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Everything posted by m_m

  1. And when I am under anesthesia, I don't remember myself, but a doctor DOES. So, I am his(her) memory. When I am awake, I'm still in a doctor's memory. That's why I think that we are memories for each other. And it's up to us what memories we leave to our neighbors.
  2. I can't answer for Migveg19, but for my understanding, this topic is about memory. I think he says that, if there is no brain, i.e. body, memory IS there. Memory DOESN'T disappear. I believe he is talking about our soul. And I think that we have the brightest memories when our memory is mostly connected with our body. When you do something, and you are aware of doing it. Total presence and attention.
  3. I like this idea that we are the same person. But we have our own thoughts and our own responsibility in front of our conscience.
  4. You won't prove anything to anyone on this forum. If you have understood something about memory, then this understanding is for you and your personal growth.
  5. We can exchange ideas over email if it is all right for you. I share your idea about after life, because I myself have been thinking about memory for some time. I mean it's important to remember our loved ones who have passed, because they live in afterlife until we remember them. I heard this thought and shared it. And there is a movie, "Wings of fame", which expands this idea. I would give a lot to not forget whether I locked the door or turned off the iron. Where is my body's memory, when I forget doing this?
  6. I'm not sure they can This coin has two sides: sometimes I wake up because of noise, and sometimes I don't hear anything.
  7. My mistake, I was to say that I am not aware of myself, when I sleep. Well. If people were aware of themselves, when they sleep, they wouldn't snore, for example. I want to explain my understanding of the term "self awareness". For me it is connected with responsibility for one's actions. I don't want to say control, but exactly responsibility.
  8. Yes, when I don't sleep, I'm not aware of myself. Yes, I agree with you, the experience is different. But sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night, there's a feeling that it's almost dawn and time to wake up. What I am talking about is the feeling of presence here. Anyway, I don't remember myself when I'm not present with my mind. But other people do remember. So, I think we are memories. But when I am present, and feel this awareness, I have responsibility. And, I think, it's important to leave good memories. Thank you, my friend. I totally agree with your point of view. I think our experience is alive, until other people remember us.
  9. Ok, thank you. Sorry, if my comment seemed rude. My point is that when one sleeps, or under anesthesia, there's no self awareness. * If we assume, that self awareness is "I", there's no "I" when I sleep. This "I" exists only in memories of other people. So, I think that we are memories of each other.
  10. To the OP. I think you have gone too far. What about deep sleep? In both cases "cogito, ergo sum" doesn't apply. Do I think when I sleep? -No. Am I when I sleep?
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