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About Illumina

  • Birthday October 7

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  1. although i have no idea what this potential stellar engine might look like, i do have a reason to believe we can harness energy from black holes (and subsequently use said energy) using stellar engines. ways of gathering energy from black holes include hawking radiation and accretion disks. i call this potential megastructure a nihility propulsor. thoughts? could this work in theory?
  2. adding onto this, the slides have additional info (including characteristics of neomatter and an example of a neoparticle)
  3. of course. to keep things short--essentially, im proposing a hypothesis (or more so, idea) for a new form of matter; neomatter. whereas a material like antimatter has the opposite electric charge from normal matter, yet its mass remains unaffected, neomatter has not only an opposite charge, but an opposite mass as well. i understand this trails more into the realm of science fiction than our current real world understanding of physics, but i thought it was interesting apologies for misunderstanding the rules, by the way
  4. some genos will be favored, and individuals possessing the favorable genotypes will continue to reproduce. environmental factors such as water and ultraviolet radiation from the sun can affect genotypes as well
  5. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xcxcW8S_WGCDx2VQMX2ZOXuiL6Dct9kx8eBokOCM890/edit?usp=sharing would the concept of neomatter be scientifically feasible? i constructed this a little over a week ago for shits and gigs because i was bored, but i want your guys' opinions on it
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