I believe that sacrificing and worshipping a “demon” or “dæmon” or other entity is mistakenly called Satanism, as it is more related to paganism. In the old days, when Christianity was just emerging, people worshipped the spirits of a bucket, water, sun, stone, wood, etc. That is, they were pagans.
Accordingly, they made sacrifices to these spirits, from a handful of grain to a gutted cow or a human being.
Modern Satanism, if it can be called that, is more related to people who prefer to believe in themselves and in their own strength. Not in a deity imposed for thousands of years. In case of disobedience to which you will all be punished.
But those groups of people who perform rituals and offer sacrifices are the prototype of pagans with mental disorders. Nothing more. Basically, like most Christians or Catholics, depending on their religion. They just replaced several spirits, gods or idols with one.