tell the rest of them what to do were against the republican candidate for once... if anything is gonna turn everyone else down here with us against this system and this form of government and to quit watching [only] the mainstream news [uncritically, thus ignoring more important and/or less shared stories].... all this ought to do it. they wanted us to be content with stale cake and moldy bread and tired circuses. yea, that american exceptionalism crap just ain't gonna do it anymore. we want work, we want homes, we want futures, we want peace. let Greenland and the go******d Panama Canal take care of themselves, russia can go mind their own problems for a change, and they'd better get started, they have more ground to cover than the US and that's saying a LOT. once again, the democrats just looked for the "best suited for helping the rich criminals get off in court" candidate to continue their life's work to help the monied interests of this country in elected office... and the gqp just couldn't ditch their adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, third rate excuse for a carnival barker, and future Miranda Law candidate who can't even dress himself; and as usual, that did not work out for literally any of us. -
On the world-wide trend of anti-establishment voting.
DeepBlueSouth replied to CharonY's topic in Politics
yea. 😕 while I don't disagree with the point, and I appreciate the candor, particularly in light of this particular week of the western calendar; dystopian concepts have become pretty ubiquitous here in late stage capitalism. I used to refer to it as controlled poverty when I was younger. reaganomics by any other name is still worth less than manure itself as a concept. forty years ago, a person could work as a mop and broom operator, manage a restaurant or store, or sell VCR's and home appliances for a career; not just a salary or "a living", partly supporting a household; but a career. they could have a stay at home partner, send at least one of three kids to college [okay, mostly], and afford two working cars for the home: a brick and mortar house, not a double wide or a condo; something with a mortgage and equity, not a rental agreement and arbitration. if the politicians would agree to let that ever happen again [we work more than we did back then and productivity is also up], I daresay hope wouldn't be in such a short supply amongst ourselves. as for the anti-establishmentism, ask any of the articles written by people who have the brass not to just blame social media for all of society's ills. most of us are literally giving up on the future because most of us have no viable options beyond what we are railroaded into doing through social and economic determinism. life is just a rigged carnival game, the only option is how often to play along, and when to sit it out. -
after reading the first three words of this, I suddenly find myself quite grateful for the 1790 Naturalization Act.
The growth of the inequality in the Western world
DeepBlueSouth replied to Linkey's topic in Politics
excellent point. best data I could find carries this on to 2014. I found some info solely on Australia's numbers [going into the later part of that decade], but I have yet to see more recent data than that on any similar graph. sources: The Economic Policy Institute -
"who should [be forced to] have children": the subject of this entire thread from the banned member, and the topic of most of the links I cited in my post which you quoted. sorry for the confusion. personally, I am not as much of an anti-natalist as I once was, but as most people of science are [I do not include myself, I am just some guy with a communications degree and an account here] I have always been and will always be staunchly pro-birth control and pro-choice.
this is YET another non-issue or "nothing burger", if one prefers, which seems to be taking the west by storm as a direct result of racism and propaganda from russia [who really needs warm bodies because the Ukraine is sick of their malarkey and better than ever at combating it, LITERALLY]. neocons and other sorts of traditionalists must be sick and tired of the truth having a liberal bias.... but not as sick as we are of refuting this same codswallop year after year. my favorite part is they believe that forced births will someday give them men [and presumably women and nonbinary people?] who will be better capable of fighting in war than young people are today. raising more unwanted pregnancies in dystopian poverty [while they and their classmates have drills for being shot at] is not going to help much of anything, not even the economies of the world with this austerity and controlled poverty most of us must now endure. I love children, and I always wish them all happy and healthy lives, but nine to ten billion miracles is quite enough. deadbeat dads like "Leon Tusk" simply have a pregnancy fetish, and this has led them to try to force their proclivities onto the world because they are constantly made to feel as if their opinion is more important than facts because of the media, and other misguided people. most pro-lifers in the US do not mind abortion at all when the pregnancies are terminated in inner cities or developing nations [having trouble finding this article, you tell ME why], and they do not care about infant or childhood healthcare here in the US either. in fact, very near to where I live, the UN has shown the still rising infant and motherhood mortality rates to rival these developing nations in the global south. but do tell me this is about babies and "families" again. I fecking dare you.
On the world-wide trend of anti-establishment voting.
