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Everything posted by YeBlessChildren

  1. methodology being ironic, or if not meaning...what?
  2. not going to discuss that here, but it's somewhat transparent if you thought conceptually about the framework of what I said...and sometimes the people with 3% of the information get it 99% right and vice versa.
  3. it is quite obviously often easy to predict what will not happen, as opposed to precisely what will.
  4. sorry phrased wrong. I wrote it too quickly and now it won't let me edit.
  5. your question is too stupid for this website. "nootropics" is an umbrella term, and there may be hundreds of them. Without qualifying which substance is in question, or what it is being taken "for", your question is quite obviously unanswerable.
  6. too many variables to figure out. depends on those, epigentic factors and genetic factors as well. too complicated. they will never solve schizophrenia, or much more (as currently understood) alzheimers unless they utilize a combination of many different drugs catered to the individual (meaning different formulas for everyone), or use a completely different strategy for early detection, or a different approach altogether to the diseases. will never happen, and there's not enough time left anyway.
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