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  1. That’s not the point. My point is that the memories can’t leave you. Or die with you. Because if you lose the memories then you will not have them to know you existed it’s cause and effect, how can I remember something and know I’m experiencing it if I’m going to forget it therefore my memories must go on for me to know of my existence I have also rewritten my thesis for a second time. This time with the help of ai, hopefully it helps to clarify my entire argument. And your right there is no evidence but I do have evidence the fact that you know of your existence. It must mean that you will know your memory’s forever therefore not losing them when encountering death. second rewritten theory The existence of memory relies entirely on the brain as its physical substrate. When a person dies, their brain ceases to function, along with the neural processes responsible for creating, storing, and retrieving memories. Scientifically speaking, memory formation and recall are biological functions of the brain, specifically involving structures like the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. However, this presents an intriguing paradox: if all memories and the very mechanism for memory storage are lost at death, how could one ever recall or recognize their own existence? To know something, one must have access to it continually. If it is forgotten completely, it is as though it never existed in the first place. On a larger scale, death eliminates the brain and its associated memories, erasing all evidence of personal experience. Yet, here I am now, aware of my existence and my memories. If the brain is destined to perish, what then becomes of the knowledge and awareness I hold? This suggests the possibility of an alternative “vessel” for memory, one independent of the physical brain and capable of persisting beyond death. In essence, such a vessel could serve as the repository for consciousness and memory in a post-mortem state. This line of reasoning implies the potential existence of an afterlife or a non-material construct capable of housing consciousness and memory beyond the confines of the biological brain. The scientific inquiry into this concept often touches on fields like quantum mechanics, metaphysics, and neuroscience, each attempting to explore whether consciousness could transcend the physical body and persist in another form. And also the idea of memory, existence, and self-awareness is inherently personal. While we may observe others claiming awareness of their existence, there’s no way to verify if their experience aligns with ours. If someone were to forget their existence entirely, they wouldn’t even recognize that they had lost it. To you, they seem like you—living, aware, and walking the same path. But this makes their existence and memory an untrustworthy reference point for understanding your own. This brings the question into deeply personal territory. The theory of memory persistence and the possibility of an afterlife can only truly apply to oneself because the external world and the people within it might not be as they appear. For instance, if the world and everyone in it were merely a product of your imagination, there would be no way for you to distinguish them from “real” people. They could act, speak, and even believe themselves to be real, but if they were constructs of your mind, they would lack true existence. This uncertainty emphasizes the solitary nature of the question. If all existence outside of yourself is subjective or imagined, then the persistence of memory and consciousness after death would be a purely personal phenomenon. It challenges the assumption that reality, as we perceive it, exists independently of the individual observer.
  2. Well I think that the answer your looking for is People "think to themselves" to process information, make decisions, reflect on experiences, plan for the future, regulate emotions, solve problems, and generally understand their own thoughts and feelings - essentially, it's a way to engage in internal dialogue and mental exploration, often without needing to verbalize it to others. but really it’s just electric signals in the brain. You need to be an able to think to do all that’s listed above, And your brain just gives you a way to do that. Survival and all that but now that it’s less about survival. We have evolved to use those thinking processes for more intellectual reasons. We have gotten very close with that “ voice” in our head. But I also saw a video that said not everyone uses an internal monologue(voice).and that some use imagery to think. and for memory’s I found this for you Scientifically, memory is a biological process where the brain forms connections between neurons, called synapses, to store information, essentially creating neural circuits that represent experiences and allow for later retrieval of that information; in simpler terms, memories are formed by strengthening connections between brain cells through repeated exposure to stimuli, allowing us to recall past events or knowledge
  3. Yes and no. Yes this is about memories. No to everything else. I see you and others, think of this more spiritually and or emotionally. But really this a complete science based idea, ( ik I posted it on philosophy forum) and has to do more with the need for a vessel like a Brain, to hold memories. It only gets spiritual when I say how the fact that we don’t forget our memories, therefore but have a vessel past death. Thats not our brain for us to acsses these memories. If we can’t access our memories after death we can’t remember living therefore never never knowing of our existence at all. Nope not at all it’s more that fact that you have memory in the first place. Let me explain. If I die my brain dies to, along with all my knowledge and memories, because scientifically your brain is how memory is made. But if your entire life memory goes away, then how could you remember it. To know something you must always know it. If you forget it then you would forget you ever knew it. We’re still talking on a bigger scale here since your dead and your brain is to, along with all the memories you’ve ever had. Then there would in turn be no memory of ever existing. But to say all that since I am here then and remember my existence, then my brain will still obviously die. But how could I still have those memories, therefore I must have a place to house those memories a vessel if you will. One after death, hence an afterlife
  4. Yo I’m mad confused how no one understands I’m terrible at writing. How bout this yall ask questions about everything yall don’t understand and I will explain one by one maybe we can come to an understanding then
  5. Yes maybe I said that to the wrong person but, I don’t really have a way to experiment with this theory, but I’m sure there’s a way. I need people to help me figure it out, but I can’t even get people to understand what I’m saying let alone help me figure it out. Although I will say I think I have something worth research, and beyond research an idea of what life after life will have to be.
