As we make product that are Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled there are no method to mark its AI competency levels. Though we find some co-relation in the competency levels of human and machines there are no method available to be judged. This Post tries to explain the competency levels of human’s and describes ways to measure competency and a table for the AI competency levels that can be applied to systems in general.
Competency Levels:
The higher levels are a superset of the lower levels.
[AI version : Competency Description]
AI1.1 : Able to get knowledge from its own repository
AI1.1.1 : Process knowledge.
AI1.1.2 : Apply the knowledge to find solutions
AI1.2 : Gather knowledge from external sources
AI1.2.1 : Process knowledge, processing knowledge from external source requires a different kind of competency than AI1.1.1
AI1.2.2 : Apply the knowledge to find solutions from knowledge gathered from external sources; matured human
AI2.1 : Understanding patterns
AI2.2 : Making conclusion out of patterns
AI2.3 : Experiment with conclusions
AI3.1 : Generalize patterns, finding solutions without feeding
AI4.1 : Super set of generalization, finding solutions by combining different patterns. This is the level of scientists or inventors.
In my assessment at this time all AI machines are at level AI1.2. And current developments are to make the machine achieve AI2.2. Beyond that if a system reaches AI3.1 then they have reached a point where they can take decisions like we do.
Generally speaking, say for a machine with AI1.2.2 , we also can have three variants to depict the time factor. AI1.2.2.1, AI1.2.2.2, AI1.2.2.3 to specify performance, whether the machine takes Longer, Medium or Faster time.
AI3.1 is the normal nature for human. But for machines AI3.1 is at the level they start thinking like humans.
This level AI3.1 is where chatGPT competency is at present. The advantage for machines here is extensive information database available vs memory constraint's of human.
AI4.1 for humans its an ultimate competency level. But for machines AI4.1 is at the level they can over power human.