DeepBlueSouth replied to CharonY's topic in Politics
okay then, what's your point...? [if your inference is that I am a close minded nationalist, I am unsure you read most of what I wrote] P.S. sorry to interrupt your literary discussion, it was going so well. -
he makes a big people statement threatening to blow something up if it all doesn't stop, then quietly calls up his special friend in the east and suddenly the drones go away. /sarcasm no, not the kind of guns most americans like to play 1930's gangster with or whatever the feck it is they do with them... [someone is shooting one of them off outside here in the valley right now, maybe they saw a drone flying in all this foggy rain] perhaps we can use dart guns loaded with some sort of bleach to inject the drones.... that'll definitely do something, right...? he did keep us safe from that one balloon, kinda I guess [kidding that wasn't him] bolas snares, haha. and best of all, they can be fired from something quite similar.... to a GUN!! [cos that's the whole point of life in this country, ooh shiny long thing that go boom boom YAY]. just be mindful of Venus. all of my life I said, "there's no way an educated person could ever confuse the Evening Star with a craft, it just seems beyond the pale". fast forward to me quitting smoking in October and having nicotine withdrawal psychosis: "hmm... one of those rich kids must be flying a drone up on the mountain. that thing must be HUGE." [45 minutes later] "OMG I have been staring at the planet Venus for almost an hour.... it DOES happen!"
On the world-wide trend of anti-establishment voting.
DeepBlueSouth replied to CharonY's topic in Politics
my point is america's embracing of small-c christianity, love of crooked capitalism, and welcoming interference from rogue states got the US here. as I said, I can't comment on the rest of the world, I only live in this one part of it. -
On the world-wide trend of anti-establishment voting.
DeepBlueSouth replied to CharonY's topic in Politics
I was born in '84 and raised catholic in New Orleans.... the connecting thread of all of this "anti-establishmentism" in the US during my lifetime seems to be [though I may well be biased here between upbringing and geographic handicaps] the various collective of christian churches [particularly of note, the catholic, southern baptist, evangelical, and so-called nondenominational churches are likely most to blame here in america]. though I lost my faith as a child, I kept up with the church for a lot of reasons, most of them social. if something is not done with or through the churches here in the southeast, they vote to defund it so that only the churches and tax-dodger businesses can offer assistance with it. the only thing most locals ask me more than where I go [went] to church is my race/nationality [it's human/american, and yes I get asked this more than anything since I came here]. I am a third degree yadda yadda yadda and was quite visible in my parish as a volunteer for many years; from mowing lawns to handing out misselletes [church flyers]. friends who knew me from work or social interactions or even old school mates [my church life was quite separate from my secular one by design; the duality of me removing my tie out in the parking lot and lighting up a cannabis cigarette before leaving services {to complete MY sunday meditation, rest, and worship} would have been far too much for my fellow parishioners to handle] EVERYONE, was always perplexed by literally all of this, given my attendance to leftist causes and progressive political action and by the fact that I was a jovial, fun-loving service industry worker more or less known locally as a liberal, freespirited, longhaired bartender from New Orleans.... I guess people change. I made it to the pandemic. they had been calling Francis I "the socialist pope". they believed Obama was literally the antichrist.... [until after the election, of course] they celebrated white nationalism openly. they celebrated violence by sharing war videos during mass on their phones [yes, I speak of adults with school aged children, not the schoolchildren]. they hated the Latino parishioners unless they spoke english, then they were okay. they refused calls from the clergy to stop openly idolizing trump. then, they refused to mask. they refused vaccines. I got every vaccine [and maintain a great collection of face masks for every mood, outfit, and football playoff scenario!], but also COVID twice. I am a caretaker. she is more important than... them. then after losing my sense of taste and smell for almost three months [the second time], I finally had to admit something.... I knew I wasn't going to see these people ever again after I died [even if they were right about the faith], and I was very happy of this fact. then I realized I didn't want to see any of them half of every damned week anymore either. however.... I still remain a jovial, fun-loving service industry worker more or less known locally as a liberal, freespirited guy who could use a shave and a haircut by most local americans' standards. the fact of the matter is, america has not changed as much as we like to claim we ever have. the idea that the minority orthodox religions group who moved Britain to civil war in the 16th century, found themselves regulated by the [surviving] crown after it was over... only to claim unfair subjugation after their rebellious deeds had literally seen an overthrow of the government.... COMPLETELY explains modern america in a microcosm, for our part in this thread. for those who are lucky enough to not know, during the holiday of Thanksgiving here, we present a very fractured take on how the Plymouth Colony came to be; particularly those of us raised under a christian tradition [which, sadly, does permeate much of public education throughout the US]. giving credit to "the bad actors": russia's attendance as something of a "christian nation" [?] along with putin's inexplicable catholicism has led to american [and canadian] christian circles openly encouraging that governments like russia's are "more free" as they ban the openness of the LGBTQIA+ communities [which literally terrify christians, I do not remember a time when most white straight men around me didn't say things like "I don't hate gay men but they better not be doing any of that around ME!" as if whatever gay and/or trans people were doing in public was legitimately an open threat to passersby]; "promote christian values" [likely a nod to their Calvinistic beliefs that authoritarianism equates to freedom and godliness, and that no person can ever truly self-discipline]; and because such governments are openly fighting birth control in all its forms [which the vatican, for one, formally established opinions on