  6. Ok this is a losing battle I don’t have enough of an influence to have people at least hear me out. I’m no scientist I’ve stated that I’m not a genius or even close. But I swear on everything, that you and everyone else here, don’t even want to understand what I’m saying I ask for a chance and you tell me I’m wrong and I won’t admit to it. But I’m here to say if I was wrong I promise I would admit to it but, I feel I have stumbled onto new information that to me is actually quite easy to comprehend. My wife tells me she sorta gets what I’m saying and it makes since but sees no point in knowing the information. All I have is an idea for why there must be a life after this one and I hope eventually someone will hear me and I will be able to have them truly understand this theory. I swear that this is beyond what I want to be true, and to close to what has to be reality to be false. Till someone else understands I will be alone in this thought with the world calling me crazy but I will not give up till i find someone who can really prove me wrong or I find the real truth. But I’ve gone over this idea in my head and it’s hard to find any flaws with the theory that are solid or arnt bound to causality, and science. I may be having the Dunning Kruger affect when it comes to most things in science, while I’m no expert on any matter I am an avid consumer of knowledge, mostly, astrophysics and obviously a little philosophy, but I believe im not wrong in my thought processes of this matter. Thanks for the “kind” words, and and trying to actually understand what I’m saying but I guess I will be “wrong in my premise” until I can truly put my my theory in good writing. Thanks! Must me the dunning Kruger effect lol Be*
  7. Please talk with me I promise you still don’t understand what it is I’m saying to even say I’m wrong. Please literally on anything phone call, zoom, messenger call anything your willing to talk on. I can explain it completely better than I can on text i promise you will understand. All I ask is you help me help others understand after I get you to. Literally not one person has fully understood or even come close to proving me wrong do to not being able to actually understand so if you will please it will open your mind. Thanks
  8. You may have read them all, but I would go read them again. Most of them say time and time again, that I’m not saying that you will have never lived your experiences. just that you would not remember that you ever knew them key words “knew them”! So pretty much, if you’re dead and no longer have that thing in your head called a brain, to use the memories you have, or even remember anything, then how do you remember, let alone remember you existed. For a memory to work as a memory you must actually be able to access these memories, so with out a vessel to hold them or allow to access them then you can’t use them and if you can’t remember living then how would you know you lived at all even though you did! And for everything you said I believe it to be nonsense, because if you forget something like being a gymnast, then you can’t just do gymnastics, although yes your muscles would be worked to do so (your legs stronger and all that) and your muscles follow a path that they are used to, more than mine do. You would still know nothing of being a gymnast and prolly be trash at it because of the lack of actual skill and knowledge. But anyway please keep asking questions I will not give up on you If you're anywhere near Stonehouse (Gloucestershire), pop round and we can share a beer, and I can explain why your thesis lacks the clarity needed to explain anything worthwhile; just saying that I'm confused isn't a supportive argument No I’m in Texas sorry but I really would love to start a zoom meeting with everyone here to explain completely what im talking about
  9. Good point but your right but it was really just an example to help the reader understand, what it’s like to have a memory feel like it doesn’t exist at all. For the sake of the argument we’ll say you could remember, even when you didn’t know what it was you were remembering. But if you read the post again as I have rewritten it, then it might be a bit of a better read than the first one, and help you to understand my theory all together thanks for the feedback though I really appreciate it .
