The FLRW metric describes a homogeneous, isotropic universe, which assumes uniform expansion. My model, however, introduces localized variations in expansion rates driven by density differences. This means my approach modifies the standard FLRW metric by incorporating density gradients and time dilation into the equations for expansion.
In regions of higher density, the effects of gravity and time dilation slow the local expansion, creating deviations from a purely isotropic metric. This refinement offers a way to account for observed anomalies, such as those related to galaxy cluster behavior and discrepancies in Hubble constant measurements."
The expansion of spacetime is a geometric phenomenon, not a motion of objects through a fixed space. This concept is directly connected to General Relativity, which describes gravity and the universe's structure in terms of spacetime curvature. The key is that spacetime itself stretches, increasing the distance between stationary objects without them 'traveling' through space.
Relativity comes into play because the stretching of spacetime affects the passage of time and the energy of photons (redshift). In my model, the density of matter and energy modifies spacetime curvature, which in turn affects local and global expansion rates. This ties expansion and relativity into a dynamic relationship, emphasizing how spacetime is shaped by density variations
Yes, the passage of time is influenced by both spacetime expansion and relative velocity, but in distinct ways:
1. Expansion's Effect on Time:
In regions of expanding spacetime, time dilation occurs due to the stretching of spacetime itself. Observers in different parts of the universe experience time differently depending on their local expansion rate, which is influenced by density.
2. Relative Velocity's Effect on Time:
According to Special Relativity, time slows for objects moving at high velocities relative to an observer. This effect is independent of spacetime expansion but can combine with it in complex ways.
In my model, these two effects are intertwined. Density-driven expansion modifies the local passage of time, while relative velocity through curved spacetime introduces additional relativistic time dilation. By considering both, we can account for observed variations in redshift and galaxy motion