around 60 years ago, give or take, so about as classically traditionalist as the Woodstock Music and Arts festival], "the feminism", and any other ideology or groups or people which promote healthy, happy childfree lifestyles [see also the minority in this forum who simply won't leave that idea alone]. also, I'll just say the word "racism" and go no farther, because that part of this is definitely present; yet its machinations [even here in america] are far more nuanced than I care to indulge at the moment; particularly as they pertain to the rest of the global community writ large. and of course the most to blame which, while not being specifically a policy of any church I know of, it is a policy championed by the only political party in the US that any church will cosign [every damned election]: austerity. as the veritable crocodilian christian pleas of "won't someone PLEASE think of the children!?" won't sway young atheists or agnostics [nor the apolitical]; since I was young, they have employed poverty as a weapon against all others as well. so now, they've even hijacked populist politics to take advantage of the most gullible among us, yet again. I never thought I would live to see the day where personal liberty, checks & balances, or sound economic philosophy has all been reduced to "ya know, the hollywood elites run all the banks too" or "only the richest men are honest enough to save us all!" or "oh no! now 'the liberals' are trying to [one of several things that international intelligence communities have warned for almost a decade that the russian and chinese governments have been attempting, what an amazing coincidence]". some of the only people I know who would have refused to vote republican refused to vote democratic this year as well; because their sole voting issue was healthcare, and true: the democrats in 2024 made not so much as a specific stated promise to even take a look at fixing medicare or medicaid; and certainly nothing to provide healthcare to the vast majority of americans who do not have it or gave up on privately funded do-nothing policies years ago. I have been my own doctor and dentist with few exceptions since the age of 18; and I owe more in medical debt than I do in student loans. god.... bless america. actually.... ya know what, I am lying. when I was talking to an analyst for the first time as a kid in the early 1990's, I told her: "I am concerned about the thread of anti-intellectualism in this country leading us to a point where people decry medicine and science as heresy against god; push bogus theories like flat earth concepts again; and move to elect a dangerous, ignorant bully as president because they equate popularity with experience and intellect." [I have nothing to gain here by lying, I did indeed say this all of this back then] so... yea, I guess I did always know this would happen, I.... just didn't think I would live to see it, I guess. oh, and in case anyone was wondering, she laughed and replied "you're just too young to understand how the world works." I hope she got vaccinated, COVID was way worse on NOLA's people than even The Storm in 2005 was. -
as a former abused and neglected child, I wholeheartedly disagree. not everyone is equipped to raise children, and many of them don't even want to. those [alleged] adults who act like spoiled children and insist that their feelings should dictate all the rest of our lives should really check their behavior and focus on their own lives, PARTICULARLY once they have children of their own.
I hate to sound like more of a cryptid kook than usual, but this all feels like some sort of distraction, even if it is some kind of domestic pezzonovante corporate officers or light foreign interference [not saying it can't or won't lead to HEAVY foreign interference {even if it is americans doing this}, but that's too much speculation for this early in the day]. from an espionage perspective, stingers do not necessarily need drones to convey them NOR would they have nav lights on, as @TheVat pointed out. if the goal was to shut down airports, Korea has developed anti-drone directed-energy weapons*, we [by which I refer to the various US defense communities and er... their contractors as a collective; hopefully never just random people with guns] would be either shooting these down or better yet, catching them in some sort of net snares, which as an Cajun, I do not know why we have yet to use against drones. we [and they] used trip lines on dirigibles through both world wars, time to make them into nets which can be hoisted and lowered on demand, in full view of the towers, then if necessary electrify them like a big bug zapper... we sometimes hire people to cull large birds at airports, and we use underwater tech like that to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence seaway. this all feels too obvious. "if it flies and ya can't shoot at it, use nets or bolas snares, I mean...." as for the abundance of coverage... well, even in a 24 hour world, nobody really needs 24 hours of news. like mainstream religion, the mainstream media needs more attention and thus more money than most established businesses and other public oriented groups as people have been switching off more and more over the decades [thank merciful heavens]. if this were late summer in a year without a lot of tropical cyclones, I feel all they'd be talking about is the "unusual number of sharks gathering near the coast" [gathering in ways which sharks just tend to gather regularly that time of year but most laypeople and that one president all shout "omg shark"] so they bring it up only in summers without much other news to report, also so that they know that people will be watching on standby for when "a thing" happens. [that is to say, ANYTHING that might happen, this could just be leon tusk's latest mid-life crisis hobby for all we know] the first year the "slow news shark" bit occurred in my memory was the summer of 2001, which [before the second week in september that year] had even been dubbed by the media as "summer of the shark". drones are feeling like the new sharks, yet I do respect the potential foreign and domestic yadda yadda yadda for various outcomes here [to wildly speculate, it smells like NK and RUS, particularly when one reads international headlines to this subject in the past year]. Stephen Hawking once said that he doubted extraterrestrial life had ever contacted humanity simply because if they had, the governments would know about it, and if they had kept that secret, they were better at keeping secrets than anything else. I legitimately believe that he was right about at least part of this: the governments are not good at much of anything besides keeping secrets, they're really good at that somehow.