  10. I have rewritten my thesis hopefully you read it and it gives you a better understanding of what I’ve been talking about which again you are utterly confused about. I have said nothing of changing what happens tomorrow only your awareness of it all, maybe I can talk over phone with you and explain it better one on one or over a zoom meeting. but for now I will say thank you for engaging in this conversation appreciate you Yea I’m not sure where on the same page and you might be talking about something completely different there but you have opened my mind with your idea that we’re just someone else’s memory. I would love to talk over phone or on a zoom meeting perhaps, where we can understand and my clearly hear each other’s ideas out if not that completely fine just let me know Thanks so much for your kind words friend. Our experience is as alive as we are I believe, not sure what you mean by that last part can you elaborate please
  11. Hello my name is Miguel Vega I want to start this by saying if anyone knows of any literature or further evidence of this theory being asked before please let me know. It's been something I've thought of for a long time, let the record show I also don't fancy myself a Genius or anything of that nature. I've always wondered that if you were to forget something doesn't it almost seem (objectively of course to the person who's forgot) that the experience didn't happen at all? of course I know that sounds dumb but hear me out. If let's say hypothetically you were to get blackout drunk, and not remember any second of the time you had while intoxicated (which I've heard of happening many times) it's like the events of that time intoxicated didn't happen, of course respectfully only to your own memory and awareness, the experience did indeed happen. Could that mean that someone who were to one day get amnesia or say maybe Alzheimer's, having lived a life they would remember, (at least to the point of the loss of the memory’s and experiences.) would forget it all and have therefore, never known they ever had existed or at least had the experiences at all. as though to them they were never born . However I understand that many people who get Alzheimer's and an amnesia patient, don't necessarily forget everything they have ever learned, like words and certain memories, and that ofcourse we as bystanders know of them; wether it be through peers, family, history accounts, etc. that they did indeed exist. But if you forget about those outside forces, then to that person they have no memory of living a life therefore never knowing they lived at all. In the case of someone who’s memory was wiped, like someone with amnesia, It would be as though they only started living, after they lost their memory. A good example would be to remember being a baby, after being born, well can you? No neither can I, that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen of course your here arnt you? There’s pictures of you as a baby, or your parents could tell you about it, but for you it’s like that time never actually happened like it never existed. Well ok now to the main reason for this post. Let me ask the same question more existentially now. If we follow two main ideas of after life (i know there are more than two ideas but for the sake of the argument I will list only these two.) The religious approach, that there is life after death. And the scientific approach that you are no more than a biological creature, that is no more than the sum parts of its flesh and bones, and that you and everything's you are, and will be are only chemical responses to stimuli in our universe, and once that last electrical signal fires off in your brain, your gone. well if you refer to our examples from earlier , I made a point that if you don’t have the ability to remember that you lived, than it is though you never lived at all (in your own experience) at all. So in my head I would think if there’s no place, like a vessel for your thoughts and memories (like your brain is now,) to exist and, an ability to remember then you can’t have known (remembered) you even had a living experience in the first place. “you can’t truly forget something with an ability to know it” -Miguel Vega Ik this quote might be up to interpretation but what I mean by it, is that if you have the ability to remember like a brain or a vessel. Or a outside force like, a smell, sight, sound, or thought that provokes a memory. Or even someone telling you something you forgot ever actually happend, that makes you remember it did. And if you then have a vessel for the memories and experiences to exist in, for you to access them then you can’t truly forget a memory, for to truly forget something is to not even know you forgot something at all. By this I mean you can forget a memory like a set of numbers, but still know your forgot them so not truly forgetting them but this tangent is besides the point. To continue the same way, a person with Alzheimer’s only forgets their life, do to the brain essentially deteriorating and the neural pathways breaking down, the same way that if your brain completely turns off during death, and the neural pathways also deteriorate(die) then the memory’s can’t be without a vessel to be remembered therefore cease to exist correct. well I know personally I for sure, without a doubt i am conscious and know the experience I am living and by that i am living in my experience, and as I said if you are to forget it then it would feel like you never where there in the first place. therefore with everything we’ve talked about I must only assume I would not one day forget my life, or I would just be in the moment after I forgot it and if there’s no vessel I would have nothing after either, and just cease to exist for myself. Also I’ve thought that even if someone could swear to you they are like me and know truly their here you couldn’t take their word for it because they could come to one day forget their life