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Everything posted by ubersoldat

  1. LOL. I will never quit any job just to search for some truth. I just do it on my spare time. But I will soon research some more info on Neurology and the brain.
  2. Your right. But remember, if machines can detect whats going on in the brain, then machines later down the road might be able to have a capability to enter the brain and control certain functions. Maybe to make one smarter or to make a person more aware of there surroundings, or even to increase from 30 fps to 100 or 200 fps. I can say that EVERYTHING is possible. Its just a matter of time.
  3. Ahh. I see. I have no links with me right now. But I would be glad to talk about it. When I say Moder Day Electronics I really mean gadgets or Neuropsycology. Like if me and a team of doctors took surgeory upon a specimen which may not be illegal, and then have a neural chip place in the right part of the brain. The chip is the bridge from a cord which connects to it to the brain. The chip then translates it to brainwaves and communicates with the brain. The experimets are going on right now but is kept under wraps.
  4. You talking about Zen or that Modern Day electronic thingy.
  5. I'm a student at a high school which is gratefull to learn science and its steady journey of complications and discoveries. My theory here is about boredom and its intake of how it slows down time. I know that scientists today is still on a league to unlock the amazing secrets of the human organ called the brain we all have (I Hope). On my site I have I wrote a theory about how we can grasp time and slow it down. Please consider to read it. Its not too long, but it may be usefull: http://ubersoldat4.tripod.com/Btexp.html Here is another question someone could answer. If this has been discovered. What part of the brain detemines the speed in which time flows? This must be apart of the brain. How else can time speed up or slow down independently from everyone. On the site I will be updating on other discoverments I have made.
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