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Everything posted by nanoNED

  1. Everyone needs to take the time to read this article because it explains WHERE they are getting the fluoride to use in the water source. In short: fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) is a chemical waste product from phosphate fertilizer manufacturing- the majority of it coming from Florida(ironic in name). The "fluoride" is only a small part of a highly toxic soup of carcinogens including "mercury, lead, sulfates, iron and phosphorous, not to mention radionuclides". EPA supports this and you have to ask why It can cause Fluorosis and bone deterioration in some cases of prolonged exposure. http://www.purewatergazette.net/fluorideandphosphate.htm Fluoride is good in very small amounts and helped the earlier generations before we had mass production of fluoride toothpaste and even back then it did not come in the form of a second hand byproduct! There is no need to fluoridate our water as a consideration for large corporations who cannot cost effectively dispose of their WASTE. All they have done is packaged their unwanted garbage as a health benefit and they did a good job because it fooled even the "geniuses'" of this website. THis from previous posters link to CDC http://www.cdc.gov/FLUORIDATION/faqs.htm#20 [ Is fluorosilicic acid the residue of the production of pesticides, rodenticides, or the nuclear industry? No. It is a valuable coproduct derived from the production of fertilizer. It is not derived from pesticide, rodenticide, or nuclear power production.]
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