as-well, only a vessel destined to forget their existence. So you can only trust yourself technically, prolly couldn’t even trust me although I assure you I am. Saying that, does that mean as long as you are truly conscious and here to experience your existence that you can’t come to a point of losing the vessel that does the remembering, therefore losing those memories and experiences. Or that you will make it to an after life that will make you forget it all anyway? Because if I’m correct about everything in the beginning of this theory after death there would be no vessel for you memories and experiences, a place for you to remember them. Yet like me your aware of your life. After all this, does this mean that the idea that there is something after death an, afterlife perhaps or, a place where our consciousness continues, the vessel not truly gone or a new vessel. And can there be a good reason I’m completely wrong about the subject? But on to the religious side of it does that mean there is eternal life after death and that god is real? This is also a idea science rejected, I believe in god (although I am a avid thinker and believer in science) based on things in my life not within the constraints of time (story for another time). Can this theory prove an existence of an after life and or a higher dimensional entity that created our “souls” and consciousness to outlast the universe itself. In the topic of religion, and the Bible to be exact Isaiah 65:17, which states, "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind” does this mean we will forget or just not care to remember anymore and I have a quote from a comment under this post that reads "Even people whose lives have been made various by learning sometimes find it hard to keep a fast hold on their habitual views of life, on their faith in the Invisible - nay, on the sense that their past joys and sorrows are a real experience, when they are suddenly transported to a new land, where the beings around them know nothing of their history, and share none of their ideas - where their mother earth shows another lap, and human life has other forms than those on which their souls have been nourished. Minds that have been unhinged from their old faith and love have perhaps sought this Lethean influence of exile in which the past becomes dreamy because its symbols have all vanished, and the present too is dreamy because it is linked with no memories.” ― George Eliot, Silas Marner And I feel that it adds to this scripture. Also if you think about the entire idea of god and the ability to literally create our entire universe time and all, couldn’t he just make our memories “poof” disappear while still being able to experience them. either way i thinks it’s a good theory that could use some light shed on it, maybe help understand what we as intelligent beings have in this life and therefore after the fact. All together though this must mean we have something after death or we would have no vessel for memories of life. In conclusion I know my writing is probably atrocious I’ve now fixed it to the best of my ability. but I’ve had this thought and other riveting thoughts on my mind for a long time and although I tried to explain it to anyone I know, they always seem lost, (as do I sometimes, don’t get me wrong) About the ideas and make me kinda mad and feel as though they are all to dumb, for lack of a better word, to truly at least process what I’m telling them, and think of it with an open mind, Beyond their prejudices and belief systems. This is why I bring it to all those great minds out there. I just wanna get a good response about it or maybe some literature or other studies done upon the same subject. I close with this quote because I I resonate with it so. “ I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious“ -Albert Einstein
  12. I’m not saying nor have ever said that life had no meaning y’all just refuse to understand me due to ignorance. I’m basically giving a reason why there must me an experience after the one of this life. Otherwise the existence of the experience to yourself would feel like it never happend. do to not having a vessel like your brain to remember them with, ergo no memory no idea you even had the experience, no idea you even existed in the first place. And if you don’t know you exist how do I know right now then. so yes gorege is smart, but only speaking of what one might feel, matters, or cares, about their experience, once jolted into a new one. and I’m not really interested in what happens after death, because I can’t really tell you, no one can for sure. but what I’m trying to make a point about is that science (which I believe in) has said that you just cease to exist but how can that be, based on the theory I have presented? Anyway if everyone would try to understand and ask good questions, instead of trying to discredit points that have nothing to do with my theory they could to, understand what I’m thinking of. Thanks again ask me questions not be difficult lol I’m not saying nor have ever said that life had no meaning y’all just refuse to understand me due to ignorance. I’m basically giving a reason why there must me an experience after the one of this life. Otherwise the existence of the experience to yourself would feel like it never happend. do to not having a vessel like your brain to remember them with, ergo no memory no idea you even had the experience, no idea you even existed in the first place. And if you don’t know you exist how do I know right now then. so yes gorege is smart, but only speaking of what one might feel, matters, or cares, about their experience, once jolted into a new one. and I’m not really interested in what happens after death, because I can’t really tell you, no one can for sure. but what I’m trying to make a point about is that science (which I believe in) has said that you just cease to exist but how can that be, based on the theory I have presented? Anyway if