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  1. Here a hard evidence that couldn't be man made for they indicate absolute precise control/mastery over every atom (or even smaller) and perhaps even remote energy transfer(teleportation which has been proven possible scientifically) : How Image was formed on the Shroud of Turin FAST VERSION Most Recent Research Appears to Confirm the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331684979_2D_reproduction_of_the_face_on_the_Turin_Shroud_by_infrared_femtosecond_pulse_laser_processing https://www.academia.edu/3478909/Superficial_and_Shroud-like_coloration_of_linen_by_short_laser_pulses_in_the_vacuum_ultraviolet https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/150417-shroud-turin-relics-jesus-catholic-church-religion-science#close He is the one Iuha(YHWH) who has none above him or equal to him, created the heaven , the earth and all life in it in 6 days, and made the 7th day for rest, to be eternal king who shall judge on the day of judgment. Therefore who ever heed his words and does them shall be safe. (Matthew 7:24) The prosperity of the 1st and 2nd world nations is thanks to god with the cave in, the trap that is the anti-christ, anti religion. Anti means also instead, a counterfeit such as the Catholic church & Islam, pretty much all other religion. Perhaps most do not heed warning but these are for your well being.
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