everyone would try to understand and ask good questions, instead of trying to discredit points that have nothing to do with my theory they could to, understand what I’m thinking of. Thanks again ask me questions not be difficult lol Also if you look at my other answers you’ll get a better idea of what I talk about in this one. No you’re completely fine my guy. But yes, and awareness is exactly what I’ve been talking about in this whole post. The same way you are put to sleep and have no awareness or feeling of the time that has passed is the way I say it would feel like you never existed at all. All though your brain is still working and the neurons in your brain are still taking their pathways. Therefore you still have a vessel of remembrance (a way to remember that you exist) even if in the moment you wouldn’t know you did. But if in the case of those pathways completely deteriorating (dying) then where would these memories exist and how could you access them, how could you know you had experienced them at all? You couldn’t. Told feel nothing nor know of you existence at all. Therefore since I do know of my existence in this moment and I feel I’m on the way to death and wondering about an afterlife where I wouldn’t have a vessel, then I must have one after death somewhere where I will be able to look back on this life and know I existed. So in short there is either an afterlife, or a place where our consciousness must go, to continue to house our memories and experiences to know we where even there in the first place. hope that explains it lol
  13. Yes you are correct. and for yet another time, I will say I never said you didn’t live these experiences you definitely did. let’s, say an entire life of them but what I’m saying is that if you come to forget them wether it be due to the deterioration of your brain in death or otherwise, just loss off that experience in one’s mind (vessel) then to that person as far as they know they never lived that experience even tho yes yes yes they did indeed live it sir. Let give one more example, think back to being a baby you can’t remember being a newborn neither can I, to us it feels like it never even happened although it did ofcourse. so the same way it felt like you were never a baby because you have no memory of it. if your neural pathways, the reason you have memory in the first place and the place memories are stored deteriorate then you can’t remember the experiences therefore no memory, no idea you even had them in the first place. And tbh you don’t understand answers that are given to you not the other way around, your just asking questions that don’t help you understand the entire premise itself. but nevertheless again I hope you understand and if not lmk I will explain it again lol
  14. You have no idea what im writing about as do most people who say im “wrong” because if you go and read the main post and especially the comments because I explain myself there. but you obviously you don’t even understand what you yourself are saying because if you do wake up without memory of these experiences then it will be like you never lived them there Is no information in your brain or “vessel of remembrance” that helps connect you to these items. And literally if you have no memory of buying or using these items it does indeed make it feel if you had never experienced them before literally my guy. And my entire point of this thesis (if you actually read and tried to understand it to completion) is that if you were to forget your life by death (meaning entirety of it) then would you even know you existed, would you ever have felt existence (yes I know you did exist so you would have at a point before your memory went away.) but if you can’t remember it then you would feel as though it never happed like a big long sleep that you were actually awake for and fully conscious for but never knew happend because all memories of it would be gone so does that mean since I obviously am experiencing life and am actively creating memories that I for sure know I won’t forget ( you have to take my word for this because like I said earlier that it would be normal, and you would feel like you had a normal life that you are experiencing but would one day forget it, in turn making it feel like it never did happen to you. and people outside of you own experience wouldn’t be able to know if you were truly gonna remember it all) that I would never forget and have a vessel to remember with like you brain does with neural pathways. after your brain is gone my question was actually, does this prove a after life or will your “self” (the consciousness) have someplace to go where you can further be a vessel for your memories and experiences. So not really a pointless conversation is it it makes you think how can we remember if the thing that makes memories will disintegrate one day? If you still don’t understand please let me know I would love to further this conversation thanks
  15. Well I’m not sure exactly what your point is, here but if I’m reading this correctly. Then yes you do think while you sleep dreams or even knowing your sleeping. but if you look, i say that death is the complete deterioration of the brain therefore the complete breakdown of our neural pathways ergo memory’s gone. some what like having Alzheimer’s and your brain deteriorating making you lose memories. but if you come to lose a memory it would seem as tho u never even lived that memory in the first place ,like when you don’t know you did something till you are reminded by someone saying “I remember when you did this” and it reminds you of something that you didn’t even remember existed. like if they might not have reminded you of it you never would have remembered, and it would seem like to you that it never happend. but if I haven’t fully adessed you concerns with my theory then feel free to let me know I will do my best to clear up any confusion thanks
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